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I2P vs. Tor vs. VPN: Which Is More Secure?


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When we talk about security and privacy, there are several common acronyms that get thrown around. You’ve likely encountered the privacy and anonymity focused browser Tor. And VPNs frequently feature in mainstream media articles. There is another option to consider, too: I2P.


But what privacy acronym suits your needs? Let’s explore what I2P, Tor, and VPNs are, and which one is right for you.


The “Tor” name derives from the original software project name: The Onion Router. Tor software directs web traffic through a worldwide system of interconnected relay nodes. This is known as “onion routing” because your data passes through many layers.


tor browser


In addition to the layers, Tor encrypts all network traffic, including the next node IP address. Encrypted data passes through multiple randomly selected relays, with only a single layer containing the IP address for the following node decrypted during transit.


The final relay node decrypts the entire package, sending the data to its final destination without revealing — at any point — a source IP address.


How Do I Use Tor?

The Tor Browser is the easiest way to use Tor software. Download and install the browser as you would any other piece of software. The setup will continue after you open Tor Browser for the first time. Then you browse as normal. It will be slightly slower than normal — sending the data through multiple relays takes time, I’m afraid.

Why Should I Use Tor?

The Tor Browser encrypts all data transmissions. As such, a huge range of people use it: criminals, journalists, hackers/crackers, law enforcement (to protect communications and solve crimes), government agencies, and much more. In fact, Tor started life as a U.S. Naval Research and DARPA project. We’ve even written a guide on how you can use the hidden web as a research tool.


The Tor Browser is also one of the most direct routes to the dark web (not to be confused with the deep web). The dark web is the so-called “dark underbelly” of the regular (sometimes referred to as “surface”) web that we browse daily. Whenever you hear a story about an online marketplace selling illicit substances and goods, they’re talking about a site hosted on the dark net.


But Tor isn’t just about crazy secret marketplaces and secret communications. You can use it for other, “normal” things. For instance, airlines use complicated algorithms to keep tabs on interest in their flights, adjusting price with demand. Keep visiting the same site, using the same IP, and the airline knows you’re interested — but the price usually increases. Check the same flights using the Tor Browser and you can find some interesting discounts.

Will Tor Protect My Privacy?

Yes. The Tor design protects privacy from bottom to top. If you’re just using Tor Browser to browse the internet, you’re not going to alert anyone, anywhere. However, hardcore privacy advocates consider the Tor network compromised. National Security Agency (NSA) program XKeyscore records everyone who visits the Tor webpage and downloads the Tor Browser. Furthermore, they class those that download and install it as “potential extremists.”

So, yeah, sorry, you’re on a list now. (They think similarly of those who use Linux, so I wouldn’t worry too much.)

Tor only encrypts data sent and received within the Tor Browser (or a different browser using Tor software). It does not encrypt network activity for your entire system.


The Invisible Internet Project (I2P) is a garlic routing protocol. This is a variant of the onion routing protocol used by Tor.

I2P is an “anonymous overlay network.” The garlic routing protocol encrypts multiple messages together to make data traffic analysis difficult, while simultaneously increasing network traffic speed.


Garlic routing takes its name from actual garlic. Each message is a “garlic clove,” with the entire encrypted bundle representing the “bulb.” Each encrypted message has its own specific delivery instruction, and each end-point works as a cryptographic identifier (read one of a pair of public keys).


i2p router configuration


Each I2P client (router) builds a series of inbound and outbound connection “tunnels” — direct peer-to-peer (P2P) networking. A major difference between I2P and other P2P networks you have used is the individual selection of tunnel length. The tunnel length is a factor in anonymity, latency, and personal throughput, and forms part of the individual peer threat model.


The result is that the smallest number of peers possible relay messages according to each peer’s sender and receiver threat model.

How Do I Use I2P?

The easiest way to use I2P is by downloading and installing the official install package. Once installed, open Start I2P (restartable). This will open a locally hosted web page in internet Explorer, the I2P default browser (you can change this later). This is the I2P Router Console, or in other words, the virtual router used to maintain your I2P connection. You’ll also notice the I2P Service command window — ignore this and leave it running in the background.


The I2P service can take a few minutes to get up and running, especially during the first boot. Take the time to configure your bandwidth settings.


i2p service command window


I2P allows its users to create and host hidden websites, known as “eepsites.” If you want to access an eepsite, you’ll need to set your browser to use the specific I2P proxy. You can find the I2P proxy configuration details here.

Why Should I Use I2P?

