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Gypsy Jokers clubhouse declared 'restricted premises' after court hears alpaca allegations


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NSW Police have won a battle in the Supreme Court to have restrictions placed on a Gypsy Joker bikie clubhouse, where club members allegedly had sexual intercourse with an alpaca.





The clubhouse, in the western Sydney suburb of Horsley Park, was at the centre of a court case in August after police said it was home to "indecent conduct and entertainment of a demoralising character", was used to unlawfully sell or supply alcohol, and has been attended by "reputed criminals" who are likely to attend again.


Acting Sergeant Nathan Trueman from Strike Force Raptor applied to have the "fortified" property declared a restricted premises, which means police can enter without a warrant to carry out searches for drugs, alcohol and weapons, and can seize anything which could be used to store, supply or consume liquor.


In an affidavit, he said "reputed criminals" and their associates continue to attend the premises, despite "a number of police operations".


Acting Sergeant Trueman told a court hearing that police raided the clubhouse several times, including in June 2014 after they received a tip "that the Gypsy Jokers had stolen an alpaca and were having sexual intercourse with it".


An alpaca named Cleo was seized, but a barrister for the Gypsy Jokers denied that "anything indecent" happened in relation to the animal.


In a January 2018 raid police seized 247 cases of alcohol and 146 bottles of spirits from the clubhouse, estimated to be worth $21,000.


On Friday afternoon, Justice Julia Lonergan declared the clubhouse - which is registered to the "Horsley Park Social Club" - a restricted premises because reputed criminals have attended there or are likely to attend in the future.


As part of their application, police nominated three men as reputed criminals under the definition of the Restricted Premises Act, legislation from the 1940s which has been used frequently by police in recent years to target bikies.


During cross-examination, Acting Sergeant Trueman gave evidence that he had not personally seen one of the men, Chad Hogg, at the clubhouse but had seen his motorbike parked there.


In September, a month after the Supreme Court hearing, Mr Hogg was arrested and charged after he allegedly kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and took her to the clubhouse, where he allegedly bashed her, tied her to a pole and shaved her head in a two-day ordeal.


Tactical police surrounded the premises for several hours on September 18 before the heavily-tattooed Mr Hogg walked out and was arrested.


Mr Hogg has been charged with breaching an AVO, kidnapping, stalk/intimidate, and assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and will next appear in court in January.


Police are considering applying for costs in the Supreme Court case.



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