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Fall of the Republic : The Presidency of Barack H. Obama


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Fall of the Republic : The Presidency of Barrack H. Obama is the second hard hitting documentary by Alex Jones that exposes the real power elite of the world that shatters the "Left Right" paradigm and that tyranny is bipartisan and that both Democrats and Republicans are both working together for the same purpose to carry out the creation of a dictatorial world government. In the face of merging into the New World Order, countries all over the world will loose their sovereignty and be forced to obey laws and rules of tyranny and power and control that will strip away any remaining freedoms that we as humanity still posses.

Fall of the Republic is not a conspiracy theory as the information in the film is backed up by facts and evidence that are irrefutable. Over the past century, hundreds of governments have fallen into tyranny, the United States that was once great has now become the worlds vehicle to carry out and endorse a dictatorial world government that will crush and kill any and all who appose the plans of the world elite.

Simple research reveals that this is not a conspiracy theory but cold hard evidence. Watch Fall of the Republic on October 21st 2009 and learn the truth that is real that all men and woman in the world need to know!



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haha...Ambrocious is back with *News*.. :lol:

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haha...Ambrocious is back with *News*.. :lol:

I thought I'd please you all and put it in the tavern section where you can all laugh at it in the improper place. Since most of you don't have half a functioning brain and you don't see that this is real and not fake, I'll play by your rules of the game and post any such things in the tavern because heaven forbid I upset a few people with actual foreknowledge, oh dearest me that's illegal...or is it considered racist?

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  • Administrator

I would rather like to see it in Jokes & Funny Stuff. :lol:

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obama is no laughing matter. he is the greatest threat to the internet and our freedoms period. and foro you haters out there Alex Jones didnt like bush either.

Ambrocious. looking at the link one is able to view the show online for free. but if you was to download it somewhere and upload it to file host sites you could therefor put it in the "Direct Video Downloads Library " or if you found the nzb for it in newsgroups you could post that link in the newsgroup area.

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haha...Ambrocious is back with *News*.. :lol:

I thought I'd please you all and put it in the tavern section where you can all laugh at it in the improper place. Since most of you don't have half a functioning brain and you don't see that this is real and not fake, I'll play by your rules of the game and post any such things in the tavern because heaven forbid I upset a few people with actual foreknowledge, oh dearest me that's illegal...or is it considered racist?

Well you sound like the guy on FOX news now talking about Mao and Mother Theresa..and the AIRHEAD on the podium..you know the COMMIE..

So.. I really forbid myself.. and others agree with that I shouldn't post here..


Do you really think that falling back on childish insults would the proper way to do anything.. seems a bit narcissistic to claim to bring truth and enlightenment... to people, yet turn around.. and state something like the above.. To express how you feel.. I mean does this all wind up being about how we feel or is it just facts? Proven to some degree.. are they simple mistakes and oversights.. or is it that in truth we are just slipping out of one prison and into another over and over again.. from one savior to the next regardless of what scripture you want to post right here..I mean wasn't it Christians who started the Holy Wars and slaughtered millions of people in the past.. Introduced scalping to the American Indians.. murdered, raped and pillaged the land from underneath them..the one on which your standing right now..

Who in the hell wants a Republic anyway.. I DAMN sure don't want to live in the Republican Regime of the United States of America.. I just want the Democratic.. system of checks and balances.. as per outlined .. in our history past.. USA.. eight years of tyranny from G.Bush.. and all concerned financially and there is going to be a ton of work and changes...

You know some days when I wake up.. with all that has been lost through all of the idealistic wars.. fighting for power from one side or the other.. while what we re gets thrown by the way side.. Some days I wish Korean would nuke this !@#$%^& !@#$%^&* into oblivion to end my torture and agony.. ever last single one.. every building.. everything.. I think if people are going to act like a bunch of caffeine ridden blue haired old ladies at a flea market over something that is black and white.. I don't think they deserve it.. They damn sure shouldn't have it given to them so they can destroy it...

Its America.. why in the !@#$ should anyone question it.. if you don't like what you see here.. get the !@#$ out..Go some where that suits your needs..

If its real and there is a problem.. it will be addressed .. I can never remember a time when it wasn't..

