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NOD32 non-resident (installed only when a monthly manual deep-scan is to be done.)

Online Armor (paid version)

RoboForm Pro

Adblock Plus (with Element Hiding Helper)



(Substituted) Online Armor with COMODO Firewall

(added) Process Lasso Pro. to my arsenal.

(Testing) Windows Firewall Control after uninstalling COMODO Firewall.

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My laptop boots up at 21 secs.

Guinness_zps15806f31.pngAre you already registered for the Guinness record? It's a unique case in the world - 21 seconds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kalju See... I just lost the Guinness World Record Medal. Therru took it away. And if I'm not wrong, pretty soon dcs18 will dethrone Therru. :P

Anyways, I've stripped down a lot of things. Will update my new config (on this thread) after I decide on my final AV. :)

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A 21 second boot-time is too slow.



You're using Windows 8.1 Fast startup right ?? Cuz, tbh even my freshly installed win 7 takes about 15 to 18 secs to boot (just a guess) :unsure:

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On my notebook "is a decent one".

- "Realtime" [Quihoo 360 total protection, 5 engines enabled, light as fk]
- "Firewall" Comodo Firewall Only, everything else set to disabled
- "Plus" Zemana AntiLogger

Tested this on virtual machine with 74 recent malware samples, not a single infection.

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And if I'm not wrong, pretty soon dcs18 will dethrone Therru. :P

Not with a conventional HDD not even if it were to be rated @ 10,000 rpm - boot-time speed depends largely upon the condition of the HDD, number of partitions and USB devices connected and the load caused by the startup of services, drivers, dynamic link libraries, scheduled tasks, etc., etc (hardly depends on the speed of the CPU, as you mentioned earlier at post # 605.)

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Windows 8 Manager

ABP, LastPass


With this setup my laptop (i3, 5400 rpm, windows 8.1 x64) has an average cold start time of 12-14 secs. I do not like hybrid boot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kaspersky Internet Security

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Free)

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (Free - looking for Premium)

KeyScrambler Pro

MVPS Hosts



Adblock Plus


Kaspersky Protection


HTTPS Everywhere



I think I'm safe enough, there's no enough protection againts the latest malware and trojans though. Common sence is quite effective also.

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Kaspersky Internet Security

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Free)

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit (Free - looking for Premium)

KeyScrambler Pro

MVPS Hosts



Adblock Plus


Kaspersky Protection


HTTPS Everywhere



I think I'm safe enough, there's no enough protection againts the latest malware and trojans though. Common sence is quite effective also.

First time I met PeerBlock and I have to say im impressed, I opened my qbitorrent and it was totally mindblown. As soon as I have some money I'll donate to that people.

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NOD32 non-resident (installed only when a monthly manual deep-scan is to be done.)

Online Armor (paid version)

RoboForm Pro

Adblock Plus (with Element Hiding Helper)



(Substituted) Online Armor with COMODO Firewall

(added) Process Lasso Pro. to my arsenal.

(Testing) Windows Firewall Control after uninstalling COMODO Firewall.

(Testing) NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro after uninstalling Process Lasso Pro.

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NOD32 non-resident (installed only when a monthly manual deep-scan is to be done.)

Online Armor (paid version)

RoboForm Pro

Adblock Plus (with Element Hiding Helper)



(Substituted) Online Armor with COMODO Firewall

(added) Process Lasso Pro. to my arsenal.

(Testing) Windows Firewall Control after uninstalling COMODO Firewall.

(Testing) NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro after uninstalling Process Lasso Pro.

NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro. seems great on one's personal system - however, it is no good for deployment on client machines and another major drawback is that there is no permanent fix for it, ATM. :thumbsdown:

The above 2 solid reasons might force me to return to Process Lasso Pro. - besides, the 3rd compelling point is that I know of a trick to prevent Process Lasso Pro. from being terminated from Task Manager which continues to remain unfixed with NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro. yXZVmpE.gif

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Security Products

Emsisoft Internet Security Pack


Browser Extension


Privacy Badger


Private Internet Access

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NOD32 non-resident (installed only when a monthly manual deep-scan is to be done.)

Online Armor (paid version)

RoboForm Pro

Adblock Plus (with Element Hiding Helper)



(Substituted) Online Armor with COMODO Firewall

(added) Process Lasso Pro. to my arsenal.

(Testing) Windows Firewall Control after uninstalling COMODO Firewall.

(Testing) NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro after uninstalling Process Lasso Pro.

NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro. seems great on one's personal system - however, it is no good for deployment on client machines and another major drawback is that there is no permanent fix for it, ATM. :thumbsdown:

The above 2 solid reasons might force me to return to Process Lasso Pro. - besides, the 3rd compelling point is that I know of a trick to prevent Process Lasso Pro. from being terminated from Task Manager which continues to remain unfixed with NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro. yXZVmpE.gif

Just dumped NoVirusThanks EXE Radar Pro. in favor of Process Lasso Pro. due to inordinate delays on the part of the Developer and the reasons expressed in my previous post (reproduced herein.) RL8WwPy.gif

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Present Security Setup:--

  • Adblock Plus (with Element Hiding Helper)
  • CookieSafe
  • NOD32 non-resident (installed only when a manual deep-scan is to be done.)
  • NoScript
  • Process Lasso Pro.
  • RoboForm Pro.
  • Windows Firewall Control
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just ShadowDefender mb and hitman pro its all i need

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