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Companies Upgrade to Windows 10, but Employees Want Windows 7 Anyway


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Companies Upgrade to Windows 10, but Employees Want Windows 7 Anyway




69 percent of IT admins admit employees love Windows 7



The world’s slowly migrating to Windows 10 and Microsoft’s own data shows that the new operating system is already running on 350 million devices across the world, including here PCs and mobile devices.


And a new survey conducted by Spiceworks indicates the same thing, as IT professionals admit that they have already switched to Windows 10 or at least are considering the upgrade for their companies.


Specifically, 38 percent of the respondents explained that the transition to Windows 10 is already complete and Spiceworks says that this is just a little below the estimate of 40 percent in the first year after the launch of the operating system. Companies with 250 employees or more usually switch to new operating systems first, while bigger firms wait for a major update, as it’s the case of the upcoming Anniversary Update, to perform the switch.


Employees like Windows 7 because they’re used to it


69 percent of the respondents, however, admitted that although Windows 10 is an option for their companies, employees still choose Windows 7, mostly because this is an operating system they are already familiar with. But with support for Windows 7 ending in 2020, companies are already planning in advance, so most are pondering the upgrade to Windows 10 to benefit from longer support.


Joe Kinne, IT manager at Prime Electric and one of the participants in the survey, said that employees indeed choose Windows 7, but that’s only because Windows 10 brings new features and some are worried that it could take more time to get used to it.


“At first, our end users were reluctant to give up a system they already know and like, but they quickly caught on and adapted really well once they began to try the new features and realize the improvements,” he said.


As far as the reasons for conducting the upgrade are concerned, 66 percent of the IT admins pointed to the free upgrade, while 49 percent named the improved performance as the most compelling factor. Only 48 percent explained they decided to install Windows 10 because of the approaching EOS of Windows 7.


Press Release:



AUSTIN, TX--(Marketwired - Jul 20, 2016) - Spiceworks, the professional network for IT, today announced the results of a new survey exploring organizations' adoption of Windows 10, perceptions of the new features, and the biggest benefits and challenges experienced in the first year. The study "Windows 10 Adoption: Sprinting out of the Gate" found that as of June 30, 2016, 38 percent of organizations across the globe have adopted Windows 10, in line with the 40 percent adoption rate IT professionals predicted in June 2015. The highest adoption rates were found in North America (39 percent), in companies with more than 250 employees (51 percent), and in the software, manufacturing, and construction industries.


The results also revealed 85 percent of companies that have implemented Windows 10 are generally satisfied with the OS and 51 percent are very or extremely satisfied. However, when IT professionals were asked which OS their end users are most satisfied with, Windows 7 leads at 69 percent compared to Windows 10 at 17 percent.


"We're rolling out Windows 10 on our new devices and upgrading a majority of our existing devices, and the biggest benefit so far has been the overall speed and performance of the OS," said Joe Kinne, IT manager at Prime Electric. "At first, our end users were reluctant to give up a system they already know and like, but they quickly caught on and adapted really well once they began to try the new features and realize the improvements."


Organizations satisfied with Windows 10 despite initial challenges


Among organizations using Windows 10, 58 percent are actively implementing the OS on end user devices and 42 percent are still in the testing phase. Organizations in the implementation phase are primarily running Windows 10 on their laptops and desktops at 92 and 87 percent respectively, but nearly 40 percent are running the OS on tablets and 10 percent are running it on Windows smartphones.


In terms of the top reasons organizations are implementing Windows 10, 66 percent said the free upgrade was the biggest driver. Forty-nine percent upgraded for the improved performance, 48 percent upgraded due to the end-of-life of older operating systems, and 43 percent upgraded for the new features and functionality. The top features that led organizations to implement the OS include the return of the start menu, enhanced security, a faster update cycle, and better integration with cloud services like OneDrive.


However, many IT professionals had to overcome a few challenges before their organizations could realize the benefits of Windows 10. Compatibility issues with hardware and software top the list of challenges experienced at 56 percent, followed by the time required for the upgrade process at 45 percent, the lack of control over Windows updates at 37 percent, and bugs in early releases at 32 percent.


Windows 10 viewed as strong successor to Windows 8 and Windows 7


When comparing Windows 10 to previous versions of the OS, a majority of IT professionals believe, with the exception of data privacy guarantees, Windows 10 is a major improvement from Windows 8 across all metrics, including a better start menu, performance, implementation, security, and more.


Additionally, a majority of IT professionals said when comparing Windows 10 to Windows 7, they saw improved performance, security, and flexibility across devices as well as improvements to the start menu. However, IT professionals saw little difference between Windows 7 and Windows 10 when evaluated in terms of implementation, cost-effectiveness, management, compatibility, and the presence of bugs. And when it comes to data privacy guarantees, many IT professionals believe Windows 7 is the better option.


