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It's official: Donald Trump has won the 2016 presidential election.


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You judge a person by what he/she does, not what he/she talks.


yes, he talked a lot. now lets wait and see what he really does... for you.




Believe me, the average working American people know what it feels like. Trump is a real person, down-to-earth. He talks like a dude you know in your neighborhood


funny how you "average working people" think that this real estate tycoon is one of yours, haha.




well, i'm obviously no expert, but i'd say you're playing with fire. this "trump experiment" could end up as a real disaster for the USA.


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Well one thing is for sure Obama  never had a chance too do anything because he had a republican congress to deal with. witch was a good thing because his ideas suck.. But now since Trump got in witch hes a republican and there's a republican congress too there will be lots of changes and some of  the stuff he said like getting rid of Nafta and other trade agreements will bring  back jobs but only time will tell what he does.

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yes, he talked a lot. now lets wait and see what he really does... for you.

I hope he does walk the walk as good as he talks the talk. Billions of people will be affected by his policies.

funny how you "average working people" think that this real estate tycoon is one of yours, haha.

I agree with this statement. I dont think he is one of them, but I think (hope) he is just too proud to look bad, resulting in good things getting done. He wants people to like him, unlike HRC who IMO doesnt give a damn what others may think of her.

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...the stuff he said like getting rid of Nafta and other trade agreements will bring  back jobs but only time will tell what he does.

well, what could have people done? right: avoid buying products from china (or wherever) and get local products. but if it's their own wallet, the cheap china crap usually wins, no one then gives a damn about jobs. -_-


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Right atm huge Anti-Trump protests going on in NYC & CHICAGO. I think It's to late now & Americans are in big shock thinking WTF happened?  

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You judge a person by what he/she does, not what he/she talks.

I heard this before. This are the defense of Philippines Pres1dent Dut3rte's supporters said a lot.

At first, they were happy many drug pushers and drug lords died during arrest as promised, even the average drug addicts killed too who even voluntarily surrenders and cooperated. Crime drop suddenly but people were afraid of being hit during gunfire due to these vigilante's stupidity.


When currency starts falling, and stocks dropping, you see their gloomy faces. A lot of false reporting being made to cover up the sudden recession but they can't hide the fact they were earning less and less everyday. The Pres. Dut3rte even said if his country men goes hungry, he will be the first one to die of hunger. Now the Filipinos people are getting hungry, I hope he knows about it. He should start fasting now. Lol. He even said during campaign that if he ever gets elected he will plant a flag in the disputed island and have himself shot by China. That didn't happened, he was there in china selling his country and allies, especially the U.S., out of fear of what obama told him he will be court martialed under the UN.


All this sh1t happened in a very short time since their presumpt1ve president opens his foul mouth cursing a lot of people like the Pope and ex-U.S. Pres. Obama. And yes, he is called presumpt1ve. Always talking sh1t without facts and proofs.

He even said he is losing 2-3 policeman a day, when the media investigates of all the recorded deaths, the police only lost twelve lives since he became president. I can imagine Trump doing the same thing too. He already did during the campaigns. They did have the same technique. Always claiming something then jumping onto the next claim when someone tries to find some facts on what he said. lol. He will become a presumpt1ve president also. lol.

They are a good match.I do not hate them. I do not like them. It's for entertainment purpose. lol.

This will be a fun 4-6 years.


Now we have Trump  in North America who I think likes KKK? I think purge movie will become a reality. lol.

And Dut3rte in Asia, whose ex-wife is a german, likens himself to h1tler to make another holocaust! Wow! Just wow!

EU and the Far East should have elected their own breed of counterpart, to increase fun by 1,000%!

It will be Put1n, the only sane leader left, who will not try to blow up the whole world. lol!

I do not know Put1n, maybe he is crazy also, but at least he is not presumpt1ve. lol.


I do not like Trump, and not even Cl1nton.

Even if my candidate lost the election, I proudly say "I am a Crazycanuk supporters!" LOL!






