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Total Uninstall 6.17.0


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[My 2 cents here...] This thread has over 8 pages now and just for this version! Maybe I should switch to TU, instead of continuing to use Revo Uninstaller Pro? 

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2 hours ago, TheEmpathicEar said:

[My 2 cents here...] This thread has over 8 pages now and just for this version! Maybe I should switch to TU, instead of continuing to use Revo Uninstaller Pro? 


If Revo is what you've been using, just stick with that.

Total Uninstall may be an excellent program but that doesn't mean it will offer you any benefits that Revo doesn't already have.

Also, Total Uninstall is (obviously) a pain in the butt to crack so unless you've purchased a license for TU, no need to switch from Revo.


I don't know why everyone is so eager to get this latest version.

The previous version was easier to crack, works fine and there's a flawless .paf portable available thanks to FG.

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 = (III) =


TU 6.17.0 portable repacked by D!akov ( x86 & x64 ):-


Dont know if it works, (can`t test), mine is a desktop computer.


Download :

Site :-...........    http://uptobox.com

Sharecode :-   ...............................    /habygiv80huh

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On 27.08.2016 at 4:52 PM, jofre said:

 = (III) =


TU 6.17.0 portable repacked by D!akov ( x86 & x64 ):-


Dont know if it works, (can`t test), mine is a desktop computer.


Download :

Site :-...........    http://uptobox.com

Sharecode :-   ...............................    /habygiv80huh

It works . Tested on Win10 x64.

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@remek002 crack is not for portable computers ! -  Sense Fuken Gruven can`t make the "medicine" for TU 6.17, this are the only alternatives that exist.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I've been reading this thread for over an hour and it looks like a labyrinth of multiple shares of multiple contributors.
Lost on the way to a solution after rereading and having several windows of the same thread opened it seemed that the best alternative would be to test this quoted follow:


Luckily I hit the fly. Here the proggie runs so good
So far I havn´t understood the controversy over these proposed solution.
Thanks to @remek002 for the crk
Now I can finally compare TU to the others I´ve tested

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  • 2 years later...


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