You want to think about a conspiracy? Think about this.. for eight years the Republican administration made decisions that ruined, and set the stage for a revolution of the democratic based government in place which is first and foremost ..which held them back from certain changes that they would have made.. Its like 'OMG.. guys we still have money left.. spend it all before I get ousted.. at the end of my term.. ' Its like .. lets do everything we can to destroy peoples existence and planted the seeds that need to be in place to overthrow this system.. and then we will come in as the second most powerful and pick up the pieces restore hope and become the namesake and new system in place..He is like the Satan in your Bible running out of time..We killed people, took over a country.. destroyed out economy and impacted it globally by feeding money into a war machine and ignored everything else...I would say ten years to clean up the mess and undo what took place.. both for our country and others effected..

None of this will ever happen if nobody is willing to allow the change and if we do not start really considering the facts.. this isn't CNN.. and I don't mean this isn't news.. I mean its not a professional tabloid.. Its like the rating dropped the companies need money these days.. o they go this route...senselessly..

I can't stand to feel that its misplaced anger and almost formed to be so..

If you notice, I never once insulted your intelligence...

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haha...Ambrocious is back with *News*.. :lol:

I thought I'd please you all and put it in the tavern section where you can all laugh at it in the improper place. Since most of you don't have half a functioning brain and you don't see that this is real and not fake, I'll play by your rules of the game and post any such things in the tavern because heaven forbid I upset a few people with actual foreknowledge, oh dearest me that's illegal...or is it considered racist?

Well you sound like the guy on FOX news now talking about Mao and Mother Theresa..and the AIRHEAD on the podium..you know the COMMIE..

So.. I really forbid myself.. and others agree with that I shouldn't post here..


Do you really think that falling back on childish insults would the proper way to do anything.. seems a bit narcissistic to claim to bring truth and enlightenment... to people, yet turn around.. and state something like the above.. To express how you feel.. I mean does this all wind up being about how we feel or is it just facts? Proven to some degree.. are they simple mistakes and oversights.. or is it that in truth we are just slipping out of one prison and into another over and over again.. from one savior to the next regardless of what scripture you want to post right here..I mean wasn't it Christians who started the Holy Wars and slaughtered millions of people in the past.. Introduced scalping to the American Indians.. murdered, raped and pillaged the land from underneath them..the one on which your standing right now..

Who in the hell wants a Republic anyway.. I DAMN sure don't want to live in the Republican Regime of the United States of America.. I just want the Democratic.. system of checks and balances.. as per outlined .. in our history past.. USA.. eight years of tyranny from G.Bush.. and all concerned financially and there is going to be a ton of work and changes...

You know some days when I wake up.. with all that has been lost through all of the idealistic wars.. fighting for power from one side or the other.. while what we re gets thrown by the way side.. Some days I wish Korean would nuke this !@#$%^& !@#$%^&* into oblivion to end my torture and agony.. ever last single one.. every building.. everything.. I think if people are going to act like a bunch of caffeine ridden blue haired old ladies at a flea market over something that is black and white.. I don't think they deserve it.. They damn sure shouldn't have it given to them so they can destroy it...

Its America.. why in the !@#$ should anyone question it.. if you don't like what you see here.. get the !@#$ out..Go some where that suits your needs..

If its real and there is a problem.. it will be addressed .. I can never remember a time when it wasn't..

You want to think about a conspiracy? Think about this.. for eight years the Republican administration made decisions that ruined, and set the stage for a revolution of the democratic based government in place which is first and foremost ..which held them back from certain changes that they would have made.. Its like 'OMG.. guys we still have money left.. spend it all before I get ousted.. at the end of my term.. ' Its like .. lets do everything we can to destroy peoples existence and planted the seeds that need to be in place to overthrow this system.. and then we will come in as the second most powerful and pick up the pieces restore hope and become the namesake and new system in place..He is like the Satan in your Bible running out of time..We killed people, took over a country.. destroyed out economy and impacted it globally by feeding money into a war machine and ignored everything else...I would say ten years to clean up the mess and undo what took place.. both for our country and others effected..

None of this will ever happen if nobody is willing to allow the change and if we do not start really considering the facts.. this isn't CNN.. and I don't mean this isn't news.. I mean its not a professional tabloid.. Its like the rating dropped the companies need money these days.. o they go this route...senselessly..

I can't stand to feel that its misplaced anger and almost formed to be so..

If you notice, I never once insulted your intelligence...

