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Donations (Fundraising)


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Dear members and guests who are joining our professionally maintained community forums. Every since we've asked you to help us keeping this community forums alive, it's been full of life with so many professional and amazing members contributing towards it.News


However, our budget is almost over, and we are running out of time. You guys know we've never stopped anyone from using adblockers, but by many users are not whitelisting, it doesn't make any income to the servers cost, domains renewal, and other maintenance costs. 


As we've always promised, the money will only be used for our server costs, even if the target is not reached.


You can start the fundraiser by pressing here. Using our donations button require to use PayPal, yet it's not require to have an account because you can use your debit, credit, and Visa or Master gift cards. Also, for the people who asked for Bitcoin wallet " bc1qcyz3mp6t3uav93d9hh7jvn7tx7vppj70h2lh9v" .   


Thank you so much in advanced.


Donation page

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2 minutes ago, Guest FutaIn said:

I ask to provide a bitcoin wallet, I will happily donate 100$ in bitcoin currency.



Thank you so much let me see if I can do that.

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Quoting my previous post as a lot of it is still valid.


On 11/29/2016 at 3:54 AM, DKT27 said:

Donations FAQs:


Why this donation campaign.

The ads do not generate enough revenue to pay for the server costs.


Why do ads do not cover for the costs, I already whitelisted and sometimes click on them.

We really thank you for whitelisting us. It's still a lot. Unfortunately, not everyone has whitelisted us and block ads, affecting the revenues.


Why do I make a donation.

We keep getting messages about how people really love the nsane. We love it too. While donation are not compulsory, it means that the server gets paid for and the you can continue to use the site you are fond of.


What do I get in return to make a donations.

The running of nsane. Think about how much nsane gives you back, softwares, updates, news, discussions, help, knowledge, friends, family, community, nsane if part of a life for many.


What makes nsane different from others, I already have other sites to look at.

In addition to the things already mentioned above, we at nsane prefer quality over quantity, this is done at the administrative level, something that not many sites do out there.


What does nsane get out of this and what do you guys do with the funds.

The nsane is a non-profit site from the time I have ever known. All the money, each dollar and penny, everything goes into the server costs, other running costs and maintenance of nsane.down and nsane.forums. Nothing is pocketed or used for personal benefits.


Do nsane staff get any money / profit out of this.

As mentioned already in the Guidelines, all the staff on nsane, even the admins, are volunteers. We get nothing out of it. It is all for you guys out there.


Does the staff really get nothing.

Actually we do. We get love from you guys. The happiness and satisfaction when you get a software or an update that you wanted, the problems you had that got solved, the news about things you were not aware of, the information you got from reading that article and many such things. The satisfaction that we get from serving you guys and seeing you guys satisfied is all that we get. We do ask for even more love though.


I have some problems / issues with site not related to the server issues, why should I donate.

Have you ever let staff know about it, we can always sort it out. If the issues cannot be fixed by the staff and or are really important, then feel free to contact the admins. You can always contact me to get faster replies. If something is not fixed yet, does not mean it will not be fixed later.


Why should I donate if the site is not working properly - it's slow and had uptime issues.

This is the part of the many reasons the donation campaign is started. The site is ever growing with users and visitors. Due to this reason, the server we are on is not enough to serve you all. We need to get on a faster server, which is not possible without more money.


There are some other questions / suggestions not mentioned in this FAQ.

Feel free to ask or suggest about it. If it is completely unrelated to the donations, you can make a new topic in Site / Forum Feedback about it.



A lot improvements are being made behind the scenes and a lot of improvements are required to be made behind the scenes. For those changes, we need the nsane to keep working. For that, we need money and that is why we need donations for it.

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I know I am "unknown" for this community, but want to advise even small amounts from more people will be great success. I have seen fall of big web places to fall, give to who you like, may be not the people, but the idea behind place...

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  • Administrator
10 minutes ago, Onixra said:



I donanated 20 USD a few years back, so now again begging for it?


All of those money were carefully used in the payment of server fees and we also made sure absolutely none of the money was wasted here. Now all the previously donated money is used up, that's why this campaign needs to run again here.

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Since 2006 ('ish, afaic) I donated 3 times (very little, as much as I can afford without feeling over'obligated each time)

Feels good man! :party:

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  • Administrator
28 minutes ago, Onixra said:



I donanated 20 USD a few years back, so now again begging for it?

First of all we are not begging neither forcing anyone to donate. It has always been optional. We are appreciate you and everyone else who has donated anything, but you know this servers we are running has cost a monthly cost not one time fee then you will have it running forever. 

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We are the community; hence we give to keep it going or it dies.  Donation sent and thanks for keeping things going.




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Donated $25 :cheers:


Thank You Matt for helping narrowing down the problem.  I fixed it :) "Privavy Possum" addon was the culprit


For all that Nsane gives us everyday,  its time  for us to help give back. 




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please give me your web money serial number ?:rolleyes:

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OK, here's $25 via PayPal.


Looks like it may have gone through for 25 Australian dollars, not US ones. Sorry, PayPal, like God, works in mysterious ways. :)

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5 hours ago, coua said:

please give me your web money serial number ?:rolleyes:

Use different browser or you can simply use the donate button on the top under the logo.


5 hours ago, coua said:

please give me your web money serial number ?:rolleyes:

We don't have web money, but let me see if you can get one

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$2000, is that the cost for 1 year ?

and how were you guys paying for that ? entirely from ads revenues ?


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50 USD done via Bitcoin

Transaction ID: 4ec582433a08dced46e420ab297bffd3e5dc68a1bd0039252ff3bf0b776f6c12

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  • Administrator
1 hour ago, info999 said:

$2000, is that the cost for 1 year ?

and how were you guys paying for that ? entirely from ads revenues ?


We don't make any more money from advertisements. Some of it from the donations and the rest from our packets. 

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$2000 won't even get a family of 4 ( Mom, Dad and 2 kids 8 to 14 yrs old) a 1/2 decent 3 days/2 nights vacation to anywhere worthy of visiting in this day and age


it isn't like this website/domain is built and kept up for personal or home usage..... 


if I can afford to spare a few bucks , I'll try to donate some when my VA check hits my account


( heh, been a member since 2009, but i'm still considered a new member)

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No problem only the sun cames op for free i give 25.00€ with Paypal


regards from Belgium


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