Honestly, I hope Trump or these elected leaders of the world will soon think to do what should be the right thing to do, not only for their country but for the world.



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1 hour ago, Brrownie said:

Right atm huge Anti-Trump protests going on in NYC & CHICAGO. I think It's to late now & Americans are in big shock thinking WTF happened?  

I know you're in canada but if you have pics then please post it.

This is historic!

<edit: I saw it now in cnn. I ditched work. LOL>



I want to say

"I live in the time when a movie actor got elected as president 3 times successively in USA.

When a black man became a U.S. president, and I still think he's the coolest U.S.A president even til now.

When, currently, a businessman shock the world when he became the next U.S.A. president, and have his opponent, Clinton and her supporters, saying 'WTF happened? We were leading!'"



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The guy has discovered a few tricks to help him out in life.
-1- Repeat any nonsense you want to get in people's heads, often.
-2- Come up with every opinion yourself, to create hoopla and so people cannot be sure of your thoughts in the first place.
A beacon of trustworthiness.


But all the best to the American people.

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Right atm huge Anti-Trump protests going on in NYC & CHICAGO. I think It's to late now & Americans are in big shock thinking WTF happened?

Universities let students skip because they to traumatized by Trumps win, what BS!....cupcake nation for sure. I seen some of these protesters on TV. The reporter said he couldnt find anyone in the group to talk intelligently with. They pulled one guy out of the group and he yells out, "grab Donald by the pussy". Just a bunch of poor losers and weak minded who cant get it in their heads that Trump is president elect and no matter what they do or say he will take office on Jan 20,2017.

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3 hours ago, Jogs said:

I voted for CC, but Trump didn't ever mentioned him in his winning speech. :dunno:

Trump didn't mention our Cc since he couldn't find to say something bad about him, instead all he could do is say good about him.

He didn't want to drag our Cc into the circus he created, cause he like our Cc too.


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Hehehe! Yes! NSA spying on nSane is true. :lol:

Hillary just thanking the women for choosing her as their champion. :win:

Now if only you could raise one of your hand and form the letter "C" to show support for our leader Cc. That'd be great! :rockon:

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We should force all the people who said they're leaving out. Good riddance Amy, if you won't leave willingly, get deported.


The sight of libtards crying in the fetal position have to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Make them leave this country, poor Canada is going to have their own refugee crisis and I hope they reject them. May they be trapped in the Great Lakes for the rest of their Oxygen Thieving lives.


All of the morons of my generation protesting because the most corrupt politician in office lost are unworthy of air and should be ejected into space, even it's 99% of them.


Build the Wall, Deport them All!

Degenerates GTFO my Country.



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24 minutes ago, CODYQX4 said:

We should force all the people who said they're leaving out. Good riddance Amy, if you won't leave willingly, get deported.


The sight of libtards crying in the fetal position have to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Make them leave this country, poor Canada is going to have their own refugee crisis and I hope they reject them. May they be trapped in the Great Lakes for the rest of their Oxygen Thieving lives.


All of the morons of my generation protesting because the most corrupt politician in office lost are unworthy of air and should be ejected into space, even it's 99% of them.


Build the Wall, Deport them All!

Degenerates GTFO my Country.




Agree with every single word you said. 


This country has been run by the most corrupted politicians in the last 8 years. Obama, Clintons, Lynch, Podesta and all their corrupted evil circle should be put in jail, even if only the treason they conducted in the Benghazi attack is counted, not to mention the "SpiritCooking", email server and child sex ring scandal. The death of Seth Rich, John Ashe, Shawn Lucas and as many as 33 deaths in the "Clinton Death List" are closely linked to the Clintons. Any person who wants HRC to run our country is purely insane and utterly stupid. 


I strongly urge all the libtards who said they are leaving if Trump is elected to get the fuck out of our country. Be a man. Go to Mexico, go to Syria, Iraq, go to Africa. These are the places where people really need your help, libtards. 

