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guys i notice that chrome 59.xx are buggy and slow and good news firefox 54 are more faster now! you can test it yourself right now..

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Noticed that earth is round: Does anyone has another point of view ? :naughty:

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I've noticed I need to scratch my sack....



aaaaaaaaaaaaand done. Much better now.

Thanks guys ! Without you and your findings I probably would have died by now!  :lol:

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5 minutes ago, Agent 86 said:

I found this thread hilarious and scratched my sack :bag: doing much better now!

You see? 


Maybe I should open a new thread and start spreading the information that: 

Scratching your sack is the new best thing since sliced bread! And it can cure cancer, bring peace and solve world hunger* :P 


* - these last three things to be confirmed by more tests, but preliminary results look good and promising! :rolleyes:

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9 hours ago, Recruit said:

Noticed that earth is round: Does anyone has another point of view ? :naughty:

But the Earth's flat, you didn't know?

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56 minutes ago, Phragmeister said:

But the Earth's flat, you didn't know?

All I know is the earth is square :P



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12 hours ago, visualbuffs said:

guys i notice that chrome 59.xx are buggy and slow and good news firefox 54 are more faster now! you can test it yourself right now..

Don't know about Chrome — have not used it in the last 9 months.


You're right about Firefox, though — Mozilla is slowly passing on the multi-process (E10s) code (snippet by snippet) to the betas and then further down to the stable versions. The latest V56 Nightlies are perceptibly faster than the stable and for that matter, even the beta builds.


Important point to be noted is that the E10s is based after the Chrome multi-process — but, with superior implementation.

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1 hour ago, dcs18 said:

Don't know about Chrome — have not used it in the last 9 months.


You're right about Firefox, though — Mozilla is slowly passing on the multi-process (E10s) code (snippet by snippet) to the betas and then further down to the stable versions. The latest V56 Nightlies are perceptibly faster than the stable and for that matter, even the beta builds.


Important point to be noted is that the E10s is based after the Chrome multi-process — but, with superior implementation.

Just when almost everyone bully, make fun of this noob, and take turns on the gang raping, you showed up and treat him nicely.

Hmm... didn't expect that from you.

The moment I read the OP's first post to the other members succeeding post, my mind was racing to run to this guy to shield him from the mockery but you already did that.

I appreciate this move of yours, being sympathetic, but never expected you will do this to a noob, someone you didn't know.

Yeah, it is easy to be cruel and show how superior you (just someone) are to others but it won't be right when you (just someone) know that your opponent is just a noob, a small fry, in comparison to your size, also knowledge, experience and most importantly age (the OP i think is just a teenager. tsk, tsk!).

I actually despise these kind of bullies.

I could pinpoint who got a degree in computer science or IT and just those who pretends to have one or be good at something (cracking shits, hacking and exploiting).

Never laughed when they tried to find their place, but I've been expecting them to be nicer to the noobs also.

I often find the great ones, the best of the best where kinder to the noobs than the newbies and rookies to the noobs.

This is a great shame on them.

This is a forum to share knowledge, help someone mature or gain more experience on computing and not a den for gang raping noobs.

And this is where you (dcs18) shine amongst them, that you are different, not interested on just a small fry to battle wits, instead you treat him seriously and give him knowledge to help him grow.

This changed my perspective of you..... and also of them.

I guess this is another point (to point again lol!) where real men (dcs18) are separated  from the boys.

You are really something dcs18! ;)


edit: lack linking verb " is"

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10 minutes ago, nIGHT said:

Just when almost everyone bully, make fun of this noob, and take turns on the gang raping,

what noob? No rape from me, my balls just itched, just good clean fun (but I will have to wash my hands now) :) 

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26 minutes ago, BioHazard said:

Why calling a VIP with 1800+ post a noob? :eek:


noob and newb not the same thing, as pointed out in the UD as per your posted link. @nIGHT was calling the OP dumb not new! I see no noob here, just a member (OP) expressing his opinion. I just thought it funny that everybody (including myself) has his own opinion of what is the fastest and bestest, thats all. Hence the jocularity. :hehe:  No disrespect here. Regards

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lol calling someone a n00b is more insulting than all the reply that he or she got.

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Something bad on chrome?


You mean apart from all the data siphoning its doing of your personal info?


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There are two kinds of definition of it.

One is this and the other is what you said.

Of course, that depends on how you see people and yourself right? :P

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20 hours ago, visualbuffs said:

guys i notice that chrome 59.xx are buggy and slow and good news firefox 54 are more faster now! you can test it yourself right now..

Your observation may be indeed very valid, brother.  Enjoy!  :)


Firefox 54 is out: 'Faster but no memory hog like Chrome'. So is it time to try it again?


Mozilla says its thrifty multi-process architecture delivers speed and stability without hogging memory.



How Firefox compares with Chrome in the use of memory across multiple tabs.