OK, I agree with you on this battlefield of information. George W. Bush really f***** up a lot of things and then we get Obama who at first promised the moon to everyone while everyone is saying, "He's new, let him at least try for Pete's sake," all the while he is still carrying out the agenda of George W. Bush but with different words that surround an empty shell. The agenda is to bankrupt everyone and everything first so this way, there won't be any strength for a revolution or revolt. After about two years of hungry and homeless American's, the solution of a world government will sound like cake and it will be done. The world government that we need is NOT the world government that we are going to get mainly because the laws and rules that will be made and enforced will not allow you to do anything that you want. World government sounds great and all if the world elite had nothing to do with it, and I am not talking about world leaders either, they are just like puppets.

By the time all this stuff happens, this post will mean less than a crumb of bread. We will not be able to obtain information such as this because everything will be controlled. Everything will become Orwellian. Read the book "1984" to get an idea of how SciFi ideas are seemingly coming into reality.

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the usa is a republic. not anything else. and no we are not a democracy. and we sure as hell are not going to be socialist. long live the democratic republican party founded under jefferson and madison.

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You know according to this countries history we are democratic.. and in this democratic government.. provisions are mode for the people.. in this effect... when a difference in opinions arose between two politicians.. early on.. the republican party was born. At the same time two political symbols of the Donkey and the elephant came into existence.. I believe from one or two heated debate/battles of those two...

The way I see it the Republican Party would have no seat IF in fact the underlying democracy did not exist..

Technicality on the matter.. The moment that people no longer have the ability to effect their representatives views, and decision, along with vote within the senate and congress and in that process.. THEN and only then is Democracy dead..This is how we operate as a government and this in effect is fundamentally a DEMOCRACY.. This is also the reason that ideals and views play such a HUGE role in the government and the defining decisions...The Republican Party and what they are empowered to do by this system is QUITE restrained from a full blown REPUBLIC.. The underlying operational value of said government and absence of ANY empowerment by the people.. n any form is one of those points to be considered before you call my country a Republic..You can see several of these elements played into view in front of the American People as well.. that would be why for the Republican party to be completely empowered to do as defined as Republican government.. they would have to destroy the quality and government infrastructure in place now..

I used to wonder the same thing from the seal on the White House Floor.. and the 'Pledge of Allegiance'.. so I looked up and through the elements of both government infrastructures.. and not the ones describing the system in American today..but true definitions of the types of government..You begin to realize what is what and why certain laws/constitutional provisions effect various aspects of them...it also does not provide for strength in a few areas o this aspects as well...

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Uhhh ohhh it is ambrocious crazy time again. :lol: Damn my not even half functioning brain and inability to see the earth as 6000 years old and jesus coming in his spaceship in 2012 to save us from the evil obama, secret evil muslim alien from space, here to stop you from loving jesus and force you to get a tan and stop being white. The horror, he's gonna.....


sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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This is my thought and I'm sticking to it: Bush set the bar so very low that Obama will shine through like the second coming of you know who. Doesn't matter what Obama does, the fact remains that you won't see results for a few years due to the immense damages done by that dunce Bush. His stupid revenge war on Iraq bankrupted the US economy but nobody impeached him, instead they were hurry to impeach Clinton for having a little vegas fun in the Whitehouse. I guess a harmless presidential affair hurt the American people much more than thousands getting laid off and being poor now. For the record, I'd pick Monica over Hillary too, just proves that Bill had excellent decision making skills. Imagine getting impeached for making logically sound decisions... sucks for him.

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Uhhh ohhh it is ambrocious crazy time again. :lol: Damn my not even half functioning brain and inability to see the earth as 6000 years old and jesus coming in his spaceship in 2012 to save us from the evil obama, secret evil muslim alien from space, here to stop you from loving jesus and force you to get a tan and stop being white. The horror, he's gonna.....


sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

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without getting this out of control. first i believe clinton should never been sued while in office. but his dumb went under oath and prejury himself. that and that alone was why he was impeached. but the left wing dmeocrats in the senate ignore the laaw and did not vote to kick the dumb jackazz out of office. if they had gore would been president during 2001 9/11. no president is above the law. this is why obama who has yet to prove he can be legally president will be one term, removed by mrs clinton or impeached. in the 2008 elecitno clinton should had won. thanks to obama there will never be a black president ever again. period. he has no leadership skills. period.

and we are still a republic. not a freaken democracy.

