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Why Men Have Better Friends Than Women


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Why Men Have Better Friends Than Women

Friendship Between Women:

A woman didn't come home one night.

The next day she told her husband that

she had slept over at a friend's house.

The man called his wife's 10 best friends.

None of them knew about it.

Friendship Between Men:

A man didn't come home one night.

The next day he told his wife that

he had slept over at a friend's house.

The woman called her husband's

10 best friends. Eight of them confirmed that he had slept over and two claimed

that he was still there.


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Precursor: This post is meant to be VERY light-hearted, and should not be misinterpreted as serious male-bashing. It's Saturday, and I'm in party mode; not feminist mode. I am NOT a feminist. I love men.

LOL, cute... I get hit on by men twice a day on average; either at work or in public. I still wear my wedding rings from my previous marriage, in the hopes of discouraging the majority from approaching me. Although I think the strategy works quite well for me, it doesn't stop getting hit on, completely. I can only imagine what would happen if I stopped wearing them. I thought about insinuating I was a lesbian, and although I'm sure it would work, just the very thought of me having sex with another woman grosses me out. (Yeah, I know; another thing that turns you men on...)

That's exactly the mentality we women expect from you men. Heaven forbid any of you have a conscience and hold honesty as a primary core value... it's all about getting laid with you fellas, and everything else simply is dismissed. Also, if a man cheats on his wife with another woman, he is heralded as a hero by his buddies, but if a woman does it, she is labeled a two-bit whore for the rest of her life. That is just sooooo wrong on so many levels... <_<

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Precursor: This post is meant to be VERY light-hearted, and should not be misinterpreted as serious male-bashing. It's Saturday, and I'm in party mode; not feminist mode. I am NOT a feminist. I love men.

LOL, cute... I get hit on by men twice a day on average; either at work or in public. I still wear my wedding rings from my previous marriage, in the hopes of discouraging the majority from approaching me. Although I think the strategy works quite well for me, it doesn't stop getting hit on, completely. I can only imagine what would happen if I stopped wearing them. I thought about insinuating I was a lesbian, and although I'm sure it would work, just the very thought of me having sex with another woman grosses me out. (Yeah, I know; another thing that turns you men on...)

That's exactly the mentality we women expect from you men. Heaven forbid any of you have a conscience and hold honesty as a primary core value... it's all about getting laid with you fellas, and everything else simply is dismissed. Also, if a man cheats on his wife with another woman, he is heralded as a hero by his buddies, but if a woman does it, she is labeled a two-bit whore for the rest of her life. That is just sooooo wrong on so many levels... <_<

You are quite correct, society has always been harsh with this double standard, coming from way back in history, even in Greek mythological times. The one thing you have to think about though is who are the people that label the women for the rest of their lives? Men might do it, in front of their wives or some other more classed up girl they are trying to get with but... among their guy friends they talk the same talk with a twist. Most men (not all but most) have no problem with what a woman did in her past, only about what she will do if she were in his future.

The point I'm getting at is women are much more judgmental of other women, especially ones who are not within their circle. Look at the difference in this other situation that is quite similar. Normally if a woman is going to meet her girlfriends, even for an extremely casual event, they have to put lots of work into looking good via makeup, hair, shoes, handbag, etc. and all that might just be for a trip to the grocery store. This is something embedded into 99% of women these days, they always think they need to do those things. Contrary to that, and I'm speak for myself here, if my guy friends call me to go somewhere casual, I will be ready in 2 mins just by putting on a pair of sandals maybe, I have no problem being out in plain white T's and jeans. Sometimes I even wear sneakers to formal events, mainly because running shoes are better for your back and feet, not ghetto sneakers though, normal good looking ones. The difference here is that men don't really judge other men as harshly as women judge other women.

People always say that men are more primal than women and it's true but women are still more competitive against their own gender. Speaking for myself here, I certainly have a conscience and will try to avoid wrong things at all costs but the honesty part is a grey area. I would never lie about something if asked directly but sometimes I leave out some details of the truth just for the sake of avoiding a pointless argument. From the male perspective, some things are better left unsaid to avoid a pointless argument that leads to your female companion being mad for a few days then saying she wasn't mad because of what happened but because we "lied". Then next time around we might decide to take the offer and tell the extended truth with all details and then she gets mad again but this time it's the one where she claims she isn't at all angry even though the coldness and anger is so evident; 2 days later she will say she was angry but for some other pointless reason. See so we really lie out of love, and the fact that we learned that we get screwed even when we do tell the truth hence some things are better left unsaid.