Mozilla hopes to win back users with the first multi-process build of Firefox, which it says strikes a "just-right" balance between speed and memory.


Firefox 54 is available today and brings with it the fruits of Mozilla's several-year Electrolysis project to re-engineer the browser for modern websites.


The browser is now split into as many as four processes to help run content across tabs, which should result in better performance and lower memory usage.


Four content processes is the "just-right" number for Firefox because it's enough memory to ensure a fast and stable browser, but doesn't hog available memory shared by other desktop apps, according to Mozilla.


Mozilla's tests found that Windows Chrome used 1.77 times the memory of the Firefox 64-bit edition, and more than twice the memory of Firefox 32-bit. Chrome also used 1.36 times the memory of 64-bit Firefox on macOS and 1.42 times more memory than 64-bit Firefox on Ubuntu.


According to the Firefox maker, the results are due to the "liberal" way Chrome uses memory for new tabs compared with Firefox, which creates new processes for up to four tabs, while additional tabs are handled in "threads" within each process that shares the same browser engine.


Chrome by comparison will create 10 processes for 10 tabs with different sites in them, each with its own memory and own instance of Chrome's Blink engine.


Mozilla released the Electrolysis multi-process architecture, codenamed E10S, in Firefox 48 to just one percent of users due to the risk of breaking add-ons.


It has gradually been dialing up its exposure to users, but while Mozilla hoped to have this feature rolled out by the first half of 2017, multi-process Firefox has only been enabled for about half of all users, a spokesperson told VentureBeat.


For those with E10S Firefox, it should help lower memory computers handle busy pages such as Facebook's newsfeed more smoothly.


Mozilla also says it is on track to introduce new browser engine optimizations from its Quantum project by the end of 2017. Quantum will allow the browser engine to make better use of multi-core CPUs and GPUs to improve its performance within content processes.


< Here >



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4 minutes ago, adi said:

Mozilla hopes to win back users with the first multi-process build of Firefox,

which it says strikes a "just-right" balance between speed and memory.

Time will tell; especially after v57 (new GUI) will be officially released. ;)

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You didn't realize, perhaps, that using capitals on the iNet is consider shouting.  Therefore you may like to avoid using capitals, unless you really wish to convey that you are shouting.  Regards.  :)

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5 hours ago, Agent 86 said:

noob and newb not the same thing, as pointed out in the UD as per your posted link. @nIGHT was calling the OP dumb not new! I see no noob here, just a member (OP) expressing his opinion. I just thought it funny that everybody (including myself) has his own opinion of what is the fastest and bestest, thats all. Hence the jocularity. :hehe:  No disrespect here. Regards

I remember your deleted RSU about you fell on a cliff that is near to where you bought your house.

A post of about your shoulder that might be broken.

Locojoe aka 46&2 replied to your RSU that he didn't give a shit about what happened to you.

That you should stop whining like a baby and instead of asking members here to sympathize at you, you should rather man up and take the pain as a real man should! :lol:

Well, indirectly, I am the second member here to point that out to you. hahaha!  :hehe:

So sorry! It's just a coincedence. I was appreciating dcs18 and have no intention to hit you but you got but hurt. tsk! tsk! :rolleyes:

Like Locojoe said to you in that RSU and also me in that deleted RSU...GROW UP! :lol:


Twist the words, cloud it with shits and insults and try to put words in my mouth, I still stand on what I said. SHAME ON YOU. <_<

Hopefully, this is my last post. Don't want to waste my time with your senseless justification.

May God hopefully forgives you.

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I see a lot of SJW here... but no one mentiones the "scratch my balls project" anymore :blink:

Everyone who doesn't scratch his balls at least once per day makes one Panda die :(


Save the Pandas! Scratch your balls! 


P.S. Vivaldi rulez ! :rolleyes:

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6 hours ago, nIGHT said:

Hopefully, this is my last post

I agree! nawwww just kiddin' you dont ruffle my feathers none! 

6 hours ago, nIGHT said:

Locojoe aka 46&2 replied to your RSU that he didn't give a shit about what happened to you.

That you should stop whining like a baby and instead of asking members here to sympathize at you, you should rather man up and take the pain as a real man should!

btw I said in that RSU that I fell in the creek and that my collar bone might be broken and that it hurt. I never asked for sympathy and didnt want any! @46&2 said to "suck it up" and "take it like a man", (good advice) which I did and always have tried to do. (he never said anything about whining, or manning up). He said one sentence and that was the end of it. Dunno any Locojoe guy :dunno: Sounds to me like you have a boner for this Locojoe guy. Is he a friend of yours or perhaps an alias? :coolwink: I do however remember you coming on that RSU and making a big speech, a lot of talk about nothing! As far as you not liking what I say or do, (obvious by your insults and lies here, and the aforementioned RSU) it does not bother me at all! Regards! 


4 hours ago, PrEzi said:

Save the Pandas! Scratch your balls! 

just saved a Panda! and another! 

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