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53 minutes ago, oliverjia said:

I strongly urge all the libtards who said they are leaving if Trump is elected to get the fuck out of our country. Be a man. Go to Mexico, go to Syria, Iraq, go to Africa. These are the places where people really need your help, libtards. 



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5 hours ago, CODYQX4 said:

We should force all the people who said they're leaving out. Good riddance Amy, if you won't leave willingly, get deported.

I disagree with you , you sound like back in the 60s were if  people protested they didn't want to go to war or they believe  different they just trough them in jail . Collage and High school kids are going to protest because that's  what kids do. That's a really radical point of view  and not reality,  all those entertainers  are not going no were it's normal every day school kids that's protesting . In China they mascaraed there youth for protesting there Government  if we kicked our people out  we be no better  but you can't kick people out  because everywhere has immigration laws and no one is going take them so what you say is not realty .


You have a family maybe the parents believe one way the kids believe another way and  you think we should kick some of them out because they dont believe the same ?


Are you trying start a civil war ?


If any one ever been in trouble with the law the USA Government  want let them leave or even have a passport  if born in the states, there's many people who love to leave many who really didn't do nothing but lack of money to pay off debt  and the government want let  them leave the 50 states. get with reality bro ...


You want give me the money to leave ?  id be 1st one on the plane  and I dont have nothing against Trump I just like to leave and go somewhere else ,Maybe too Ireland  Id like to go. .  If it was as easy as just leaving half of us would of left already but moving is not free. If Trump  is willing to give people the money to leave and give people who had passport rights took away passports rights back because they don't like him , many will act like they hate him just so they could leave  :P


They made illegal for people to go to Canada without a passport back when Bush  was in there  now there talking about building a wall at Mexico soon it seems nobody will be able get in or out without a passport and there going send people back without out a passport .  This is why the Mexicans in California  are protesting  many are legals born in the states, They keep making it harder for people to leave that was born in the USA when you close up borders it may keep immigrants out but most of the time they slip in somehow as illegals  but also it makes it hard for people who are legal to leave many are trapped in the USA  unless they break the law and become a illegal in some other country . If they close the borders  and  put a wall up you're  not escaping to Mexico anymore if you're wanted  you're just going  have stay in the USA  and go to jail.



3 hours ago, jordan4x said:



I was thinking the same thing this done got silly he was already elected. :P


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17 hours ago, steven36 said:

I disagree with you , you sound like back in the 60s were if  people protested they didn't want to go to war or they believe  different they just trough them in jail . Collage and High school kids are going to protest because that's  what kids do. That's a really radical point of view  and not reality,  all those entertainers  are not going no were it's normal every day school kids that's protesting . In China they mascaraed there youth for protesting there Government  if we kicked our people out  we be no better  but you can't kick people out  because everywhere has immigration laws and no one is going take them so what you say is not realty .


You have a family maybe the parents believe one way the kids believe another way and  you think we should kick some of them out because they dont believe the same ?


Are you trying start a civil war ?


If any one ever been in trouble with the law the USA Government  want let them leave or even have a passport  if born in the states, there's many people who love to leave many who really didn't do nothing but lack of money to pay off debt  and the government want let  them leave the 50 states. get with reality bro ...


You want give me the money to leave ?  id be 1st one on the plane  and I dont have nothing against Trump I just like to leave and go somewhere else ,Maybe too Ireland  Id like to go. .  If it was as easy as just leaving half of us would of left already but moving is not free. If Trump  is willing to give people the money to leave and give people who had passport rights took away passports rights back because they don't like him , many will act like they hate him just so they could leave  :P


They made illegal for people to go to Canada without a passport back when Bush  was in there  now there talking about building a wall at Mexico soon it seems nobody will be able get in or out without a passport and there going send people back without out a passport .  This is why the Mexicans in California  are protesting  many are legals born in the states, They keep making it harder for people to leave that was born in the USA when you close up borders it may keep immigrants out but most of the time they slip in somehow as illegals  but also it makes it hard for people who are legal to leave many are trapped in the USA  unless they break the law and become a illegal in some other country . If they close the borders  and  put a wall up you're  not escaping to Mexico anymore if you're wanted  you're just going  have stay in the USA  and go to jail.