but like firewall questions this subject will get out of control

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Rather you are Republican or Democrat is stated by the majority seat count.. and representation.. FACT. You miss the whole point of what I am saying anyway...So count the seats and recant...and even at that they chose a Democratic President..and what we know of what we are does not come from what is stamped on currency.. or a feeling of majority rule but facts..if it is a Republic.. and a Republic Regime is what voting Americans want .. and to destroy.. the Democracy which has been dragged through the mud for over 10 years..Then I might as well leave this country..Because it is into any longer any hope of it ever being what we claim to be and in this deception it will fall..Especially if people keep doing things to represent it as such...for instance die hard baptist and republicans..But this hybrid republican state.. is not truly a republic.. Like I said before you need to get clean and clear definitions...Our president is a Democrat...any in-balance of the system of checks and balances which consists of three areas is unlawful, and if such a situation exists.. it is a violation of Federal Statutes..

Republic - Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic

Democracy - Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy


To clarify this .. without question.. if by in fact a Republic form of government..( not a 'Representative Democracy' which is a term coined and only used in the US.. ) I am referring to the six different types of actual Republican forms of government shown in the right column..under 'Republic' .. named as Crowned Republic, Capitalist Republic, Parliamentary Republic.. in which different factors prevail as the only considerable notes..to final decisions...and also in which a balance of power does not exist.. rendering the states powerless...this means civil rights under the Constitution.. and liberties guaranteed to us as citizens.. are no longer in consideration.. where in fact a group of individuals govern the USA, well much like the previous eight years where.. regardless of what people wanted.. and regardless of what we knew was wrong.. the decisions were made... and we simply had to deal with it... ( either that or the ignorance of said people with 0 forethought to these actions... )

Kind of the same effect of true Direct Democracy where no one takes active participation, in the voting process, and their voice is never heard...leaving these decisions to a small group of individuals who only do one thing.. or have one objective..( which should in fact be kept in check by a balance of power by the three systems in place ) to protect minorities rights.. in this system; as per a Constitution..


.. You also incur that being black has something to do with .. his leadership.. or is it that the perception of racist profiling.. stereotypes, by individuals born and raised in areas far from social development. Which in turn allow them to discriminate against anyone who doesn't look like them or share their beer... from something that is an injustice and prejudice ringing in from Abraham Lincoln's presidency to present day... an attitude an view twisted in from days when all you did was kick around your slave because they would never work off their passage to this 'NEW WORLD' .. and they would be enslaved until death.. where they are beaten and killed because what .. you want to create a Tyranny of third world country rule on your own soul? Or was it because they wanted THAT much to have a chance from repression, hate, for their children..to free from the deception, and murderous process in which they have been victim of since who knows when....ALL because of Christianity.. and the campaigns, and habitual wars...which have been waged on countless countries to take over and 'de-heathenize' the natives?

Personally I feel that Obama has taken more action in short time as President.. on a positive note.. 'TRYING TO DO something'...is more than I can say about the previous 8 years... of backsliding and economic back-stabbing... which facilitated nothing ( except downfall and structured failure ) and spun our country into a regression, instead of progression..

One thing I really don't agree with is throwing money at the problem.. I mean the economic system itself is defunct.. a new monetary system should have been the answer.. but in that..you have to realize the implications of leaving it on a global level, and the impact it would have.. and you can't truthfully expect any one man to create and initiate such a thing..especially right out of the box..A lot of people expect immediate results.. Like everything else.. immediate Internet, Fast Food.. instant gratification... ( I mean its like we are all turned into crack-whores, but maybe its the urgency of need ).. the problem is that all of this is going to take time to repair.. You can be an excellent leader, you can look good in a suit.. you can have excellent presence on TV.. a perfect voice and angels voice.. but you still are not all powerful ( that would be a dictatorship ).. You cannot control a global economy.. you cannot control people.. about like you cannot control the weather.. You have to work and work hard.. to wait and see the efforts of everyone.. working for the same goal to come together on the matter..One man cannot pull the weight of a trillion people.. by signing a piece of paper.. or getting on TV and making a speech.. appealing for support, objectivity and focus.. Its the people themselves and what they are ready to work for.. The problem is.. metaphorically.. its the end of the day...we are already worn out by doing what we can.. and just as we finish and see the light of a better day tomorrow, residual effect is upon us...and we must rebuild everything we were working so hard to patch and keep working.. this time we have to build it again from the ground up..We are demoralized at this endless cycle we have experienced... and we aren't looking up anymore to see a brighter future.. we are looking up in anger at the boiling sun..and how we feel about it is just driving it even deeper..

