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Internet Download Manager 6.28 Build 11


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20 hours ago, dcs18 said:

Windows Firewall Control (WFC) Bug:—


A bug exists in the latest version, Windows Firewall Control (WFC) — depending on ones personal configuration, this bug can cause IPs to leak (affecting any app. or program.)


This bears no effect on my personal configuration — if anyone using the firewall block technique, is facing IDM pop-ups and would like the issue resolved, do let me know.


Intending to bring the IP leak bug to the notice of the Developer.

Indeed I was wondering. The Firewall solution until this version had worked always well. Now I understand that even IDM 6,28 Build 10 complained about fake serial.


Would appreciate your solution as WFC otherwise always worked nicely for every my needs.

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On 25 Май 2017 г. at 8:13 PM, addhaloka said:

Slightly update patches pawel97.


Now this patches also not works (fake-message). I do not know if it was here or not: new patch by pawel97 (its build, not mine):


Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/IboXyyJh3HQ8Q6


pass on archive: pawel97

I did not test, but people say it works fine. If you use previous versions of patch (which from me), it is advisable to do with it Cleanup before use new patch (it's not necessary, just deleting registry entries which unnecessary for a new patch). Register with new patch need manually with any IDM's keygen/patch-keygen or reg-file.


Additional patch for disable update (its build, not mine, new method):


Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/qV5huxgW34k9a6


pass not require.

pass on archive: ru-board


Additional patch for disable update (made by me, old and new methods, also silent variants - see ReadMe):


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/7080539/stopup.7z.html


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3 hours ago, addhaloka said:

new patch by pawel97 (its build, not mine):


Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/IboXyyJh3HQ8Q6


Not working for me. Got fake serial numer popup in retail setup :(


3 hours ago, addhaloka said:

Additional patch for disable update (its build, not mine, new method):


Site: https://yadi.sk
Sharecode[?]: /d/qV5huxgW34k9a6


pass not require.


Require pass.

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On 6/2/2017 at 5:38 AM, Ali.Dbg said:

IDM 6.2x Crack v15.9 Released - 2017/06/04



== Change Log v15.9 ==
 * Fixed Update Checker
 * Optimize Patch Patterns
 * Fixed some bugs


Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/MN2DW9XI/IDM_6.2x_Crack_v15.9.zip_links




New Version Released!


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27 minutes ago, ZinnPL said:

Require pass.


Damn, I was wrong - corrected the post above.


27 minutes ago, ZinnPL said:

Not working for me.


I do not know about this, I did not test it myself, but people on some resources says that everything is fine. For example:


I rolled it on top of the previously patched 6.x.x Update 12 patch REiS (did not delete anything and did not reinstall it), and the fake-message disappeared when downloading.


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2 minutes ago, Ali.Dbg said:

New Version Released!

working good here, for me your patch it's the best so far. ;)

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i uninstalled the old one without revo or total uniinstall (built in installer full mode), tried the ali.dbg crack, downloaded some files, the fake nag screen didnt appeared anymore. thanks

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I tried  the New "IDM_6.2x_Crack_v15.9" from Ali.Dbg and i tried  the newest version from pawel97 "Patch-IDM6287+" and both worked fine without any nag screen, on 2 PCs...

That means we have 2 Options in the moment to patch our wonderful IDM ^^

THX to all coders, signers,crackers and so on, you did a very good job !!!

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4 hours ago, Ali.Dbg said:


New Version Released!



Worked like a charm :)

No uninstallation just used my backup exe and it works !

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1 hour ago, TheK said:

i tried  the newest version from pawel97 "Patch-IDM6287+"... worked fine without any nag screen


Interesting it works - esp. as that patch is dated April 28, 2017 and the pop-up just started appearing for many 3 days ago.

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2 hours ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:


Interesting it works - esp. as that patch is dated April 28, 2017 and the pop-up just started appearing for many 3 days ago.


This pop-up already was in the code and was waiting for its time, as early as the beginning of the year. :D From my correspondence with pawel97 at February 2 (google-translate):


I do not know about the public at all, I can keep the activator until June, until the developer completes the upcoming surprise with idmwfp, while there is code vague, unclear what he does.


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8 minutes ago, addhaloka said:

This pop-up already was in the code and was waiting for its time, as early as the beginning of the year. :D From my correspondence with pawel97 at February 2 (google-translate):


Will you be incorporating this (code) into your next "pawel97, addhaloka" Patch? (as didn't stop the pop up - I got pop up. Then it just stopped appearing. Then not 24 hours later was back again. So I'm currently using another fix so I don't get the pop up).