I2P and Tor offer similar browsing experiences for most part. Depending on your I2P bandwidth configuration, it is probably slightly faster than Tor Browser, and runs from the comfort of your existing browser. I2P is full of hidden services, many which are faster than their Tor-based equivalents — a massive plus if you’re frustrated with the sometimes infuriating Tor network.


I2P runs alongside your regular internet connection, encrypting your browser traffic. However, I2P isn’t the best tool for browsing the open web anonymously. The limited number of outproxies (where your traffic re-joins “regular” internet traffic) mean it is much less anonymous when used this way.

Will I2P Protect My Privacy?

In a nutshell, yes. It will protect your privacy very well, unless you’re using it for regular web browsing. And even then, it would take significant resources to isolate your web traffic. I2P uses the distributed P2P model to ensure data collection, statistic gathering, and network overviews are difficult to complete.


Furthermore, the garlic routing protocol encrypts multiple messages together, making it much more difficult to perform traffic analysis.

The I2P tunnels we discussed earlier are uni-directional: data only flows one way. One tunnel in, one tunnel out. This alone provides greater anonymity for all peers.

I2P only encrypts data sent and received through a configured browser. It does not encrypt network activity for your entire system.


Finally, we have the Virtual Private Network (VPN). A VPN works differently to both Tor and I2P. Instead of focusing solely on the encryption of browser traffic, a VPN encrypts all incoming and outgoing network traffic. In that sense, it offers regular users an easy route to protecting their data, but there are some caveats that we’ll explore in a moment.

How a VPN Works

Normally, when you send a request (e.g. click a link in your web browser or fire up Skype for a video-call), your request pings to the server holding the specified data, and it returns to you. The data connection is usually unsecured, and anyone with enough knowledge of computers can potentially access it (especially if using standard HTTP rather than HTTPS).


A VPN connects to a predefined, privately owned server (or servers), creating a direct connection called a “tunnel” (though with the rise in VPN use, this term isn’t seen as frequently). The direct connection between your system and the VPN server is encrypted, as is all your data.


VPNs are accessed through a client that you’ll install on your computer. The majority of VPNs use public-key cryptography. When you open the VPN client and login in with your credentials, it exchanges a public-key, confirming the connection and protecting your network traffic.

Why Should I Use a VPN?

A VPN encrypts your network traffic. Everything involving an internet connection on your system is safe from prying eyes. There has been a massive surge in VPN popularity, too. They’re exceptionally useful for:

  • Securing your data on a public Wi-Fi connection.
  • Accessing region-restricted content.
  • An additional layer of security when accessing sensitive information.
  • Protecting your privacy from government or other invasive agencies.

Will a VPN Protect My Privacy

Yes, a VPN will protect your privacy — but here come those caveats I alluded to earlier. Like most things, you pay for what you get. There are numerous free VPN providers, but they don’t always protect you as thoroughly as you think.


For instance, many free VPN providers keep a log of all users, and their internet traffic. So while encrypted data is safe coming into and out of your computer, and to and from their server, there is a still a log of what you have been doing. And while the majority of VPN providers aren’t about to turn you into the authorities, they are legally obliged to turn over what they know if presented with a subpoena. If you want a truly secure, logless connection, check out these six privacy-focused VPNs.


VPNs are an excellent, easy way to take some privacy back, without having to change from your regular browser, or alter your general browsing habits and internet use.

Summary of Tor vs. I2P vs. VPN

If you want super-private browsing, access to the darkweb, and don’t mind a slight dip in internet speed, choose Tor.

If you want super-private access to hidden services and messaging tools across a distributed network of peers, and still don’t mind a slight dip in internet speed, choose I2P.


Finally, if you want to encrypt all your incoming and outgoing network traffic, and really, really don’t mind a slight dip in internet speed, choose a VPN.

Some choose to use Tor Browser over a logless VPN. Others simply fire up a free VPN when they want to access their online banking in a local cafe (this is very sensible). Regardless, a VPN is now a vital piece of accessible security and privacy technology that I would advise anyone to consider.


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Tor has been infiltrated owned by the FBI for some time now, they even describe how they did it....and it demonstrates beautifully why ultimately most such "anonymizing" networks fail/will fail is because guess what, the white hats can join as well...


I2P will fall for the same above reason


Forget VPN's for anonymity either, if thats the reason youre paying a shit ton of money for one, i wouldnt, because ultimately that pipe ends on a cable that you rent under your own real name....


VPN's are only touted by the clueless, or more likely those who own them or get money for recommending them. Theyre an expensive waste of time for anonymity. You may as well throw that money in the street.


Im surprised that in this day and age people still think theres any chance of anonymity, sadly, and i hate it too, but there isnt.


Its simple people, dont do anything on the internet you wouldnt want your nanna to know about...and get on with life





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