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Weird high latency


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I've noticed my PING is too high right now which never happened before so I tried to ping google.com and trace route it but I got some weird results. these are subsequent runs.


figure 1



figure 2



figure 3



figure 4




if I've understood it right the server in the United states is busy somehow, even when the traffic is first sent to Italy server and then to United states it still shows high latency.

by the way there is no problem with my cabling and router. when in the morning I tried to ping google.com it was around 35 to 50ms, right now it is about 160ms!!

my DNS: and


any thoughts?

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23 minutes ago, saeed_dc said:

if I've understood it right the server in the United states is busy somehow, even when the terrific is first sent to Italy server and then to United states it still shows high latency.


must be a mistypo (trafic)

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Well it is being routed from Iran to Europe and then to US. 160ms seems legit if looking at the traceroute above.

But i think it should be routed to Googles Servers in Europe or Asia rather than US.


Your ISP doesn't have a public looking glass server, so i can't check how and why it is being routed as it is.

The traceroutes also look a little strange, especially picture 3 which looks like your home router is connected directly to a VPN. Not sure which program you used.


Can you try in cmd: tracert


And don't blurr the ip addresses, your public ip address is not visible in the traceroute, only the first router of your ISP which might tell in which part of Iran you live in.

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6 minutes ago, BBs said:

Well it is being routed from Iran to Europe and then to US. 160ms seems legit if looking at the traceroute above.

But i think it should be routed to Googles Servers in Europe or Asia rather than US.


Your ISP doesn't have a public looking glass server, so i can't check how and why it is being routed as it is.

The traceroutes also look a little strange, especially picture 3 which looks like your home router is connected directly to a VPN. Not sure which program you used.


Can you try in cmd: tracert


And don't blurr the ip addresses, your public ip address is not visible in the traceroute, only the first router of your ISP which might tell in which part of Iran you live in.



I used  Open Visual Traceroute for trace routes. I'm not using any VPN or proxy, only direct connection. that ping is too high specially for gaming. I usually have lower pings than that with (MTU=1400)


C:\Windows\system32> tracert

Tracing route to google-public-dns-a.google.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     1 ms     3 ms     1 ms
  2    19 ms    15 ms     *
  3    16 ms    14 ms    16 ms
  4    56 ms    56 ms    39 ms
  5    37 ms    54 ms    47 ms
  6    27 ms    50 ms    42 ms
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8    24 ms    26 ms    50 ms
  9    27 ms    23 ms    22 ms
 10     *       28 ms    23 ms
 11    33 ms    29 ms    27 ms
 12   219 ms     *      221 ms  ffm-b1-link.telia.net []
 13   244 ms   258 ms   254 ms  google-ic-314917-ffm-b1.c.telia.net []
 14   200 ms   197 ms   198 ms
 15   200 ms   200 ms   200 ms
 16   204 ms     *      197 ms
 17   199 ms   203 ms   209 ms
 18   197 ms   198 ms   199 ms
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *      199 ms   205 ms  google-public-dns-a.google.com []

Trace complete.



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C:\Windows\system32> tracert

Tracing route to google-public-dns-a.google.com []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
  1     1 ms     3 ms     1 ms <<<<<<<<<<<< Your home router
  2    19 ms    15 ms     * <<<<<<<<<<< Should be your ISP, dunno why they use so many different AS numbers, this one is registered to ASK-AS Andishe Sabz Khazar
  3    16 ms    14 ms    16 ms
  4    56 ms    56 ms    39 ms
 Probably some kind of L3VPN connection from AS39308(ASK-AS Andishe Sabz Khazar) to AS1299(Telia), probably over some other ISPs that are not visible in the trace.
  5    37 ms    54 ms    47 ms
  6    27 ms    50 ms    42 ms
  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  8    24 ms    26 ms    50 ms
  9    27 ms    23 ms    22 ms
 10     *       28 ms    23 ms
 11    33 ms    29 ms    27 ms
 Telia Backbone
 12   219 ms     *      221 ms  ffm-b1-link.telia.net []<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Telia Frankfurt/Germany
 13   244 ms   258 ms   254 ms  google-ic-314917-ffm-b1.c.telia.net [] <<<<<<<<<<< Telias connection to Google
 Google Network
 14   200 ms   197 ms   198 ms
 15   200 ms   200 ms   200 ms
 16   204 ms     *      197 ms
 17   199 ms   203 ms   209 ms
 18   197 ms   198 ms   199 ms
 19     *        *        *     Request timed out.
 20     *      199 ms   205 ms  google-public-dns-a.google.com []

Google is directly connected to Telia, meaning that that connection is sure not a problem.