The other thing is the competitiveness between same gender may be biological and evolutionary since women outnumber men by so much. I think it was on discovery channel I saw this thing where some woman, can't remember who, was saying that the primal instinct of a woman is to find one man to do everything with whereas man seeks to find every woman to do one thing with. This is who we are genetically, yet it is no excuse because our brains are higher than animals therefore we should let common sense prevail even as we seek mates.

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Wow, Leet! And I thought my post was deep! LOL I appreciate the lengthy reply,

Last thought: Maybe if men were more verbally appreciative of their women, then perhaps we women wouldn't feel hell-bent on competing with other girls. It's our insecurity that subconsciously forces us to BE the prettiest, BE the sexiest, BE ... whatever. Since the men never tell us, at least we can hear it from each other.

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Wow, Leet! And I thought my post was deep! LOL I appreciate the lengthy reply,

Last thought: Maybe if men were more verbally appreciative of their women, then perhaps we women wouldn't feel hell-bent on competing with other girls. It's our insecurity that subconsciously forces us to BE the prettiest, BE the sexiest, BE ... whatever. Since the men never tell us, at least we can hear it from each other.

Yes Jessica you are quite correct. I am ashamed to admit that as a man I have failed in many occasions to verbally express my appreciation of my female companions. I definitely think it, but I forget many times that it's important to say it out loud. Of course I am not speaking here for the percentage of men who perceive women as objects to own or win or whatever, I can't agree or comprehend their way of life so I speak for myself and others like me who could appreciate women as equals and companions. Funny story: Last night there was an episode of old christine on warner channel that affirmed some of the things I said in my previous post in a cliched manner, and I thought to myself if Jessica is watching this she would probably be laughing.

I had more to type yesterday but ironically my gf called and I left the post short so I could go out with her, lol.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that there is nothing wrong with getting hit on by potential mates, even if you have no intention of being with them, I will tell you why I think so. I get hit on by girls and guys (don't laugh :P ) sometimes and it is a good experience because it reassures you that you still have it, as the saying goes. It's a confidence booster, a feel good experience that everyone should be entitled to. Guys hit on my gf all the time as well, we often joke about the experiences later. Sometimes it's just nice to be verbally appreciated in that way from a complete stranger or someone except your companion because as time passes we often get the feeling that the appreciative comments received from loved ones are monotonous and only given because of the inherent obligation of companionship. Getting hit on or flirted with often serves to mitigate certain insecurities, as long as your resolve is harmless flirting without any other intentions of course.

I don't want to speak out of terms here but I don't think you should focus on someone who would ignore the rings on your finger and still flirt with you in a serious way. The guys at your work probably know your social status regardless of the rings so they ignore it (probably, I'm no expert), nothing wrong with some harmless flirting now and then. The guy who does not know you before and flirts seriously with you disregarding the wedding rings you wear, probably does not really respect marriage as a sacred thing and if he does that to get you then he will probably do it again, thus the wrong guy if you want to be happy in the longer run. Of course as I said before I am no expert, this is just my conjecture on the matter, I could be speaking out of my ass here. :hehe:

Again, I don't want to speak out of terms here but IMO we only get to live once, so if I were you I would take off those rings and seek the happiness we all inherently want as human beings.

Lastly, don't do anything that woman did from the movie "I hate valentines day" her character is completely wrong about everything and in reality that guy would have never given her a 3rd date for being the way she was. :P

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Men tell it all the time, but women don't believe them because they think they say it out of being polite. The reality is that this make-up/always prettiest tradition of women dates back to Ancient Rome where women had to decorate themselves like christmas trees. Cleopatra is believed to be one of the founding figures in the women culture we know nowadays.

For ex. yesterday my sister was worried about getting dressed for a party and tried on several things, and her man told him always the honest opinion that she was pretty (truly, even I thought so)... but she just ignored us and listened to what the other women had to say (you look fat, you look pregnant in it, it doesn't fit you, too big, too small ... etc. It was a big problem for her :) ).

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