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It has been almost 2 years since we've launched our previous fundraiser for the nsane graphics, produced by our community members. Meanwhile our ad revenue is still seeing rapid decreases, mainly due to the use of adblockers. We reached half of our goal last time, so we're aiming to get all the way with this next fundraiser.


As noted in the previous fundraiser we've never asked for donations! Instead we offer you the opportunity to buy any of the graphics listed on our share page for a price of your choice. After purchasing one of these graphics you can simply go to the share page and download one of the graphics by right-clicking and choosing "Save image as".


If our "sales" amount to 2000 USD or more the artist has offered to individually pay for a faster server for the forums! (The money will only be used for our server costs, even if the target is not reached.)


Crowdfund here!


Do note that, while it may be technically possible, there will be severe punishments if you attempt to download an image without paying for it! ;)

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@shought It is good to hear from you.

Few Suggestions to improve donations which worked for many sites/forums:

  • As many suggested for years, PayPal donate button on the forum.
  • You could start selling discount vouchers at nominal rates for online shopping sites.
  • Forum Badges to buy with real money and exclusive badge for donors.
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When you contribute so actively to the forums and have nothing in return besides restricted access to everything here, it is more than expected that you behave this way... If I were like you, I would recognize my value and would not log in again... :rolleyes:

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It's with pleasure I send you $30 to help you to continue in your fantastic work ... :)

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sorry I do not have money for support nsane you must do my posts 

I needed to support myself my life hellish journey

Edited by kasper
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I donated ten dollars then donated ten dollars again I think the first ten went through.  You should have twenty dollars from me your welcome I visit nsane down and nsane forums everyday I love nsane down..

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I didnt know about nsane forums "share page"!

Below you can find some images which you can use to promote nsane.down or nsane.forums throughout the internet. Please use them to spread the word!

So we as members only have permission to promote nsane.down or nsane.forums via these images if we buy them????

Do note that, while it may be technically possible, there will be severe punishments if you attempt to download an image without paying for it!

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1 hour ago, 46&2 said:

I didnt know about nsane forums "share page"!

So we as members only have permission to promote nsane.down or nsane.forums via these images if we buy them????


I dont think they care if you tell others about Nsane  if you want to promote the site just dont use there images  to do it that's stealing ..If you made you're own that's not stealing ..But if they don't want me to tell people to join nsane i want  and that's just less potential donators in the future  . If this site dont have fresh blood it will die they want have no ones that replace all the ones that left. Even closed sites most give every member a few invites  to hand out even if they dont donate . This is  not a closed  site there open to anyone who wants too join as long as they not joined before and got removed.

Edited by steven36
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All credits go to the creators of these images.

and who is this ? as its  good work i think nice images

Edited by knowledge
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  • Administrator

Donations FAQs:


Why this donation campaign.

The ads do not generate enough revenue to pay for the server costs.


Why do ads do not cover for the costs, I already whitelisted and sometimes click on them.

We really thank you for whitelisting us. It's still a lot. Unfortunately, not everyone has whitelisted us and block ads, affecting the revenues.


Why do I make a donation.

We keep getting messages about how people really love the nsane. We love it too. While donation are not compulsory, it means that the server gets paid for and the you can continue to use the site you are fond of.


What do I get in return to make a donations.

Good graphics work and the running of nsane. Think about how much nsane gives you back, softwares, updates, news, discussions, help, knowledge, friends, family, community, nsane if part of a life for many.


What makes nsane different from others, I already have other sites to look at.

In addition to the things already mentioned above, we at nsane prefer quality over quantity, this is done at the administrative level, something that not many sites do out there.


What does nsane get out of this and what do you guys do with the funds.

The nsane is a non-profit site from the time I have ever known. All the money, each dollar and penny, everything goes into the server costs, other running costs and maintenance of nsane.down and nsane.forums. Nothing is pocketed or used for personal benefits.


Do nsane staff get any money / profit out of this.

As mentioned already in the Guidelines, all the staff on nsane, even the admins, are volunteers. We get nothing out of it. It is all for you guys out there.


Does the staff really get nothing.

Actually we do. We get love from you guys. The happiness and satisfaction when you get a software or an update that you wanted, the problems you had that got solved, the news about things you were not aware of, the information you got from reading that article and many such things. The satisfaction that we get from serving you guys and seeing you guys satisfied is all that we get. We do ask for even more love though.


I have some problems / issues with site not related to the server issues, why should I donate.

Have you ever let staff know about it, we can always sort it out. If the issues cannot be fixed by the staff and or are really important, then feel free to contact the admins. You can always contact me to get faster replies. If something is not fixed yet, does not mean it will not be fixed later.


Why should I donate if the site is not working properly - it's slow and had uptime issues.

This is the part of the many reasons the donation campaign is started. The site is ever growing with users and visitors. Due to this reason, the server we are on is not enough to serve you all. We need to get on a faster server, which is not possible without more money.


The are no names on the graphics page or who designed them.

All the graphics on the share page are named with their respective member name. Download the image and look at the name of the file. That name belongs to the respective member who designed that particular graphics image / file.