Its like kicking your parents in the teeth when they were actually ABLE to get you A CAR.. not the car that you WANTED instead...we have to make due with what we can do at this point in time..There is a lot wrong.. a lot of things have been neglected in this country..we can't do them all at once...NOBODY even your balding white southern racist.. non-civil rights based republican will be able to move that mountain.. I don't care what religious organization is in their pocket.. Not event the Roman Catholic Church...( they own Italy by the way )..

I always will feel that people don't take logistics int account.. they really don't understand how massive an undertaking.. these areas of concern are.. nor how to positively effect them..

Sorry but I wouldn't waste a $2.50 .45 cal bullet on Gore's ass every time he got close to the White House...he's not worth it.. ( might be fun though..) nor Palin..if I was here I would have done the M.I.L.F. porn offer and donated the money or got out while I could... ( 3 Mill ... )

Myself I haven't experienced any huge effects of the Administration as of yet.. BUT I can see what is going on.. I can finally see change instead of 'Violent blows to our existence'.. I have more hope now than I have had in 6 years...

I do agree with the thing about Clinton.. I missed him as a President.. I miss the times we were living in then.. we had education programs, environmentally geared programs and steps in the general direction which were positives for a world tomorrow..instead of 'There's no hope..burn it down..' you can cut yourself short.. and everyone else by take the wrong feeling to the table.. and dropping the ball as a citizen.. You may be only 'one person'.. but the whole picture here is a whole lot of 'one persons'....It can fail n that point alone..

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haha...Ambrocious is back with *News*.. :lol:

I thought I'd please you all and put it in the tavern section where you can all laugh at it in the improper place. Since most of you don't have half a functioning brain and you don't see that this is real and not fake, I'll play by your rules of the game and post any such things in the tavern because heaven forbid I upset a few people with actual foreknowledge, oh dearest me that's illegal...or is it considered racist?

u actually in reality make me laugh :lmao: ...thanks for cheering me up :rofl:

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Rather you are Republican or Democrat is stated by the majority seat count.. and representation.. FACT. You miss the whole point of what I am saying anyway...So count the seats and recant...and even at that they chose a Democratic President..and what we know of what we are does not come from what is stamped on currency.. or a feeling of majority rule but facts..if it is a Republic.. and a Republic Regime is what voting Americans want .. and to destroy.. the Democracy which has been dragged through the mud for over 10 years..Then I might as well leave this country..Because it is into any longer any hope of it ever being what we claim to be and in this deception it will fall..Especially if people keep doing things to represent it as such...for instance die hard baptist and republicans..But this hybrid republican state.. is not truly a republic.. Like I said before you need to get clean and clear definitions...Our president is a Democrat...any in-balance of the system of checks and balances which consists of three areas is unlawful, and if such a situation exists.. it is a violation of Federal Statutes..

Republic - Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic

Democracy - Government: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democracy


To clarify this .. without question.. if by in fact a Republic form of government..( not a 'Representative Democracy' which is a term coined and only used in the US.. ) I am referring to the six different types of actual Republican forms of government shown in the right column..under 'Republic' .. named as Crowned Republic, Capitalist Republic, Parliamentary Republic.. in which different factors prevail as the only considerable notes..to final decisions...and also in which a balance of power does not exist.. rendering the states powerless...this means civil rights under the Constitution.. and liberties guaranteed to us as citizens.. are no longer in consideration.. where in fact a group of individuals govern the USA, well much like the previous eight years where.. regardless of what people wanted.. and regardless of what we knew was wrong.. the decisions were made... and we simply had to deal with it... ( either that or the ignorance of said people with 0 forethought to these actions... )

Kind of the same effect of true Direct Democracy where no one takes active participation, in the voting process, and their voice is never heard...leaving these decisions to a small group of individuals who only do one thing.. or have one objective..( which should in fact be kept in check by a balance of power by the three systems in place ) to protect minorities rights.. in this system; as per a Constitution..


.. You also incur that being black has something to do with .. his leadership.. or is it that the perception of racist profiling.. stereotypes, by individuals born and raised in areas far from social development. Which in turn allow them to discriminate against anyone who doesn't look like them or share their beer... from something that is an injustice and prejudice ringing in from Abraham Lincoln's presidency to present day... an attitude an view twisted in from days when all you did was kick around your slave because they would never work off their passage to this 'NEW WORLD' .. and they would be enslaved until death.. where they are beaten and killed because what .. you want to create a Tyranny of third world country rule on your own soul? Or was it because they wanted THAT much to have a chance from repression, hate, for their children..to free from the deception, and murderous process in which they have been victim of since who knows when....ALL because of Christianity.. and the campaigns, and habitual wars...which have been waged on countless countries to take over and 'de-heathenize' the natives?

