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uTorrent 3.5.4 Build 44520


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uTorrent is an efficient and feature rich BitTorrent client for Windows sporting a very small footprint. It was designed to use as little cpu, memory and space as possible while offering all the functionality expected from advanced clients. With uTorrent, you can download files faster and contribute by sharing files and bandwidth. Additionally, uTorrent supports the Protocol Encryption joint specification (compatible with Azureus and above, BitComet 0.63 and above) and peer exchange.

Thanks to ADN for the update.


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3.5.4_44520 magnet link:


or simply use the 40 digit HASH on it's own:


File size: 1.89 MB (1,987,256 bytes) / Digitally Signed: BitTorrent Inc. 14 August 2018 03:12:31

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μTorrent  Ads Free 3.5.4 Build 44520 Repack & Portable (4 MB)


Repack Features:

- All ads modules removed from (utorrent.exe)

- Upgrade to pro banner removed

-  BitTorrent now removed

- Updates disabled

- No settings.dat with ads blocked needed

- All languages

- Portable included




Site: https://mega.nz
Sharecode[?]: /#!0IUnQAob!kS9miCvBG8M--5S3AtlnYhb4WJaUwHbvmAWMjPiLiM0



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Features of the assembly:
Ads disabled
The DHT patch is applied (downloading torrents marked as private, without the participation of a tracker)
Glyfz 2016 skin is applied and minor changes are made to the interface
The database of the mapping of ip-addresses and flags of countries in the Feast tab


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/8827132/uTorrent.v3.5.4.44520.zip.html

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1 hour ago, spudboy said:

Once again I'll just toss the idea out there for people to just stop using uTorrent garbage & switch to qBittorrent.


And what are all the reasons why you think it's "garbage"...? I'd imagine it's gonna be quite some list if it's "garbage" as you claim...

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1 hour ago, ajdibi said:

The official download link is still giving me - is 44520 beta?


No, it's stable. uTorrent pushes out new builds gradually on their official links.

Some may be lucky first time. Others may have to try downloading multiple/many times.


Below, 2 versions are offered on the same link.

2.83 MB is build 44498.

2.82 MB is the latest "bulkier" installer for build 44520. It contains the actual binary (which is 1.89 MB and the only file you need) and the rest is junk.



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2 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:


And what are all the reasons why you think it's "garbage"...? I'd imagine it's gonna be quite some list if it's "garbage" as you claim...


Seriously? I don't know right now if you're kidding or are seriously THAT ignorant. Let's see, just for starters adware in the installer, a bitcoin miner at one point, the advertising, content offers, bloat bloat and more bloat, well documented bugs that have exsited for months & years without being fixed, several versions throughout it's history banned by many private trackers for one reason or another, user tracking...

I did say I'd toss the IDEA out there. But when there's a superior client that doesn't need tweaks and fixes & hacks to get rid of the garbage...well. Yeah. I don't need to say anything more. Use whatever you wish.

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Portable μTorrentPRO ( & PRO Pack ) Multilingual Online

By PortableAppZ


Download Portable μTorrent Online (0.9 MB) _  AV : False Positive

Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode: /files/7535101/uTorrent_Portable_3.x.x.x_Multilingual_Online.exe.html


Language build if needed: 43085


To use Player or VirusGuard you need μTorrentPRO Pack (14 MB)

Site: https://www.upload.ee

Sharecode: /files/7980969/uTorrent_Portable_Pro_Pack.exe.html


No virus definition: run update


Extract and run uTorrentPortable.
Settings of installed uTorrent should be preserved.

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uTorrent Multi Edition (55.89 MB) 
Repack Features:
- Include AdFree
- Include Pro
- Include uTorrent 2.2.1
- Original untouched utorrent.exe files
- Configured settings.dat (removed ads)
- Adjusted user friendly compact main menu by priority
- Exit without taskbar
- Fully uninstall without risk of launched program
- Auto detection for leftovers during install
- Interact with user to save torrent tasks
- Updated Flags (5 August 2018)
- Many public trackers announce list
- Search engine list of famous trackers
- Optional Skin
- User Manual for uTorrent 
Sharecode: /files/8828728/uTorrent_3.5.4.44520.exe.html



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Downloaded the newest directly from them.. its a self-extracting 7-zip archive.. extracted using 7-zip and renamed carrier.exe to utorrent and replaced the utorrent file.

check out the file GenericSetup.exe.config and read all the crap it adds. As for the file named installer.exe which has ADAWARE under company name.

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µTorrent Pack 1.8.5 / 2.0.4 / 2.2.1 / (Repack & Portable) ELCHUPACABRA

Features of repack μTorrent Pack:
1. Selection when installing the software version: / / /
2. Combined in one distribution, installation or unpacking of the portable (from the developer) version
3. Classic patch DHT ["Enable DHT" / "Peer Exchange" / "Local Peer Discovery"] (file sharing without the participation of the tracker)
4. The interface language is Russian (an alternative translation from Kuzmich for 1.x and 2.x) and English
(for 3.x versions + Ukrainian and Belarusian)
5. Blocked creation of folders apps, share and freeplayer (for versions 2.21 and 3.x)
6. For installation, the lower priority of access to main memory
(portable version is added with PagePriority1.reg)
7. For installation, an additional shortcut was added to Start to run the second copy of the client when the client is already running
(uTorrentMultiple.bat for portable)
8. Optional option to add uTorrent to Windows Firewall exceptions
9. Option to install the Glyfz 2016 skin (for all versions and its mods with a dark background for 2.2.1 and 3.x)
and icon-mode (for 1.x and 2.x)
10. Optional option to set the IP address database and flags to determine the country of the feast
11. Optional option to install a selection of additional icons for the tray, the main window and supported
types of files (the instruction on replacement of icons in a folder of icons of the installed program + a shortcut in Start on a folder
with icons for installation)
12. Optional option to install IP address filter of Russian state bodies + possibility of picking up and
auto copy to the folder with the program user ipfilter.dat
13. Choosing a tray icon (4 options)
14. Added vbs-script for setting own sound of download completion (for versions and 3.x) *
15. Optional option (option during installation) to save existing uTorrent settings, change settings
basic from repack, pickup and auto copying to the folder with the program of custom settings.dat