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10 minutes ago, T3rM1nat0Rr3 said:

Will you be incorporating this (code) into your next "pawel97, addhaloka" Patch?


Already asked this in PM - answered that maybe in a week or two, so far there is no time and desire to do it.

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16 hours ago, TShadow said:

Indeed I was wondering. The Firewall solution until this version had worked always well. Now I understand that even IDM 6,28 Build 10 complained about fake serial.


Would appreciate your solution as WFC otherwise always worked nicely for every my needs.

We are working on it mate — been a long time since the firewall solution was last targeted by Tonec.

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I am seeing some really great working together on this latest IDM thing. This sort of loose bolt in the works has been a part of IDM in the past, and workarounds have been found, not straight away, but sooner or later. The only part I feel nervous about is that maybe places like this are being watched by those who also know that work is "being done" towards a solution, and I only wish there was a way that we could not be so "in the public eye", so those that don't need to know, don't actually know, although I realize it's a cat and mouse game where somebody finds a fix, then "they" make a new loose bolt or nut to once again spoil the party...

It's great watching this thread in the hopes new fixes can be had soon, as most of us are clearly suffering the same problem, or at least were. Some PC's seem to suffer while others don't, even with the same fixes. It's clearly a targeted ploy from them.. Even though I can't personally offer any help, I am trying to see any sort of patterns evolving. Fingers crossed...!!!


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Franky GTB
On 28/5/2017 at 5:27 AM, MaRk15 said:

Guys try my activator 

Cracked credit to: @XenoCoder


It seems somebody is experiencing Fake Serial again with the latest build even using REiS patch. 

so I suggest to try this one and Fake Serial will not showing up anymore.


NOTE: uninstall the old version first using Revo Uinstaller. and this activator will only work for RETAIL VERSION



1. Install the latest build then exit 

2. Just input any name

3. Click first the Activate button 

4. and then you can check the checkbox if you want to run the idm automatically

5. lastly, click the Register button

6. DONE!


NOTE: you don't need the hosts and firewall method anymore :) 




Site: http://www.mediafire.com
Sharecode[?]: /file/g1ec74e4913ew7k/IDM_6.28_Activator_v1.2_by_MaRk15.rar


Hy to all of You in this forum great job done in this IDM post 
and great baptism to me: this is my first help request ! 
I've just downloaded  Team Reis "internet.download.manager.6.x.x.update.12-patch"
but when I've tried to patch my IDM 6.28 build 11 , it doesn't work at all!
when the last Team Reis patck update 12 is running, it's just play a nice music, but the bottom " Patch "
doesn't work! Could you help me please ? all that I can see is this picture, and only thing I can do is
to click on internet download manager link site !
I've tried the IDM 6.28 Activator v1.2 by MaRk15 , but once press on activate and registrate botton
IDM does not run anyway, so I've re-installed one more time last IDM 6.28 bulit 11 in a clear way, then pressing 
just on Activator v1.2 by MaRk15 activate botton witn a new custom name in, and then running 
Team Reis "internet.download.manager.6.x.x.update.12-patch" with their nice music, I could finally get my
IDM 6.28 bulit 11 working fine. I don't know why but so far so god folks, coluld somebody help me about
this mysterious things, about strange behavior of  Team Reis "internet.download.manager.6.x.x.update.12-patch
or 6.28 Activator v1.2 by MaRk15.

Every Team Reis internet.download.manager.6.x.x-patchs
have ever worked before until today on my PC , I've a ultimate windows 7 64 bit 
I've find different notes about IDM 6.28 Activator v1.2 by MaRk15 just like this:

3. Download the latest installer below 
4. Now run the installer (make sure it's a retail version, else activator will not work) 
5. Run the my Activator v1.2 (Download link below)
6. On Activator, Change na Name if you want and then click on REGISTER button
7. Check the box and then click on ACTIVATE
8. DONE! It should work now. 

Have I to click on REGISTER button and then click on ACTIVATE ? MaRk15 help me!

thank anyway for this great forum . that's my team Reis  pictures


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Forget about REiS patch.12-patch and IDM 6.28 Activator v1.2 by MaRk15 for now..


Use IDM 6.2x Crack v15.9 Released - 2017/06/04



Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/MN2DW9XI/IDM_6.2x_Crack_v15.9.zip_links

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Updated with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.9...

Regards... ;-)


Internet Download Manager 6.x Online [Auto-Cracked]... ;-)


-Download and install always last version of IDM...