There are not enough graphics for me to download.

Please take time to go through our big thread of nsane.graphics developed by the nsane members themselves and the thread maintained by HX1.


I did not know that a share page existed, what else on nsane.down am I missing.

All of it is covered already on the frontpage, it is notable that there are many important links in the Quick Links box to look at. Like links that we think you might find useful and a huge Downloads Index page, it was something that was really hard to make but we did it long ago thanks to shought, it contains a list of all the softwares that we list on nsane.down. Just press the Expand All button. No need to open individual sections or searching for each software manually.


There are some other questions / suggestions not mentioned in this FAQ.

Feel free to ask or suggest about it. If it is completely unrelated to the donations, you can make a new topic in Site / Forum Feedback about it.

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Respectfully, it seems a tad rich that a site that links to software cracks designed to avoid paying for applications is asking for financial support.

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I did not know that a share page existed, what else on nsane.down am I missing. All of it is covered already on the frontpage,

I see the "share page" now.


These signatures and avatars are available to download easily to anyone for free even without logging in. When anyone views the shared page they are greeted with this:

Below you can find some images which you can use to promote nsane.down or nsane.forums throughout the internet. Please use them to spread the word!

Its says nothing about paying for them or donating for them. Also they are all together on a page that's called "share" not "buy". So I don't understand when you say:

Do note that, while it may be technically possible, there will be severe punishments if you attempt to download an image without paying for it!

If you want to have a fundraiser that's great, more power to you! But threatening members about downloading pics that clearly have been readily available for free to anyone visiting the "share" page seems odd to me. Good luck with the donations!

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Happy to donate.  Leave a 'donate' link and I'll send in over the year when my Paypal's a little fatter from ebay sales.  Thanks for all you do over the years.

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I forgot to hit the pay button the first time Ill go ahead and donate again and I agree its to easy for users to download the image.  I recommend you make a a special page with graphics on it when you right click and try to save image it checks to see if you paid or donated and when it sees you did it allows you to download the image.  I right-clicked on a image and clicked save as before donating and realized its to easy to get a image without paying (no I didnt download a image before paying I wanted to see if you had any security first and you dont).  As for a site offering software cracks or fixes asking for financial support every fix and plenty of places it says if you like the software buy it the site offers a convenient way to download the most popular software and a fix for you to try it before you buy it and some fixes are out of date.  Users of this forum volunteer to provide fixes they dont have to and they dont get paid to do it.  The money your donating is not to pay for the fixes its to pay for the website and the forums because a community uses the site and forums.  Most of the time I visit this site to read news and hear from community members not to download files.  The donations are to keep a community of users home nsane down alive not to provide illegal files to the masses.

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will chip-in but happy to provide discount on the server configuration & space to host as addon help :)

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What i never understood about donations at this site was  this is a open site with only like 100 people signed in  on a good day and 200 people not signed in,  And the ones who signed in is expected to pay or look at ads .The members here do all the work and I'm sorry I dont get no benefit from pictures  to promote this site . I have one friend  who has came here for years and never wants to join . I belonged to another site were the owner didn't  accept donations or have ads  and he payed for  it for years tell he fell ill and the site closed , I belonged to other sites who had donations with great stuff that they gave to donators  that benefited the individual and not the site now that's real incentive to donate .  

Edited by steven36
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14 hours ago, The Seeker said:

Respectfully, it seems a tad rich that a site that links to software cracks designed to avoid paying for applications is asking for financial support.



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36 minutes ago, WALLONN7 said:


Maybe he don't like cracks and you do but that don't  make his point invalid .. Other sites were  I belonged too gave us stuff too get more cracks  for donating here they want us to donate for pictures  when I can come here and download and never sign in  or never access the site and find everything anyway trough my bookmarks . I come here to help people out  that's all if they don't want me here my pm is open and i want miss a thing if i leave.


It makes people fell bad when they ask and some of us dont  really have the money and other members troll us to donate , we fell not wanted  and we can add that too the  other 100 reasons we dont fell wanted here and it's never the admin or the MODs  fault 99% it's other members here who make us fell unwanted and they want us too give money you got too be joking right? The members who need this site should of  thanked to be nice to everyone so when it comes time to donate people will be willing .  Sites come and go so it dont matter to me . This site  is not the same as it was last time they asked . If you need this site you better get busy covering it for all those leechers who never sign in lol. and good bye i'm going sign out were I can download in peace.

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19 minutes ago, maut said:

nsane lost a lot of unique visitors already from 7000 to 4000 a day..

But most the time it's never but over 100 or 150 signed in at once how many sign in a day ?. Visitors  may or may not  help with ad revenue ,  everyone is running adblocks and the members here promote them other sites i belonged with ads didn't allow you to post about adblockers  unless it was in VIP. . Members here cause Nsane to lose a great deal in ad revenue by posting adblockers.  They are chewing off there own foot.  I go to other sites were have way worse ads than this site almost everyday  and they dont post adblockers  and many members  complain about ads but they dont know how too block them because were not allowed to talk about them :P


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