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New OGA - not passed


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Hi buddies!

Yesterday when I updated my system (using Microsoft Update) got an OGA update. Now, each time I open an Ofiice (2007 enterprise edition) after an user logon, I get the message that my Office is not genuine :angry:

Any help available?

Thanks in advance and ...

All my best!

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Add somethin to what Atasas wrote. Just make sure you don't download it again with "Notify when updates but let me select which to install'. Or similar.

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  • Administrator

You can disable the office notifications via the Com Add-in's section in the options. You'll have to run the office application as "Adminstrator" (ie right click > run as administrator in Vista/ 7). The same process will need to be repeated for all applications.

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Thank all you guys!

But, before this update, I had an OGACheckControl.dll that passed all updates and made my Office "genuine".

Isn't there any kind of update to this crack so I could keep updating my system without this annoying issue?

Thanks in advance, one more time....!

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  • Administrator

The method i posted effectively disables the notification. You still should be able to update as per usual.

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Lol same problem here..

TY lite :)

Btw.. I also used that .dll file.. But just wait, it will be updated ;)

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I made a patch that will work on any office 2007 copy, regardless of OGA.

Download It Here:

Site: http://www.mediafire.com/

ShareKey: ?i3ytquuinid

Uninstall All Office 2007 Apps, and uninstall OGA (You need to get OGANotifier.msi, search your machine or Google. Right Click it and uninstall)

Now Reinstall Office, but DON'T activate if it asks.

Apply Patch To MSO.DLL.

If something needs activated, enter all zeroes in phone activation.

This Patch works always, and if a product says "Not Installed For Current User", then repatch. This happens to apps then require activation that are activated like this and MSO.DLL gets updated, damaging activation, just repatch.

I made this patch because the old way of doing this made you download a 12 MB prepatched MSO. DLL, and when it got updated, you had to downgrade, which is unstable, or download an updated patched MSO.DLL. However, it is just a 1 BYTE patch that is in the same place, meaning the patch will work on any current MSO.DLL (SP0 - Now). If it gets updated you can use the same patch again.

This is IMO, the best way to crack Office 2007, as you instantly pass OGA for some reason!

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I must be lucky.. I have never had a bit of issue with mine and still don't..Now if I go to the Office site and start downloading bunch of useless junk.. then I might have an issue but I really have had no problem ever installing anything .. this was with upgrading to SP1 and SP2.. and monthly updates as well...This was a disk I slapped n and install and its over..

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or for the Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Genuine Blue Edition.

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Take a look here.


The solution which I use, is designed by our very own member Supremo Phantom:-


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Hello again and thank all of you again too!

Today I'm a little bit in a hurry, but this weekend I'll study all this information and try it around!

You're the greatest! (long lives nsane!!!!) :battle:

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Once again, and it's never enough, thank you very much!

With all your help and advise, I got my problem solved!


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I had same problem and tried various methods (keygens, patched dll's) it worked for max 24hrs and then it started all over again.

Only solution for now is to uninstall OGA update (or not install it in the first place) , to uninstall it simply execute this in cmd promt :

MsiExec.exe /X{B2544A03-10D0-4E5E-BA69-0362FFC20D18}

after that check for updates and hide that update.

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Add this in your host file: sls.microsoft.com mpa.one.microsoft.com

You will not be prompt again.

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Add this in your host file: sls.microsoft.com mpa.one.microsoft.com

You will not be prompt again.

Could you, please, explain this to me?

I confess that can't understand what do you mean with "host file".... I'm sorry for my ignorance!

Thanks and...

All the best!

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The host file is located in %Windir% > System32 > drivers > etc

Its the file your browser will "read" before going to the Internet and though DNS.

Putting will loop it back to your pc, thus you will not be able to connect to whatever IP address that come after it.

or.... You can place the IP address in....and follow by the website address...eg xxx.x.x.x yahoo.com

Your browser will "read" this address and immediately "gave" you the website without going to DNS thus saving your seconds when browsing.ie faster loading.

But bear in mind if the ip address for that particular website changes, you will not be able to connect as you are using the old ip address in the host file.

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