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APK & Kodi & Andriod Boxes


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We need a main area like software updates for APK's & Kodi & Andriod Boxes. 


Must have for andriod boxes  - apktime

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They use to have stuff for Kodi on here,  but  it became a problem, any english forums  that had kodi addons and devs  on them in the  past got cease and desist orders some even got took to court , so most of that stuff is  on YouTube and blogs now . Search engines and  testing a lot  are your friend when it comes to kodi . They have some members who post  apks in mobile section that work on TV boxes.  Android is Android.


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theres already sites for that stuff...none of them are called nsane...it would just bring the hammer down super quick..those media companies do not muck around


do that shit somewhere else

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When i 1st started out doing warez I did not know what forums was I used Imesh lite and Kazza lite , chat rooms and search engines to find stuff . 2001-2006 It was not tell like 2006 i found my 1st warez forum that was right around the time Google search became a thing and ended up passing Yahoo as the most used search engine  I ended up with over a 1000 post on the fist forum i join the 2nd site i joined in 2007 witch no longer exist I ended up with over 10,000 post there that's back when i uploaded and only posted software news , warez and freeware/ Open source  from there one of the staff here told me about this site and i join here.. Nsanedown was pretty famous back then, the founder of this site, nsane  made a trial rest crack for Nod32  v2 I  join here to learn about cracking NOD32,  even that i used Kaspersky  back then  i tested everything and posted fixes  and releases and helped others activate anything i posted .  The history this site has with  NOD32 kind of explains why Eset has blocked them for life ..  :naughty:  I never needed no one to find anything for me.. I always find it myself . I never make request. I'm a finder of things  .:lol:

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I'ts that time of year again  blamo just  deleted his repo  from github,  so that means 2 very used  addons have went off the grid unless someone mirrors them.

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