Companies satisfied with their current OS are less motivated to upgrade


Despite improved features and functionality, 62 percent of organizations have not adopted Windows 10. Nearly 70 percent of survey respondents who have not adopted Windows 10 said they haven't deployed the OS because they're satisfied with their current operating systems. Forty-seven percent haven't adopted Windows 10 due to compatibility issues with hardware and software, 36 percent said they were concerned about the lack of control over Windows updates, and 36 percent were concerned with bugs in early releases.


However, among those that do plan to adopt Windows 10, 11 percent plan to within the next 12 months, an additional 22 percent plan to in one to two years, and 16 percent plan to within two or more years. Forty-two percent of organizations that have not adopted Windows 10 said they have no plans to in the foreseeable future.


"We know end of life is often the number one driver of new tech purchases so it's not surprising to see some companies are waiting to upgrade," said Sanjay Castelino, VP of Marketing at Spiceworks. "Although they may recognize the benefits of Windows 10, some IT professionals aren't as motivated to change if they already have a proven solution in place."


Windows 10 adoption rates were collected on June 30, 2016 and are based on anonymized, aggregated technology usage data from IT professionals across the globe in Spiceworks. Technology usage data was supplemented with survey data collected in May 2016, which included 866 respondents from North America and EMEA. Respondents represent a variety of company sizes, including small-to-medium-sized businesses and enterprises, and come from a variety of industries including manufacturing, healthcare, non-profits, education, government, and finance. For more information and a complete list of survey results, visit https://www.spiceworks.com/it-articles/windows-10-adoption/.




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Yep, they ( we) have to .........:rolleyes:

You dont want to loose your job ( do you ?) ,so we all have to get used to Win10 !


Unless your the boss of the company......

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3 hours ago, vissha said:

Companies Upgrade to Windows 10, but Employees Want Windows 7 Anyway




69 percent of IT admins admit employees love Windows 7



And a new survey conducted by Spiceworks indicates the same thing, as IT professionals admit that they have already switched to Windows 10 or at least are considering the upgrade for their companies.


Specifically, 38 percent of the respondents explained that the transition to Windows 10 is already complete and Spiceworks says that this is just a little below the estimate of 40 percent in the first year after the launch of the operating system. Companies with 250 employees or more usually switch to new operating systems first, while bigger firms wait for a major update, as it’s the case of the upcoming Anniversary Update, to perform the switch.


Employees like Windows 7 because they’re used to it


69 percent of the respondents, however, admitted that although Windows 10 is an option for their companies, employees still choose Windows 7, mostly because this is an operating system they are already familiar with. But with support for Windows 7 ending in 2020, companies are already planning in advance, so most are pondering the upgrade to Windows 10 to benefit from longer support.


Joe Kinne, IT manager at Prime Electric and one of the participants in the survey, said that employees indeed choose Windows 7, but that’s only because Windows 10 brings new features and some are worried that it could take more time to get used to it.


“At first, our end users were reluctant to give up a system they already know and like, but they quickly caught on and adapted really well once they began to try the new features and realize the improvements,” he said.


As far as the reasons for conducting the upgrade are concerned, 66 percent of the IT admins pointed to the free upgrade, while 49 percent named the improved performance as the most compelling factor. Only 48 percent explained they decided to install Windows 10 because of the approaching EOS of Windows 7.


Press Release:

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windows 7 is great but too old and the security is poor




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Its still great , but it becomes outdated very fast..........

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43 minutes ago, visualbuffs said:

windows 7 is great but too old and the security is poor

Too funny... Do you really think Win 10 is good in security wise? I don't think so. Major vulnerabilities of Win 7/8/8.1 are still applicable to Win 10 too. Also, newer issues arise with cumulative updates ans at many instances you can't even use Win 10 after cumulative update. Ads in the OS create another security issue with Win 10, even if it could be blocked. Now tell, it is secure? I'm sure Win 10 is both insecure and no privacy when compared to Win 7.


FYI: When there is more privacy, it means there is more security. I hope this concludes all discussions.

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Think it's time all stop complaining about Windows 10 and start using it and see that is is better and smoother than windows 7.

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1 hour ago, ghostza said:

Think it's time all stop complaining about Windows 10 and start using it and see that is is better and smoother than windows 7.




It's time we begin to respect opinions beyond our own!!

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19 hours ago, WALLONN7 said:




It's time we begin to respect opinions beyond our own!!

totally  agree if you have old hardware that isn't properly supported that's your bad considering your PC manufacturer doesn't support your system after 1 year anyways unless you paid extra for extended warranty and even then it's at a max of 5 years but doesn't mean they are going to keep your BIOS updated usually drops support after 2 years PERIOD and if it is that old then your BIOS is prone to being hacked the second you turn on your PC since all modems are vulnerable to brute force and so much more they are network bound even before you power on your system since 10 years now it never is fully off it has that phantom power draw of up to 1 watt just enough to turn it on remotely anywhere in the world and there are YOUTUBE videos on how to hack anyone's shit system get a new system with new bios and keep that fucker updated and stop bitching like a child. If you cannot afford a $300 new laptop or Desktop then you shouldn't even be online you pay a monthly fee for internet that adds up way beyond $300 a year. Do yourself a favor put away $25 minimum a month and in a year you can buy a new laptop or desktop look around OPEN your eyes I have seen laptops as low as $180 NEW. from amazon to Newegg.