Trace back from Telia to your ISP(Telia Looking Glass):
[Google] <-> [1299 Telia, Europe] -> [8932 UCOMINT Icon Communications CJSC, Armenia] -> [48159 TIC-AS Telecommunication Infrastructure Company,Iran] -> [39308 ASK-AS Andishe Sabz Khazar Autonomous System,Iran]

It is around 200ms from you to Google. USA doesn't seem to be between this route. The path from you to Google Datacenter in Europe has around 200ms roundtrip time which is way too high. 
The main cause for the latency increase seems to be the connection between your ISP and Telia, but it is not clearly visible which other ISPs are in between this connection, as it goes through a L3VPN.

Usually Europe <-> Turkey is around 50ms. Meaning 200ms for Europe <-> Iran seems a little too high. You should contact your ISP and tell them that you have around 200ms latency to Google servers.


Can you try https://www.pingplotter.com/ and use the address ? let it run for 5 mins. 


Ps.: You shouldn't use the Google DNS servers with such high latency.

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It seems something is going on in the networks, before this my ping wasn't exceeding 100, it was normally around 70-80 for google.com with DNS. i called my ISP and they said everything is fine with the networks related to them and they said there must be a problem in international networks. I don't know why that software showed google's server in U.S if it goes to Europe!


how do you know it's a L3 VPN between me and Google's servers?

is it possible that these additional private servers or VPNs are used for DPI?





Output as text:


Target Name: google-public-dns-a.google.com
  Date/Time: 1/25/2016 11:08:33 PM to 1/25/2016 11:13:30 PM

Hop Sent Err   PL% Min Max Avg  Host Name / [IP]
 1   120   1   0.8   1   9   1  []
 2   120   2   1.7  10 186  17  []
 3   120   1   0.8  11 205  19  []
 4   120   2   1.7  11 141  23  []
 5   120   0   0.0  13 219  39  []
 6   120   0   0.0  11 299  23  []
 7   120 120 100.0   0   0   0   [-]
 8   120   4   3.3  21 280  31  []
 9   120   2   1.7  21 265  28  []
10   120   1   0.8  21 288  30  []
11   120  21  17.5  22 296  32  []
12   120  19  15.8 192 444 202  so-0-2-2.franco71.fra.seabone.net []
13   120  26  21.7 192 430 217  te1-1.franco15.fra.seabone.net []
14   120  28  23.3 192 412 201  []
15   120  18  15.0 195 405 222  []
16   120  22  18.3 198 394 225  []
17   120  20  16.7 195 424 204  []
18   120  27  22.5 203 377 215  []
19   120  24  20.0 256 348 270  []
20   120 120 100.0   0   0   0   [-]
21   120  22  18.3 240 384 268  google-public-dns-a.google.com []


do you have any suggestions? 

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Well the packet loss of 0.8% at your own router looks a little strange, that would mean that your own router did not reply to a icmp packet. Though 0.8% is really low, it should be 1 packet only so it might be just and error of Pingplotter, you can try again and see if it goes any higher. This has nothing to do with such high latencys though.  

Other than that it is hard to tell if there is any real packet loss, your ISP might be using filters to limit the amount of ICMP packets which is not a problem. Google is using ICMP limiters for sure, I have similar results once I reach the Google network. (11% Packetloss at


And this time it went to Seabone and not to Telia. I really have no idea where the problem might be. The problem is that you can't really see the full path as your ISP is using some kind of private network somewhere along the path. So telling from which provider to which provider it goes is not really easy. 


Your ISP will probably say they have no problem as you are talking to a simple callcenter worker who doesn't even understand what a router does. Getting a message through to the people that manage the backbone of your ISP is the hard part.


Try checking at different times and see if there is any differnce in the ping times. That might indicate if there is congestion somewhere between two routers. 

There is not much you can do though. If enough people report it, then eventually they might acknowledge that there is a problem. The other question would be if your ISP can do anything about it.


- Try asking friends who are with other ISPs, if they have any problems.


Ps.:  70-80ms sounds correct from Iran ->  Europe -> Google Servers. +200ms is really to much.