-Auto-cracked with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.9... (Thanks to Ali.Dbg...)


-Can update previous versions...
-Close previous versions if they are running...

-Clean Fake Serial before install...

-To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch...

-Optional Personal Adjusts:

Site: http://pastebin.com
Sharecode[?]: /rQaFwQWa
-You cad add your own settigs by putting the file Settings.reg in the same folder than installer...
Thanks: To @Ali.Dbg for the patch & @ronaldinho424 for help me with AutoIT Silent part... :D



Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/0VUWAEX2/IDM.v6.x_Online.Setup.rar_links


Cheers... ;-)





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Franky GTB
28 minutes ago, alfreire said:

Updated with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.9...

Regards... ;-)


Internet Download Manager 6.x Online [Auto-Cracked]... ;-)


-Download and install always last version of IDM...

-Auto-cracked with @Ali.Dbg patch v15.9... (Thanks to Ali.Dbg...)


-Can update previous versions...
-Close previous versions if they are running...

-Clean Fake Serial before install...

-To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch...

-Optional Personal Adjusts:

Site: http://pastebin.com
Sharecode[?]: /rQaFwQWa
-You cad add your own settigs by putting the file Settings.reg in the same folder than installer...
Thanks: To @Ali.Dbg for the patch & @ronaldinho424 for help me with AutoIT Silent part... :D



Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com
Sharecode[?]: /files/0VUWAEX2/IDM.v6.x_Online.Setup.rar_links


Cheers... ;-)





thanks a lot  teodz1984 and alfreire,even if I've to conseder myself as like a newbie shaky in all
IDM problems, your answers are simply and so helpful to me or anybody in a great need to know more about.

teodz1984 , I can see an " update bottom " in the IDM 6.2x Crack v15.9 , so I've to think that's for update
the crack obviously, isn't it ?


alfreire, I'm not able to understand what I've to do with Internet Download Manager 6.x Online :
have I to unistall my IDM completely as usal before, and than run this great " panacea" that seems to fix every
problem as well ?


What does it mean  " To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch... " ? 
I'm a poor newbie who have ever used Team Reis patch from last 4 years simply and smothly
and now your magic trick instills to me just a bit of fear, Could you solve  my concern ?


thanks one more time for your great kindness, I'll download and make me up experienced whit 2 solutions
of yours .

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18 hours ago, Ali.Dbg said:

New Version Released!

Best patch so far..!

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44 minutes ago, Franky fu** bollywood star said:

alfreire, I'm not able to understand what I've to do with Internet Download Manager 6.x Online :

have I to unistall my IDM completely as usal before, and than run this great " panacea" that seems to fix every
problem as well ?

You don't need uninstall previous version, simply install IDM Online installer with internet connection... It download, install and auto-crack last version of IDM with @Ali.Dbg v15.9 patch...


45 minutes ago, Franky fu** bollywood star said:

What does it mean  " To Silent Install use /silent or /verysilent switch... " ? 

I'm a poor newbie who have ever used Team Reis patch from last 4 years simply and smothly
and now your magic trick instills to me just a bit of fear, Could you solve  my concern ?

From command line (CMD or bat file) run IDM.v6.28.b11.Setup.exe /silent or IDM.v6.28.b11.Setup.exe /verysilent to make a Silent or Fully Silent installation...


Regards... ;-)

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Franky GTB
4 minutes ago, alfreire said:

You don't need uninstall previous version, simply install IDM Online installer with internet connection... It download, install and auto-crack last version of IDM with @Ali.Dbg v15.9 patch...


From command line (CMD or bat file) run IDM.v6.28.b11.Setup.exe /silent or IDM.v6.28.b11.Setup.exe /verysilent to make a Silent or Fully Silent installation...


Regards... ;-)

thanks one more time,  I'll follow step by step your suggestions, but I'll simply   run the   .exe  and that's all folks  I do suppose,


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Interesting - I've gotten two notices from this latest version of idm that I've never gotten before:


"this version of idm does not support this type of downloading" - this was from using flashgot and mega.nz, the word blob appeared before the mega http link - I usually use mega downloader anyways, so not a big deal, but sometimes with seperate mega files in a mega folder I use mega browser download and flashgot/idm


the second was: "idm cannot download this protected stream for legal reasons" - never been to this website before


maybe both of these happened at the time this latest version of idm is acting up, and it is just a coincidence.


I have now used patch version 15.9; thank you to ali.dbg.

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