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ok this is a long rant but i have to let it out and i hope you all could give me advice plz. I have dealt with asus over the weekend for 12 hrs dealing with the idiocy of these people. I have been on hold a minimum of 2 to 3 hrs, i worked with at least 10 different CSR's who have either read the wrong manuals (their words) gone over what connections belong where at least 3 to 4 times with each CSR, passed along to supervisors who put me on hold and never came back, i have talked to a manager about the situation who i told i expect to be compensated for all the aggravation they put me through and he asked me what I wanted and i replied with a tablet and he said he wouldnt qaurentee it but he would see what he could do. I asked him if it would be possible to get a windows version of a tablet and he recommended a vivo again saying he will see what managemtent decides. I then asked him when would i hear from him and he replied on tuesday so i waited until three PM and never recieved a phone call from him (shocker there) and i asked him if i didnt hear from him to call and ask from him, which i did and was kept on hold for over an hour with very limited response. I told these csr's they were idiots after having more than enough patience with them and i was sick of it. After an hour of being on hold i hung up and called them back. I asked for a supervisor and was given one who kept me on hold for 30 to 40 mins and finally got back on the phone and replied i am trying to work something out and help me out but he needed to put me on hold and i asked how long for and he stated 15 mins. A half hour went by until i hung up and called back. I asked for another supervisor and he replied to me that the manager denied my request for a tablet. I asked a few csr's and supervisors how they would feel if that was me and some replied they would be upset and not happy at all, some wouldnt answer the question, obviously coz they worked there as i told them they wouldn't answer me. I dememanded to speak to this manager and they said they have no way of reaching him which i know was a crock of $hit. I then asked the supervisor where this manager worked and he replied corperate and i asked him for the number which he replied he didnt know but said he would get a message to him to call me tomorrow which i said to myself i know he wont so i asked the sup who i could contact that had access to him and could get him on the phone and they couldnt give me an answer so i told them I will be calling the better business bureau in the morning and he said that is my choice.

I plan on doing so in the AM. I have tried to have as much patience with these idiots as much as i could, lost my cool with them and swore at them, telling them how dumb they are as i had it with them. I have never been treated so badly before and have never heard anything like this, i was lied to by so many different ppl before.

Sorry for my long rant but i had to get it out as i am very frustrated. Could i please get some opinions from you all on what i should do? Your opinions are greatly appreciated and wanted no matter what u think. If i am so very wrong plz be gentle on ur comments.


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27 minutes ago, bruinator said:


NExus 7 Memopads Zenpads are android based ... AFAIK you can't use windows os on these 


VIVO PCs and Transformers are laptop/tablet hybrids amd are  windows based... But these are dated and not updated to recent processor specs

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31 minutes ago, teodz1984 said:


NExus 7 Memopads Zenpads are android based ... AFAIK you can't use windows os on these 


VIVO PCs and Transformers are laptop/tablet hybrids amd are  windows based... But these are dated and not updated to recent processor specs

what does that have to do with my rant concerning asus?

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3 hours ago, bruinator said:

I have tried to have as much patience with these idiots as much as i could, lost my cool with them and swore at them, telling them how dumb they are as i had it with them.


You blew it the minute you started swearing and belittling them, regardless of how much time you spent on the phone and how many people you talked to or what they did or didn't do.  It is a little used legal tool that when you swear you lose your status  and become less than the person you are dealing with.  If I was at ASUS I would tell you to go pound sand, not literally but just by not doing anything or putting you off.  As far as the BBB goes, the minute ASUS support plays back your taped support chat with swearing they will drop any complaint you have.  I had it used against me years ago when I used just the word 'damn' in a conversation when I said something like 'get off your damn ass and do something about it' and as I pursued the issue through legal channels I was told to drop it because I would not come out on top because that 'slip' of my tongue was a matter of record (recorded conversation).

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I agree with the swearing part of your statement. I reported it to amazon and will let them deal with how asus treats the customers of one their biggest partners in amazon. Maybe then they will learn how to treat ppl. More and more ppl will learn the hard way with this so called "company".