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21 minutes ago, BBs said:

Well the packet loss of 0.8% at your own router looks a little strange, that would mean that your own router did not reply to a icmp packet. Though 0.8% is really low, it should be 1 packet only so it might be just and error of Pingplotter, you can try again and see if it goes any higher. This has nothing to do with such high latencys though.  

Other than that it is hard to tell if there is any real packet loss, your ISP might be using filters to limit the amount of ICMP packets which is not a problem. Google is using ICMP limiters for sure, I have similar results once I reach the Google network. (11% Packetloss at


And this time it went to Seabone and not to Telia. I really have no idea where the problem might be. The problem is that you can't really see the full path as your ISP is using some kind of private network somewhere along the path. So telling from which provider to which provider it goes is not really easy. 


Your ISP will probably say they have no problem as you are talking to a simple callcenter worker who doesn't even understand what a router does. Getting a message through to the people that manage the backbone of your ISP is the hard part.


Try checking at different times and see if there is any differnce in the ping times. That might indicate if there is congestion somewhere between two routers. 

There is not much you can do though. If enough people report it, then eventually they might acknowledge that there is a problem. The other question would be if your ISP can do anything about it.


- Try asking friends who are with other ISPs, if they have any problems.


Ps.:  70-80ms sounds correct from Iran ->  Europe -> Google Servers. +200ms is really to much.


Thanks for helping me, 

between 6 AM to 10 AM the ping is 70-80ms, as it was before but all day, i'll post the results. I hope this high ping be temporary. in their SLA agreement it's written that ADSL services can have max 150ms ping. 

can using a VPN with European servers decrease the ping?


P.S if you see in the text output, right after hop 11, when the traffic goes to seabone.net on hop 12, the ping increases to 202, this can be a problem either with Iran or Germany but i don't understand why after the packets are received in seabone.net the ping is still too high (from hop 12 to 19) !

before hop 12 everything is fine. i think it shows that the problem is outside Iran, don't you think?

I mean we know that there might be some private networks in the route but they're not important because they don't cause any latency in the network.

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1 minute ago, saeed_dc said:


Thanks for helping me, 

between 6 AM to 10 AM the ping is 70-80ms, as it was before but all day, i'll post the results. I hope this high ping be temporary. in their SLA agreement it's written that ADSL services can have max 150ms ping. 

can using a VPN with European servers decrease the ping?

Let me see the pingplotter results when you have 70-80ms. I doubt that it takes another path at 6 AM, meaning it is caused by congestion. There could be major outage somewhere international.


The SLA agreements usually don't cover targets that are not within the network of your ISP. Using an european VPN can only help if your latency to the VPN Server is under 100ms, that would require that there is no major outage of international cable that is used by your ISP directly or indirectly. 


If it is a major outage, the repair time would depend on if it is under water or on land.


Some known submarine cables : http://www.submarinecablemap.com/

I don't know if Iran uses any of those. 

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Yes definitely a congestion then.


Oh so 150max is too much, internal servers have pings lower than 15ms and they don't pass from private networks starting with 10.*.*.*

i think they are for deep packet inspections, another friend of mine from Germany told me that he was experiencing DPI too in there.


I found some websites offering low ping services, using PPTP/L2TP VPNs but I guess I need to test their servers before buying them to see if it really makes any difference.


correct me if i'm wrong, I don't know why we ping Google's servers! it's not really a reference server to measure the latency. for instance I play GTA online so i need to measure my ping with Rockstar servers instead.


on the map it shows at least 8 points fall in Iran's territorial waters (Persian gulf and gulf of Oman) and Islands, so most of the cables in the south must be under the water. but as you know I live in the north :) 

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1 hour ago, BBs said:

Let me see the pingplotter results when you have 70-80ms. I doubt that it takes another path at 6 AM, meaning it is caused by congestion. There could be major outage somewhere international.


The SLA agreements usually don't cover targets that are not within the network of your ISP. Using an european VPN can only help if your latency to the VPN Server is under 100ms, that would require that there is no major outage of international cable that is used by your ISP directly or indirectly. 


If it is a major outage, the repair time would depend on if it is under water or on land.


Some known submarine cables : http://www.submarinecablemap.com/

I don't know if Iran uses any of those. 


Yes definitely a congestion then.