I was thinking the same thing this done got silly he was already elected. :P


Believe me, a one way ticket for all of them to GTFO would save us a lot of money in the long run. No more libtards inviting all the 3rd World in and giving all our money to rapefugees. 
They can go meet their "innocent angels" in person and try to help them in their own country, not soapbox from their Ivory Towers about how all of us anti-immigration people are racist bigots.


Get them off the system, out of the country, and no longer voting for Clinton. Put Clinton in jail (actual prison, not Club Fed) and send a message to the rest of them that they aren't above the law.


I don't necessarily disagree with some of the 60s protests, but a bunch of whiny young indoctrinated libtard millennials are the people who give my generation a bad name, and threaten the future. I bet a lot of them didn't even vote because the media all said she had it virtually guaranteed.

The indoctrination starts so young. I managed to dodge it. I was talking about corrupt bankers and globalization at age 12, doing my own research instead of blindly following what the TV said. I've viewed both sides of the fence, and without anyone in my life pushing me towards a specific worldview. The schools didn't really start trying their current wave of BS until 2-3 years after, and it was too late for them to make a Sheep out of me. Today, it starts as early as Kindergarten, far too early to seek out alternative thought.


Let them cry in the streets and GTFO. Trump won. They'd be talking down to us every waking minute if Hitlery won. Their tears are delicious and the loss of Clinton despite all her power, backers, media, and influence, is a slight glimmer of hope in a world that I've seen in unchecked decline from every moment I've been alive.


Let them eat crow and stand by their words. They're still in the denial stage, doubling down on Political Correctness and screaming Racism/Sexism as the only reason anyone would ever disagree with them. Those who preach "tolerance" are out jumping those who voted Trump.


They have nothing of value to add to this world, and if 99% of my generation voted Clinton, I won't miss any of them if they get chucked on the other side of The Wall. It's for the best, and I dread the future these brain-damaged Sheeple are being indoctrinated to help create. The insanity has to stop, and a Trump win that defied all expectations is the proof I'm not alone.

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D. T R U M P 2017 ~ 2024 B)



30 minutes ago, CODYQX4 said:


Believe me, a one way ticket for all of them to GTFO would save us a lot of money in the long run. No more libtards inviting all the 3rd World in and giving all our money to rapefugees. 
They can go meet their "innocent angels" in person and try to help them in their own country, not soapbox from their Ivory Towers about how all of us anti-immigration people are racist bigots.


Get them off the system, out of the country, and no longer voting for Clinton. Put Clinton in jail (actual prison, not Club Fed) and send a message to the rest of them that they aren't above the law.


I don't necessarily disagree with some of the 60s protests, but a bunch of whiny young indoctrinated libtard millennials are the people who give my generation a bad name, and threaten the future. I bet a lot of them didn't even vote because the media all said she had it virtually guaranteed.

The indoctrination starts so young. I managed to dodge it. I was talking about corrupt bankers and globalization at age 12, doing my own research instead of blindly following what the TV said. I've viewed both sides of the fence, and without anyone in my life pushing me towards a specific worldview. The schools didn't really start trying their current wave of BS until 2-3 years after, and it was too late for them to make a Sheep out of me. Today, it starts as early as Kindergarten, far too early to seek out alternative thought.


Let them cry in the streets and GTFO. Trump won. They'd be talking down to us every waking minute if Hitlery won. Their tears are delicious and the loss of Clinton despite all her power, backers, media, and influence, is a slight glimmer of hope in a world that I've seen in unchecked decline from every moment I've been alive.


Let them eat crow and stand by their words. They're still in the denial stage, doubling down on Political Correctness and screaming Racism/Sexism as the only reason anyone would ever disagree with them. Those who preach "tolerance" are out jumping those who voted Trump.



