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I ask myself, is this your goal really going to change my life (miserable and empty) ?


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Hello, I would like to share a new experience that I have had ...


There is, something that happens to me, impulse where sometimes, I get obsessed until I get what I want, for example: when I decide to see a product or whatever, I get desperate, euphoric trying to find and get to the objective...


That goes for everything ...


It is a characteristic, of the disease that I suffer or can be  side effects of on medication ?


I have not yet discovered the reason ...
Anyway, thanks to little true information, that is few in the internet, but you can find the sometimes, doing a search for a certain subject, going on different search sites, I am managing to avoid such behavior.


How do I do this?


I find all negative and positive information on any subject ...


So, I ask myself after passing: days, hours and etc ... A single question ...


I will share with the ladies and gentlemen:


I ask myself, is this your goal really going to change my life (miserable and empty) in an extremely positive or negative way?


I, after being exhausted, always respond in 90% to myself




this is really, something that always works ...

For example, I was having a hardware problem on my PC machine had 2 product options, one really very expensive and with few avalations and another much cheaper and with higher sales and possibly lower changes ... (one is excelent other is simple but not bad )


As I got this problem  a long time, I had no choice, but to buy one of the two products, was a necessity and would really give me comfort.


In this case yes, was one error that really drives me crazy...


So, I realized that the product that got lower in price, had more sales, positive ratings and compared to the other product and the other as well the store and the product....


The store that is actually got the best and higher more expensive product,  had very low ratings in internet...


So, by the price option and store, I opted for cheap one and really the erro,r disappeared after using this product on my PC...


Other issues, like today's food is really crap, I ask myself, do you need to eat it?


So, I remember that there are people who do not even have food, so as the logic I accept what I have, because in the end it is much, compared to other situations of people, who do not have what to eat ...


The same thing, with certain medications, all of them have side effect it is impossible to get around all of them, so I remember there are people that not even acces to any medications ...


Life is like this...


You, do not know what you got until you lose ... 


So do not be an idiot ...


Learn ,to be happy with your life.


and remember it could be worse....



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There is, something that happens to me, impulse where sometimes, I get obsessed until I get what I want, for example: when I decide to see a product or whatever, I get desperate, euphoric trying to find and get to the objective...


That goes for everything ...


The way i see it

This obsession of yours  is the only thing that gonna make you Achieve and experience Greater Things in Life  , never settle down for less than you deserve! try Everything and move on.

And believe me when i say Nothing wrong with you bro ,

It's okey to question your self, things and decisions you make! in fact it's the only thing who is going to make a better version of you .


Sometime we all have the conversation between (my self me and I )witch can confuse us in cretin  situations! you are not alone!


And last but not least It's okey not to be okey.


Thanks for sharing your experience  with us !



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From the known to the unknown

How is this transition from the denial of the known to the unknown to come into being? How does one deny? Does one deny the known, not in great dramatic incidents but in little incidents? Do I deny when I am shaving and I remember the lovely time I had in Switzerland? Does one deny the remembrance of a pleasant time? Does one grow aware of it, and deny it? That is not dramatic, it is not spectacular, nobody knows about it. Still this constant denial of little things, the little wiping's, the little rubbing's off, not just one great big wiping away, is essential. It is essential to deny thought as remembrance, pleasant or unpleasant, every minute of the day as it arises. One is doing it not for any motive, not in order to enter into the extraordinary state of the unknown. You live in Rishi Valley and think of Bombay or Rome. This creates a conflict, makes the mind dull, a divided thing. Can you see this and wipe it away? Can you keep on wiping away not because you want to enter into the unknown? You can never know what the unknown is because the moment you recognise it as the unknown you are back in the known.

An excerpt from " On Education Talk to Teachers Chapter 4 " by J.Krishnamurti

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