Version 3.x is additionally patched by analogy with the A1eksandr1 mod:
- All adware, sections with advertising modules, info window about the version of Plus / Pro, etc. are disabled.
- Disconnected loading of Recomended, apps (packages, applications, recommended content)
- Patched the license for the version Plus, all banner advertising is disabled
- The device list is not populated when adding a torrent (ManHunter PCL)
- Reduced the minimum allowed update period for RSS feeds (rss.update_interval) from 5 minutes to 1
- Removed links to sites of social networks Facebook and Twitter
- Changed the background color for the active line of the torrent list using the method weqyz

Updated ipfilter.dat (full version + Russian government agencies)

Full utorrent.lng (50+ languages) to the current 3.x version


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode: /files/8831361/utorrent_pack_1.2.3.2.zip.html

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12 hours ago, spudboy said:

Once again I'll just toss the idea out there for people to just stop using uTorrent garbage & switch to qBittorrent. ;)

Everybody will use the soft they like more. I know qBittorrent is a good alternative but for now in my case utorrent + removing internal ads is OK.

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6 hours ago, andy2004 said:

Downloaded the newest directly from them.. its a self-extracting 7-zip archive.. extracted using 7-zip and renamed carrier.exe to utorrent and replaced the utorrent file.

check out the file GenericSetup.exe.config and read all the crap it adds. As for the file named installer.exe which has ADAWARE under company name.

Which link provided you with the newest version?


EDIT: Confirmed. The official download link [in the OP] is the newest version.

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12 hours ago, andy2004 said:

Downloaded the newest directly from them.. its a self-extracting 7-zip archive.. extracted using 7-zip and renamed carrier.exe to utorrent and replaced the utorrent file.

check out the file GenericSetup.exe.config and read all the crap it adds. As for the file named installer.exe which has ADAWARE under company name.


that's because there's some adaware crap (web companion or sumthn' lke that) bundled with the installer

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Btw, I tried qbittorrent and I have to say I am VERY DISAPPOINTED. For starters, the installer is 20MB (versus 2MB of utorrent). And that's FOR EACH VERSION, 20 MB x86, 20 MB x64. Second, it doesn't work as expected, it does NOT CATCH magnet links.

Pretty much useless.

edit: I managed to fix the manget association. I'll give it a second chance...

Also, qbittorrent uses A LOT OF MEMORY! about ~125MB, utorrent uses about 20~30 MB!

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I too find the qbittorrent  esperience dissapointing .. Lots of features in utorrent 2.x not even found on it



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3 hours ago, jvidal said:

Btw, I tried qbittorrent and I have to say I am VERY DISAPPOINTED. For starters, the installer is 20MB (versus 2MB of utorrent). And that's FOR EACH VERSION, 20 MB x86, 20 MB x64. Second, it doesn't work as expected, it does NOT CATCH magnet links.

Pretty much useless.

edit: I managed to fix the manget association. I'll give it a second chance...

Also, qbittorrent uses A LOT OF MEMORY! about ~125MB, utorrent uses about 20~30 MB!


Installer contain big file qbittorrent.pdb for debugging, which means that executable is compiled with debug option enabled and that is just one reason of bigger file

qBittorent installer contain languages, for uTorrent you must download additional language pack

also qBittorent use 3rd party libraries: qt5 or qt4, libtorrent, zlib, boost, openssl

then, alone qBittorrent.exe is not compressed like utorrent.exe with UPX

uTorrent use embedded "spyware/adware" component that consume addtional memory ('non-fixed' version)



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4 hours ago, jvidal said:

the installer is 20MB (versus 2MB of utorrent). And that's FOR EACH VERSION, 20 MB x86, 20 MB x64.

Also, qbittorrent uses A LOT OF MEMORY! about ~125MB, utorrent uses about 20~30 MB!



3 hours ago, teodz1984 said:

I too find the qbittorrent  esperience dissapointing .. Lots of features in utorrent 2.x not even found on it


Apart from the excellent information xanax posted above that very accurately outlines the reasoning for the executeable and memory differences:

1) Why would a person need to install both the x86 and x64 versions on the same machine?
2) If a person chooses to install both versions for some reason, what size of drive is a person using so as to have 40MB be a big deal?
3) Same as #2 but for memory. If 125MB is a lot, does the person only have 500MB ram in their machine? Not to mention the comparison numbers were inaccurate.
4) What are those lots of missing features from uTorrent 2.x?

Imo, the criticisms of qBittorrent are largly irrelivant in comparison to my criticisms of uTorrent.

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7 hours ago, teodz1984 said:

No granular control of bandwidth per file.. No scheduler.. No web admin


Not sure what "granular control" means, but you can certainly adjust both up & down badwidth per torrent.
There is a scheduler, although it is more limited than the one in uTorrent & a more full featured one is in the works.
Again, uncertain of your terminology as far as web "admin" goes, but there is absolutely a WebUI option.

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