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uTorrent disconnects me from internet


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I have this long on-going problem with uTorrent, which really is very annoying. If I download something, then my connection gets interrupted/disconnected about every 5 minutes, for 20-30 seconds. It's really annoying when your torrent is downloading at a very good speed and after every 5 mins it has to start collecting speed again. It also interrupts my normal surfing during downloading.

I have zero clue what could be causing it. This problem has persisted for months...

(PS I'm running currently 2.0 Beta 16835)

(PS2 I have configured my uT according to the guide found here)

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What Windows do you have? If it's XP, then it could be problem with half-limit connections. I would also suggest that you don't use beta version, use latest stable version.

Cheers ;)

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During the writing of this message my connection got interrupted again, so I had to start all over... anyways..

I had the same problem in XP (modded with EviDPatch) and now in Win7 (which shouldn't have the half open limit). I changed the limit in uT from 50 down to 4 now though. Disabled NAT-PMP... changed maximum global connections from 1000 down to 200 and some other minor changes. It disconnects at a lesser frequency now, but it still does it. I believe I had the same problem with stable also.

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Which AV/firewall do you use?

Router firewall + Kaspersky. It can't be the fault of Kaspersky because in XP I had ESS and it didn't cause the problem.

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Have a look at your router's firewall logs?

I suppose you did open your port and everything?

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not related, but...

2.0 Beta 16835 have problems crashing with a lot of users, you should go back to version 2.0 beta 16666

download 2.0 build 16666


utorrent problem topic

* COMMON PROCEDURES (reiterated just to be sure)

* Restart µTorrent, your computer, modem, and/or router after performing any of the suggestions below

* Try using Switeck's conservative settings

* Try lowering net.max_halfopen to 4 or lower (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

* Try lowering bt.connect_speed to 10 or lower (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

* Try disabling IP resolving in the Peers tab's context menu

* Try disabling DHT (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent)

* Try disabling UPnP and NAT-PMP (Can be found in Preferences > Connection)

* Try disabling peer.resolve_country if it isn't already set to false (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

* Try lowering maximum global number of connections to 200? 100? 50? Lower? (Can be found in Preferences > Bandwidth)

* Try disabling uTP? (Set Preferences > Advanced > bt.transp_disposition to 5)

another topic say...

some solutions

Okay i FIXED IT.. KIND OF.. I downloaded Bitcomet BECAUSE I needed my torrent client and my torrents. And when I opened it it told me something about my HALF OPEN being too low. It was like an automatic alert from the BITCOMET client. It said it would fix it automatically. SO CLICKED OKAY. After that UTORRENT WORKED!!!! No more disconnecting from the internet. UTORRENT IS BETTER, but Bitcomet fixed the settings. Don't know how but it did.

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Had the same problem. It was due to my old Router. Bought a new one and everything is OK now..

Btw. Dunno if it's of any help but update your network card drivers..

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I returned to stable (1.8.4) and it's still same old s* ...

@Haantjuh - due to an old router? I'm not gonna buy a new router just for uT. I'll try reverting back to default settings and see if it helps.

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Yea I didn't want to do that. But after a while my problems became worse. When I was surfing, I just got disconnected. (without any active downloads :P )

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By enabling UPnP and NAT-PMP port mapping, it seems that the problem has relieved... I may be mistaken though. Global max. number of connections 200, max. peers 60... max. half-open 2

EDIT: I also disabled DHT Network... this seemed to affect the most. I will be slowly upping other settings, leaving DHT disabled... then I can confirm if it's working.

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check your router if it was restarting.if this was the case,try updating it's firmware.this did help me before.

I'm not sure how to check it, but I'm reading the log atm... and I find nothing in particular there.. except for it has many "Per-source UDP Flood Attack Detect" messages.. is it of any significance? I haven't found any "router restarted" or anything like that.

PS I once tried to update the firmware which I got from the official site, but it said that it was invalid.

PS2 Disabling DHT really seems to have solved the issue. But it's a bit bad because as far as I know, DHT gives you more seeds and speed.

PS3 I was shouting too soon... I got disconnected again with DHT disabled. I will try upgrading firmware again.

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Packet Flood Detection should be turned off.. My 2Wire will do the exact same thing just browser when I 'improve' the number of connections, and with using cFos..It is the only thing I have had to disable on my hardware firewall.. I have some more settings too.. but this one in particular I remember..Back with more..

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Okay now I tried to update the firmware, and it screwed up my router... I made a thread if anybody could help (the uTorrent problem seems small now, lol) - Link

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You can check your portforwarding status here:

http://www.utorrent.com/testport?port=[insert port no.]

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It seem your router firewall is causing the problem, need to allow UDP and TCP in your router firewall to allow Utorrent for a particular port.

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It seem your router firewall is causing the problem, need to allow UDP and TCP in your router firewall to allow Utorrent for a particular port.

I allowed both on the port uTorrent uses

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  • Administrator

First let me tell you that I don't think that DHT has to do anythin here.

Keepin the max half open in utorrent to 80 would be nice.

I'm postin an a link to guide for torrents made by torrentfreak. Read and follow it properly.

Now as I noted before you have to config portforwardin if you want to download torrents. They don't work properly without config it.

Download Torrents Faster - A Beginners Guide

Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode: /?yj2htmmwjyt

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  • Administrator

His router is not workin now. See another thread for specifications.

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