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Digital culture on the rise in Canada along with scams!


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Most of my friends and family live in Canada and I often get in touch with them so according to them the digital culture is booming like crazies in Canada these days. This lead me to do a random search about it since I'm a bit of a geek who goes after the depth of anything that catches my eye. So on a random search I came across these mind-boggling stats about internet scams in Canada and it wasn't too good for me cause not everyone of my friends and family is tech-savvy or intelligent enough to not fall victim to a scam or phishing attack.

So it lead me looking for some things (tips) specifically for Canada as I'm not too sure what kind of scams are there. So far I have found this article about Canadian Internet Scams and Tips to Keep in Mind and scams via money transfer. Now need you guys in it!


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