They have nothing of value to add to this world, and if 99% of my generation voted Clinton, I won't miss any of them if they get chucked on the other side of The Wall. It's for the best, and I dread the future these brain-damaged Sheeple are being indoctrinated to help create. The insanity has to stop, and a Trump win that defied all expectations is the proof I'm not alone.


absolutely agreed. their only purpose is to destabilize society and weaken the state. as Yuri Bezmenov said, these people are useful idiots.



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20 hours ago, oliverjia said:

I strongly urge all the libtards who said they are leaving if Trump is elected to get the fuck out of our country. Be a man. Go to Mexico, go to Syria, Iraq, go to Africa. These are the places where people really need your help, libtards. 

dude, you are full of bitterness. maybe your traveling on a third-class-train, but trump wont change that.

and all the crap he said... there is absolutely no way he can make it happen. how can he both invest in infrastructure and still lower taxes? he might lower taxes... for the rich maybe.

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Trump adviser urges Obama, Clinton to speak out on protests




Donald Trump’s campaign manager took to Twitter Thursday to call on President Obama or Hillary Clinton to speak out against calls for political violence, as unruly post-election protests broke out for the second night in a row in cities across the country.


Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a once peaceful protest was a riot after demonstrators were seen attacking drivers and committing acts of vandalism during their march against Trump’s election Thursday night.


Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s campaign manager, flagged an interview with a woman from a separate protest the night before in Los Angeles. The anti-Trump protester called for people to “fight back,” warning, “There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world.”


Conway tweeted



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They say "People need to die to make a change in this world".


They can make the necessary changes by drinking bleach. Every last blue-haired protestor.


Do they really want a Civil War? Are they that insane and sure of themselves? The majority of them are Anti-Gun Cucks. Us Trump Voters have most of the guns. If it came down to that, it'd be like fish in a barrel, and the country would be purged of them in a month tops.

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Trump Vigilantes’ at Texas College Threaten to ‘Tar and Feather Deviant University Leaders’



While some colleges struggle to contain students’ angst over Donald Trump’s election, Texas State University is struggling to contain its Trump supporters as well as its Trump detractors.

Late Wednesday, someone papered the Texas State Campus with “Trump Vigilante” posters, warning that students and administrators who opposed the Trump agenda would be “tarred and feathered” and that “deviant university leaders” would be arrested and tortured.


It’s not clear who put up the posters—whether a group of college-age Trump voters were scouring the campus for liberal colleagues to punish, or whether the flier was a hoax. The campus responded with deep concern anyway—and with more compassion for potential vigilantes than might be expected.


“We know that those who are a part of our university community have different opinions and that, in this time of transition in our national leadership, members of our community are expressing their thoughts and concerns,” wrote Texas State President Denise Trauth. “Discourse is fundamental to the academic enterprise, and this university strives to protect it.”


They did follow up with a statement later saying that campus police were investigating the incident, however.

Meanwhile, the university was handling an anti-Trump “silent protest” taking place elsewhere on campus, as students skipped classes to work out their emotions on the quad.

There was some visible crying.

One student made a valiant attempt to reason with the crowd, but was quickly outnumbered.

Students then launched a counter-protest.


And a counter-counter protest with, perhaps, the most important message of all.

We hear you, man.




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1 hour ago, jamesbond said:

dude, you are full of bitterness. maybe your traveling on a third-class-train, but trump wont change that.

and all the crap he said... there is absolutely no way he can make it happen. how can he both invest in infrastructure and still lower taxes? he might lower taxes... for the rich maybe.


No, I am full of happiness to see these libtard losers crying.

I bet you did not even do your own research on Donald. He's a man of his word, just wait and see.


Now, look at what these "peaceful, gentle" libtards are doing after they lost an election. This fxxking bitch does not deserve to live in a free country. She wants people to die. Really? These stupid cunts will be erased in a week if they really want to resort to a civil war. Look at that fxxking ugly, stupid face. It's a disgrace to human being. 



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