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“Terms of Service; Didn't Read” (ToS;DR)


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This is a work in progress as it's effectiveness will be limited till further work transpires and updates happen - (my views only)

It offers both, a website to check and browser ad-on's/extentions -  you can try it or wait and check back later - only Internet Explorer hasn't a ad-on of the listed Browsers.

For a working software solution to this problem of hidden meanings of EULA's see my post EULAlyzer 2.2


Terms of Service; Didn't Read

I have read and agree to the Terms” is the biggest lie on the web. We aim to fix that.

We are a user rights initiative to rate and label website terms & privacy policies, from very good Class A to very bad Class E.

Terms of service are often too long to read, but it's important to understand what's in them. Your rights online depend on them. We hope that our ratings can help you get informed about your rights. Do not hesitate to click on a service below, to have more details! You can also get the ratings directly in your browser by installing our web browser add-on:


“Terms of Service; Didn't Read” (short: ToS;DR) is a young project started in June 2012 to help fix the “biggest lie on the web”: almost no one really reads the terms of service we agree to all the time.

Background. The rough idea behind ToS;DR emerged during the 2011 Chaos Communication Camp near Berlin, with people from Unhosted a movement to create web apps that give users control over their valuable user data and privacy. Since June 2012, Hugo Roy (@hugoroyd) has taken the lead for the project, and started the legal analysis. Ultimately, all the work is transparent and the discussions happen in public. Our work is funded by non-profits organisations and individual donations and gets released as free software and open data.

Please bear in mind that the project is still in the early phase and that most data is subject to important changes. More information about our classification.

What does “ToS;DR” mean? the name is inspired by internet acronym TL;DR which stands for "Too Long; Didn't Read" and is often used on blogs and emails when a block of text is just really long and that people are too lazy to read the whole stuff. It was intended more as a code name than as a real name. But it seems that people like it (do you?)


Install the browser extensions to get instant information about the terms and privacy policies of websites you browse!

Please select your web browser: Mozilla Firefox - Google Chrome - Opera - Safari - Internet Explorer.


Browser Ad-On's/Extentions Download Link


Mozilla Firefox add-on

This add-on will add a small icon in the right side of your address bar. If you are browsing a website that is not in our database, nothing will appear. Click on the icon to get the summary of the terms, provided by ToS;DR.


Google Chrome extension

This extension will add a small icon in the right side of your address bar. If you are browsing a website that is not in our database, nothing will appear. Click on the icon to get the summary of the terms, provided by ToS;DR. When you land on a website with very bad terms, a small notification will pop up in the bottom right hand corner to warn you.


Safari extension

This extension will add a small icon just next to the address bar, on the left. If you are browsing a website that is not in our database, nothing will appear. Click on the icon to get the summary of the terms, provided by ToS;DR


Opera add-on

This extension will add a small icon on the top right-hand corner. If you are browsing a website that is not in our database, nothing will appear. Click on the icon to get the summary of the terms, provided by ToS;DR.


Internet Explorer: coming soon

We do not have an extension for internet explorer yet. Please help contribute code to it!



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