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DFX messing up windows media player sound


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hey techies ,

i just downloaded the DFX audio enhancer and used the key gen .

everything went ok.

then i started a song to play in WMP and , yes the sound is improved but ......

the song stucks for around a milli second in between its playback and it happens many times during the play back .

it sounds like a break in the rhythm , like what u would hear when listening from a scratched disc !

small breaks ,like clicks n ticks .

it is very annoying , just spoils the whole song :angry:

and once you turn off the audio enhancer plugin ,

the song plays perfectly !!!!

i am usin the WMP in vista .

any help ?

thanks ..

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When I used it @ W7.. And used the gaming settings.. Well, it suxed hard. Footsteps weren't normal anymore. etc.

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if ur using a codec pack with WMP,like K-lite.Uninstall K-lite,then,install it using one of the options provided like lots of things,but dont check boxes that are not checked urself,like voice normalization.

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