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I have been facin this problem from 4-5 days now. Everytime I click a link, the status bar shows half loaded then it just stops there. The page doesn't open. If it does I have to wait for 20sec or more. I have to click refresh or same link 5-10 times to make a single page load properly. It stops loadin when status bar shows waiting for ajax.googleapis.com or transferring data from ajax.googleapis.com or sometimes same thing but nsaneforums in status bar instead of ajax.googleapis.com.

Atlast pages do load after some problems.

When I click post reply, it does post my comments but same problems occur the page doesn't load after postin reply.

I have Firefox. I also have adblock plus but it is not blocking anything.

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Your adblock plus is the cause of this issue. It is blocking things.

If you disable it all will be well.

*.googleapis.com should be allowed via Adblock.

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Actually its sounds like a server side issue from google.apis..url..

It can be specific to the server query from your location.. My AdBlock Plus never blocks anything like that with like 5 lists and when it does block things its doesn't wait for a response from the server it skips it.. Why AdBlock Plus can actually speed the loading of pages when it stops waiting for third party queries/servers.. I haven't had much of an issue with it but during times of heavy general traffic.. say around 5PM here ( -6 ) and a few other time it does and can randomly take p to 20 seconds for a page to load on occasions..It would had to have been added manually to your list.

This may sound like an odd solution but having ONLY the most recent version of Java may help. I had to completely uninstall Java and erase/delete all other versions of the Java from my system, remove old versions of the plugins from my browser and system files.. make sure there were no remnants of it anywhere under 'Sun' or 'Java' .. ( this includes the plugin included with the Firefox installation npjp2.. I think..).. Cleaned the registry and removed installers if any were left..THEN I re-installed the most recent version..which greatly improved the reactions of my browser.. On not just this site/forum but others.. also helped other areas of my system..After that I did the same research and digging into all plugins..including Adobe installation files.. much better now.. Be worth a shot..

But yeah it would be odd that even blocking the api's would cause such and issue IMO..

EDIT: I also want to add that using a custom setting with Fasterfox ( which there is a new version of now ) can also make too many requests for the file, to the server, which may limit such an action and you may get the same effect..So if your using custom settings it may be best to go with 'Turbo Charged' or one of the lesser, and see if it straightens out the problem, as well..

EDIT2: Along with this issue you may create a problem on your end as well...For instance if you have not applied a Half-open limit fix, ( using 10 connections on your system versus 100 ) some settings can be more than your system can even handle.. Point being you can create a 'bottleneck' with your connection.. This can be worked out by working backward through your system, and finalizing the numbers in your programs such as uTorrent, and with each of your browsers. This effect can easily be seen when you start adjusting these figures.. So testing the Fasterfox extension on this level can help you realize if it is something you may need to address which may lead to a more stable connection for everything all the way around.. even if you don't notice current issues with other programs.. you may still be able to improve what you already have...

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First I added @@|*.googleapis.com to my adblock plus with no effect.

Then I disabled it, no effect.

@Heath: I don't know how I can edit my max halfopen for FF. I know about torrent but no idea for browser.

I'm still facin the problem. I just tried another link on the forums, this time it took 2mins for a page to load. Status bar says, transferring data from nsaneforums.com and nothin happens.

I'm havin similar problem even for google. But now I have disabled adblock and seems the problem is still there.

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Well there is a half-open limit fix...this is for your computer.. not just your browser..http://half-open.com/.. works well for.. well just read the page especially concerning OS.. not sure what you have off-hand.. 100 is good to start with..

Do you have Fasterfox installed? Have you made any changes in your FF extensions recently..uninstalls so on? ( This one will be fun.. will be cleaning a .js file manually on this one and cleaning your profile extensions folder ) Get me a list of your extensions with FEBE ( I know you have it )...

Check your fragmentation level too.. fragment a file for FF can have an effect too..Get back to me with all that ..

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Well I tried Chrome for the forums. It was workin great for sometime, but after usein it for 5 mins same problem occurred.

Back to FF.

Now I can see dashboard on the top when the problem occurs. But not the forums, I mean from the first post on the page.

Heath I fixed my half open to 100. Now I'll restart to see the effect.

The problem just comes and goes.

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The half-open thing has nothing do with connections to webpages.

Java and Javascript are different things additionally.