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14 hours ago, D1v1n3D said:

totally  agree if you have old hardware that isn't properly supported that's your bad considering your PC manufacturer doesn't support your system after 1 year anyways unless you paid extra for extended warranty and even then it's at a max of 5 years but doesn't mean they are going to keep your BIOS updated usually drops support after 2 years PERIOD and if it is that old then your BIOS is prone to being hacked the second you turn on your PC since all modems are vulnerable to brute force and so much more they are network bound even before you power on your system since 10 years now it never is fully off it has that phantom power draw of up to 1 watt just enough to turn it on remotely anywhere in the world and there are YOUTUBE videos on how to hack anyone's shit system get a new system with new bios and keep that fucker updated and stop bitching like a child. If you cannot afford a $300 new laptop or Desktop then you shouldn't even be online you pay a monthly fee for internet that adds up way beyond $300 a year. Do yourself a favor put away $25 minimum a month and in a year you can buy a new laptop or desktop look around OPEN your eyes I have seen laptops as low as $180 NEW. from amazon to Newegg.


I hope you're relaxed now... as you put out all your frustrations... ^_^

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14 hours ago, WALLONN7 said:




It's time we begin to respect opinions beyond our own!!

You just proved your own statement by this post. You don't like Windows 10 just because you rely on other peoples comments ,but have you used it yet.

Can't badmouth something you have not tried yet.

Too many people staying away from Windows 10 because of bad unwarrented press.

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23 hours ago, Pete 12 said:

Yep, they (we) have to .........:rolleyes:

You don't want to loose your job (do you ?),

so we all have to get used to Win10 !


Unless you are the boss of the company......

Unless, you fire your boss...:tooth:

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6 hours ago, ghostza said:

You just proved your own statement by this post.


First of all, thank you for making my day!!! :notworthy:
Well, let's talk about things you "think" you know about me... :read:


6 hours ago, ghostza said:

You don't like Windows 10 just because you rely on other peoples comments ,but have you used it yet..


I was an insider for about three months before Windows 10 reach the RTM stage. And I kept as such for over twenty days after that...
As someone who embraces the idea of others, I wonder why I have not bought yours... :think:


6 hours ago, ghostza said:

Can't badmouth something you have not tried yet.


Well, you do not know me... so... Don’t “think” you know me just because you “think” you know me… ;)


... I was forgetting to thank you one more time for making my day... Thanks a lot!!!

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On undefined at 7:59 AM, Pete 12 said:

Yep, they ( we) have to .........:rolleyes:

You dont want to loose your job ( do you ?) ,so we all have to get used to Win10 !


Unless your the boss of the company......

What's in the news and the truth  of the matter is two different things i know people who work in the medical field who's business get paid trough the government..They cant use Windows 10 because  it has IE11  they have to use Windows 7 with a unsupported  version  of IE  because the government is still not upgraded the system to IE 11 . Once they upgrade then more business will have to upgrade too windows 10 they will have to do it by  2020 anyways because  there is liability laws that you to have to have windows updates  but that  is most likely years away 2018 or 2019.


Enterprise sales only grew 2%  in  Q4  consumer oem sales grew 20% (home users ) in Q4   Business has always been slow to adapt and the only reason most are using windows 7  was so they would not be sued or fined  many would stayed on XP  with no updates if they could of got away with it , they did not  upgrade because they wanted too  .but laws made in the 21 century forces them to upgrade before Windows EOL.  


Once windows 10 is not free no more Microsoft is going start  giving reports every month on Windows 10 instead of every quarter  By the way.


It will happen when it happens and all business will have make plains to upgrade sooner or latter, but so far there is not very many business  bought windows 10 yet .. ,And what the bosses  or what  the employees want in the end dont really matter no how, the system is going benefit  Microsoft in the end . Because it's even over the bosses head .

They are some exceptions to this rule though,  there are some countries  that dont follow  the law and some business in those still use XP  today. But in most countries its mandatory .The UK , US Navy  and IRS  didn't pay millions  because they wanted XP updates after EOL  they payed so they would not be a liability.  What you do at home is up to you but in business most countries have to follow the law are be heavily fined


Enterprise are soon to get were they can a monthly  fee  for windows and they like this kind of stuff,  they already pay like this for cloud and office anyways, because they just write off any kind of working expenses on there taxes  but people at home hate it  and it would cause a big problem  for Microsoft if they tired it on Home users.

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