Personally I feel that Obama has taken more action in short time as President.. on a positive note.. 'TRYING TO DO something'...is more than I can say about the previous 8 years... of backsliding and economic back-stabbing... which facilitated nothing ( except downfall and structured failure ) and spun our country into a regression, instead of progression..

One thing I really don't agree with is throwing money at the problem.. I mean the economic system itself is defunct.. a new monetary system should have been the answer.. but in that..you have to realize the implications of leaving it on a global level, and the impact it would have.. and you can't truthfully expect any one man to create and initiate such a thing..especially right out of the box..A lot of people expect immediate results.. Like everything else.. immediate Internet, Fast Food.. instant gratification... ( I mean its like we are all turned into crack-whores, but maybe its the urgency of need ).. the problem is that all of this is going to take time to repair.. You can be an excellent leader, you can look good in a suit.. you can have excellent presence on TV.. a perfect voice and angels voice.. but you still are not all powerful ( that would be a dictatorship ).. You cannot control a global economy.. you cannot control people.. about like you cannot control the weather.. You have to work and work hard.. to wait and see the efforts of everyone.. working for the same goal to come together on the matter..One man cannot pull the weight of a trillion people.. by signing a piece of paper.. or getting on TV and making a speech.. appealing for support, objectivity and focus.. Its the people themselves and what they are ready to work for.. The problem is.. metaphorically.. its the end of the day...we are already worn out by doing what we can.. and just as we finish and see the light of a better day tomorrow, residual effect is upon us...and we must rebuild everything we were working so hard to patch and keep working.. this time we have to build it again from the ground up..We are demoralized at this endless cycle we have experienced... and we aren't looking up anymore to see a brighter future.. we are looking up in anger at the boiling sun..and how we feel about it is just driving it even deeper..

Its like kicking your parents in the teeth when they were actually ABLE to get you A CAR.. not the car that you WANTED instead...we have to make due with what we can do at this point in time..There is a lot wrong.. a lot of things have been neglected in this country..we can't do them all at once...NOBODY even your balding white southern racist.. non-civil rights based republican will be able to move that mountain.. I don't care what religious organization is in their pocket.. Not event the Roman Catholic Church...( they own Italy by the way )..

I always will feel that people don't take logistics int account.. they really don't understand how massive an undertaking.. these areas of concern are.. nor how to positively effect them..

Sorry but I wouldn't waste a $2.50 .45 cal bullet on Gore's ass every time he got close to the White House...he's not worth it.. ( might be fun though..) nor Palin..if I was here I would have done the M.I.L.F. porn offer and donated the money or got out while I could... ( 3 Mill ... )

Myself I haven't experienced any huge effects of the Administration as of yet.. BUT I can see what is going on.. I can finally see change instead of 'Violent blows to our existence'.. I have more hope now than I have had in 6 years...

I do agree with the thing about Clinton.. I missed him as a President.. I miss the times we were living in then.. we had education programs, environmentally geared programs and steps in the general direction which were positives for a world tomorrow..instead of 'There's no hope..burn it down..' you can cut yourself short.. and everyone else by take the wrong feeling to the table.. and dropping the ball as a citizen.. You may be only 'one person'.. but the whole picture here is a whole lot of 'one persons'....It can fail n that point alone..

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look all if you dont like a subject then dont reply to it. when you reply to it you are just bumping it up to the top. that in turn causes increase in the number of views. just rememeber that no matter what you think or believe about a person dont take that to the next subject story. follow that and you will have less conflict and hate. this subject should never had more then 2-3 replies. you all need to get along so you can enjoy the internet while we still have it.

oh ambrocious you dont need to quote the other guy's whole message. it disracts yours

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  • 2 weeks later...

So now you're comparing yourself with Obama... talking about exaggeration! The only thing you 2 have in common is that you talk a lot... the difference is one of you actually talks clearly, sensibly and not in a wannabe gangsta slang y0. And one of you people actually like generally. Which one? Think y0self bro, peace hom1€ KABOOM

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