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NewsAs we have promised. Now the the forum performance is faster then you've ever used here before. In the past few months I have made many changes/fixes to the forum and the server behind the scenes until we got this result today. I have been working on improving server/forum security and stability. 


We will never have anymore downtime for any reasons such as bandwidth limits (Now we have more than enough to use all time) or any other reasons we had last few years unless it is an scheduled maintenance, update, and fixing some bugs. 


In conclusion, we are one community. We have never been self-sustaining, and we members/staff will carry on working one hand together to make this place perfectly running. Also I would like to thank all the members/staff who have made donation in order nsane continue to live on. Finally, more improvements will be in the way, yet we will not stop here. Members/Staff are always welcome to give new ideas and suggestions in order we all have the best results of us. 



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After a couple of rounds of up and own, better performance and stability now achieved.
Thanks for all the hard work expended.
Great job, people !

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54 minutes ago, EnglishLionheart said:

Many thanks and much obliged for all your hard work!

Hey I second that Nsane forums is now world class and only getting better we are so fortunate to have great people here working for nothing but an ambition to make this the go to for all your Pc/Mobile/Updates/Software/News and on and on the list of benefits Nsane offers both members and non members is unparraelled in the tech community keep up the great work :clap:

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Thank you it has become very fast, congratulations for what you do for Nsane to be operational




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Hope you agree that the performance will be measure with the time passing....🧐

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maybe if people optimization gifs or
Converting your animated GIF to a HTML5 video

can make pages load faster

i tested with


his size is much biger then need be

10.29 MB

edit one is much less 5 MB



or 817kb

maybe i am wrong   i not mean to pick fl0ppyd1scours3 was just test its all no problems ok my friend :)

always welcome to give new ideas and suggestions in order we all have the best results of us. 

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Ha ha ha, I tried to post the comment below but I had forgotten to sign in so I received the message "your comment will need to be approved by a moderator",,,,,,and at the top of the page it gave the offline message and the cloud backup front page!!!🤣

Well done Matt and all his little minions!! lol. Life wouldn't be the same without a daily dose of nsanity...thanks for all your efforts, much appreciated!!😀😀😀

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9 hours ago, knowledge said:

maybe if people optimization gifs or
Converting your animated GIF to a HTML5 video



can make pages load faster

i tested with


his size is much biger then need be

10.29 MB

edit one is much less 5 MB



or 817kb

maybe i am wrong   i not mean to pick fl0ppyd1scours3 was just test its all no problems ok my friend :)

always welcome to give new ideas and suggestions in order we all have the best results of us. 





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1 minute ago, Kalju said:




ok i will but u understand i am right it slow down pages  so if do as i said it can help  

if u look his was fzmfsJI.gif

10.29 MB

edit one is much less 5 MB


or https://imgur.com/L4YfzuI 817kb

so in end it save his data and time and save the people from wait for page to show all

sure its a little thing but all helps  maybe i am wrong to comment if so flag and remove its ok

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  • Administrator

I can't but agree with @knowledge about those big size signature that takes too much time to load it.


Screenshot pagespeed testing.png


The server loads now is perfect, and page speed was 3.7 FCP/ DCL. Now as you see it's much better, but the rest is on us the members of nsane if we want the forums faster than this. The %62/%50 red lines because of the members signature and profile photos that have been uploaded on the server or linked to different host.  


@knowledge method is very helpful that converting the animated GIF to a HTML5 video, so I suggest form him to open an new topic that teaches and shows the members how to converting the animated GIF to a HTML5 video in order we make the forums much faster than this.


Moreover, because it's unfair for the members who have bad connections (Guests they are not allowed to see signatures), we all should have been doing this for this community. If @knowledge agrees on opening that topic I will pin it, and we the staff/members if we see anyone who has a big size signature that slows down the forums speed we will referee him/her to this topic where he can use this method in order we get the best result of speeding.

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