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Based on your rants, i am not even sure what you want from ASUS.

You have a long post yet you did not explain what was wrong with the product you have. (NOT EVEN A MENTION of WHAT PRODUCT you got ...)


Maybe you got the wrong product in the fist place...

I suspect you did not do you homework googling product reviews before you made the purchase.








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First of all, congratulations for your patience in dealing with it ... I could not even get the third hour...


Second, I would ( DO ) not buy Asus products, given my prior knowledge of hardware compatibility problems, among others. With regard to the brand ... In my opinion, it's just status...


My company only works with Gigabyte, and there are machines, assembled and marketed by me, with over 10 years which presented no problem ever. There may be reports of other members here that differ from mine, but I cannot speak for them, just for my own experiences.
I do not know in which country you live, but here in Brazil we have the “Consumer Protection Code”. Questions like yours are resolved fairly easily, since the consumer knows the “CDC”.


If I passed by you did, for example, I have the following alternatives to solve the problem:


1st: Since the product had been purchased through the Internet, I would have 7 days, from delivery of the product, to claim repentance;


2nd: problems as reported, would be configured as "hidden defect", once they arrived within 90 days after purchasing the product, which would give me three possible alternatives, to my choice:

a): exchange the product for similar;
b): money back;
c): product warranty, it would have 30 days to solve the problem; not resolved in time, money back.


Another thing, based on the example given by straycat19:
It is quite difficult to speak politely in these circumstances, even less when we know they are treating us as "just a number", but the call recording could not be used for the company to evade its obligations, not in Brazil.
As I said, I do not know where you live, but if you have laws that protect you, use them!!! And if there is another problem in the future, do not waste much time dealing with companies.

Remember: if a company* respects you, it solves the problem.


( * ) When I needed them, they attended to my requests: GSkill, Seagate - again, personal experiences.

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Sorry but this should of been at the beginning of my rant. I was just pissed off at asus and verizon after both had trouble with their CSR as asus isnt too informative and verizon being on strike.


Ok, I will add a little more detail to my original post but in a more calmed manner. I was putting together my first build of a desktop PC and was excited to do it to prove to myself i could do it. I ordered my first 2 parts last monday and received them within 2 days which surprised me how quickly they came. So i went ahead and ordered the last few parts on Tuesday and everything else by Thursday except the RAM. I ended up putting together the complete thing within a short amount of time and saw why people enjoy building them coz it was fun. The only issues I ad was with the tiny pin connections for the fan, usb devices and some other things that I have forgotten at this time. I talked to a few places like amazon, new egg, forums, Best buy and a few local PC repair shops hoping to get some help from them but the all said you have to call asus and they all said good luck with that and i asked why. Just about all replied they are not too helpful and are hard to deal with.


When I got home, I called for some mobo help and after about 20 mins i got someone on the phone and he was willing to help me. He had me does over and over again with starting over 3 to 4 different times before he gave up. His supervisor got on the phone and was no help either. I went through these things about 7 times before they got it right. Picture all that and imagine the same thing happening with the drivers as well which brought me to my original rant. Hope this is a bit more clear now.





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10 minutes ago, bruinator said:

The only issues I ad was with the tiny pin connections for the fan, usb devices and some other things that I have forgotten at this time.

"Only" ?

Not connecting the fan or connecting it to the wrong pin would (should) not allow the board to boot, or could even brick it. If you said that and it was recorded, you voided your warranty.

I'm wondering if you read the full manual before you started building. It's as important as assembling the PC .....

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11 minutes ago, Pequi said:

"Only" ?

Not connecting the fan or connecting it to the wrong pin would (should) not allow the board to boot, or could even brick it. If you said that and it was recorded, you voided your warranty.

I'm wondering if you read the full manual before you started building. It's as important as assembling the PC .....

Excuse me but they were the ones telling me where to put things not me. I did it with their instructions !! It's not my fault they dont know what they are doing as they only "work there" and a CSR to help ppl with such matters, otherwise y r they there?

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