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Steganos OkayFreedom VPN Premium - FREE for 1 year


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Steganos  OkayFreedom VPN




Steganos OkayFreedom helps you surfing anonymously through the web and access content, such as music that is locked in your country. 


Unblock videos

Do you also get annoyed every time you can‘t watch a video because it’s supposedly „not available in your country?“ That’s over now thanks to OkayFreedom VPN. This program recognizes whether content like videos or even entire websites are blocked in your country, and automatically routes you through a different locale where it’s accessible. Boom, your video plays.


Browse safely

Even if you just want to prevent someone from following your footsteps online, OkayFreedom VPN is the tool of choice. OkayFreedom VPN hides your real IP address online, and also encrypts your entire connection with secure 128-bit Blowfish encryption. Sounds complicated, but it’s super okay because you can basically surf the net anonymously!


Use servers here and abroad

OkayFreedom VPN will automatically pick the best connection for you. If you want though, it‘s totally up to you: simply pick a server in one of the supported countries and at the touch of a button, the Internet will think you’re in the United States, Great Britain or whatever you choose.


Price check

Saving money when shopping online without doing any extra searching? Yes, that’s possible. When you check out the product you’re looking for in one shop, we help you to find the best price for it!


Premium-code OkayFreedom VPN

For the Premium-free code, follow these steps: 
1. Go to the page promotions . 
2. Enter your email address and click Abschicken . A valid e-mail address will Premium code. 
3. Download the VPN OkayFreedom (22.6 MB Download now, the Windows 10/8/7 / Vista 32 | 64-bit) and install the program. 
4. After installation, go to the notification area, and call on OkayFreedom VPN icon, right-click context menu.


OkayFreedom VPN - Premium-free code


5. Press the Enter Premium code (serial number) and enter the e-mail Premium-Code. 

The Premium-code makes it possible to get unlimited free traffic to use OkayFreedom VPN online service for 1 year.

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