Which firewall are you using DKT? Have you modified your HOSTS file in any way?

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My theory would be that he really isn't having an issue connecting to but actually using his connection/and/or that he is overloading his number of connections to either the server or his system.. therefore creating the delayed loading/acquiring of the resources..a bottle neck.. or overload of a server can create this issue as I have experienced in the past..

He is actually still able to connect but its getting delayed.. probably causing the browser to use a lot of resources to try to connect..But anyway thats what I mean by going through it this way.

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@Lite: I'm usin Comodo firewall. I disabled the firewall for sometime but the problem is still there.

I don't see any big cahnges in my Host file. All I can see the my hist file is filled with adobe.com. I have no idea haw adobe.com came there, as I didn't remember my Host file havin so many adobe.com. It must be for CS4.

Doin the half-open fix has no proper effect here.

Now the problem occurs, most of the times, right at the end of loadin the page, I can see my dashboard or whatever you may call it, the thing that sign in as, setting, etc. But it takes a hell of a time to load the posts on the thread.

OK. The middle of the loadin problem is still there, took 5-10 refreshes to load this page.

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Try using a proxy and see if the problem persists. How about other forums/ sites, do you have problems loading them too?

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The problem seems to be somehow solved for the time. Usin a proxy or not. Tested 8 tabs together. Works properly at the movement.

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Could it be an ISP problem? Due do your low-speed I-connection? But why the hell would FF block it? And after some time just let it work properly..

Could you check ur add-ons, maybe you got some blockers that you didn't know that you installed it. Just to make sure tho :P

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Nah. I have a 512kb connection. My ISP is lame as far as any illegal sites are concerned. It's Govt. ISP. I pay heavily. Well it can be the case as somehow I feel that the proxy trick is makin the pages load more faster.

And there are some *cough* *cough* addons that I cannot post it here and are not related (No adult addons so far.).

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OpenDNS. :D

It was more a concern as nsaneforums is the only sitte on which I am, well I was havin the problem. Yea google was havin similar problem but not as troublesome as this one.

But yes somehow it's workin great here. Usin proxy. Today I haven't tested without usin proxy.

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Well earlier I had about a ten second wait on nsaneforums.. then after leaving the browser open and about 4 or 5 hours.. It took me 25 seconds to load the forum front page..I was kind of looking at cache timeouts/expiration, ( where the browser checks the age/time of the file, compares, then replaces or issues a request to the server )..This can also be set in the server; so changing my expiration time in the browser may not have an effect..... I sometimes get the same thing out of a few of my sites..ranging from Java to PHP..USUALLY not HTML based resources .. but still happens sometimes..

But anyway yeah just so you know you are not alone .. same here..

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And see the post no. 6. :lol: . Just jokin.

Well believe me or not I have not faced a single problem openin any pages today. I've been usin a single proxy whole day, and it has drastically improved my speed on openin the pages, they open in 2 seconds or so. I was not expecting it to be so fast considering the type of proxy I'm usin. :secret:

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Well after my last comment I faced the same slow down. But then I saw I had disabled the proxy. :eekout:

I don't understand this. How proxy doesn't have any problem openin the page but I have without usin it. As I said before my ISP will never try to block anythin. Plus I recently did a genuine scan to my PC to rule out a malware problem.

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I experienced slower loading of first page in everything except SRWare Iron ... I signed in to my OpenDNS dashboard and purged my DNS cache and it seems a little better all around.. I am using SmartCache Beta, Phishing, Malware/Botnet Protection, OpenDNS proxy, Block Internal IP Addresses ( DNS Rebinding attacks ), nothing in my custom block list..and I just changed my password...about it..

I tried Tor in the past and it seemed to be really slow..and a lot of hassle..

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Well that's a lot of protection. I cannot use OpenDNS's dashboard as it asks for a IP Address and my IP changes everytime(dynamic). Any idea how can I use it?

And yea TOR is very slow, I had used it for a while but stopped because of it's slowness.

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Yeah thats why I didn't even consider it.. ( Tor ) OpenDNS's Dashboard is easily used with Dynamic Static addresses.. this is done by downloading the small program they offer.. You create a network in your Dashboard Settings.. download and install the client.. and set it to make updates with your account info, and it does it for you.. Then you set the settings for that network.. and save.. That easy..

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