Oh so 150max is too much, internal servers have pings lower than 15ms and they don't pass from private networks starting with 10.*.*.*

i think they are for deep packet inspections, another friend of mine from Germany told me that he was experiencing DPI too in there.


I found some websites offering low ping services, using PPTP/L2TP VPNs but I guess I need to test their servers before buying them to see if it really makes any difference.


correct me if i'm wrong, I don't know why we ping Google's servers! it's not really a reference server to measure the latency. for instance I play GTA online so i need to measure my ping with Rockstar servers instead.


on the map it shows at least 8 points fall in Iran's territorial waters (Persian gulf and gulf of Oman) and Islands, so most of the cables in the south must be under the water. but as you know I live in the north :) 

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Okay looks like the ping is getting better again, take a look at these numbers, it's midnight here


Target Name: google-public-dns-a.google.com
  Date/Time: 1/26/2016 1:52:30 AM to 1/26/2016 1:53:30 AM

Hop Sent Err   PL% Min Max Avg  Host Name / [IP]
 1    25   1   4.0   1   5   1  []
 2    25   0   0.0  10  30  14  []
 3    25   0   0.0  11  34  14  []
 4    25   0   0.0  11  36  15  []
 5    25   1   4.0  11  45  24  []
 6    25   0   0.0  12  28  15  []
 7    24  24 100.0   0   0   0   [-]
 8    25   0   0.0  21  57  27  []
 9    25   0   0.0  22  32  24  []
10    25   0   0.0  21  36  25  []
11    25   0   0.0  22  42  27  []
12    25   2   8.0  94 119  98  so-0-2-2.franco71.fra.seabone.net []
13    25   0   0.0  95 180 114  te1-1.franco15.fra.seabone.net []
14    25   1   4.0  95 113  98  []
15    25   0   0.0  95 110  99  []
16    25   0   0.0  95 108  99  []
17    25   1   4.0  99 106 101  []
18    25   0   0.0 204 217 210  []
19    25   0   0.0 107 126 111  []
20    24  24 100.0   0   0   0   [-]
21    25   0   0.0 206 231 211  google-public-dns-a.google.com []






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Yes it looks like congestion. Currently i can reach the from your traceroute with 103ms, a few hours before it was 209ms

We can't really tell between which two providers the congestion is though due to the private network in the traceroute. If this problam has just started, then it might really be just caused by some outage. If you had this problem for a long time now(weeks), then it is a question of money between 2 ISPs :)


I don't know why they would use a private network somewhere along their backbone, maybe they have more than one backbone network and connect them somehow using VPN. I don't think that they need an extra network for deep packet inspection.

L3VPNs are usually for large corporations, service station networks, or retail chains.


We used Google for testing, it was just to test your connection to Europe which seems not to be good. Dunno to which GTA servers you are connecting from Iran. 


Ps.: Are you playing GTA 5 on PC? If so then write down your name :D


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4 hours ago, BBs said:

Yes it looks like congestion. Currently i can reach the from your traceroute with 103ms, a few hours before it was 209ms

We can't really tell between which two providers the congestion is though due to the private network in the traceroute. If this problam has just started, then it might really be just caused by some outage. If you had this problem for a long time now(weeks), then it is a question of money between 2 ISPs :)


I don't know why they would use a private network somewhere along their backbone, maybe they have more than one backbone network and connect them somehow using VPN. I don't think that they need an extra network for deep packet inspection.

L3VPNs are usually for large corporations, service station networks, or retail chains.


We used Google for testing, it was just to test your connection to Europe which seems not to be good. Dunno to which GTA servers you are connecting from Iran. 


Ps.: Are you playing GTA 5 on PC? If so then write down your name :D



Oh so it just halved!

yeah since last couple of days, I wouldn't be able to do anything if i had that ping.


sent it to your pm :)

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As global use accelerates and resources decrease, not to mention nefarious government

interference, CONGESTION looks like the wave of the future...

Who even remembers dial-up ?  :lol:

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1 minute ago, humble3d said:

As global use accelerates and resources decrease, not to mention nefarious government

interference, CONGESTION looks like the wave of the future...

Who even remembers dial-up ?  :lol:


And for the sake of your evil thoughts i hope all of this be temporary :D :P

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2 minutes ago, humble3d said:

It is said that this, too, shall pass... :lol:


you know, my 4G has lower pings than that! so it definitely shall pass :D

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