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History of the Internet Timeline"


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This article is by far complete but, it's entertaining, at least to me, hope some of you too...


 History of the Internet Timeline


The history of the internet timeline was said to be initiated in 1989 by British Computer Scientist Timothy Berners-Lee. While working for CERN, European Organization for Nuclear Research, he took the hypertext idea and merged it with TCP, transmission control prototype, and the internet was born using the name Enquire. Most recognize this as the founding of the internet.


However, earlier in 1982, TCP/IP protocols were first developed as internet to TCP/IP internet connections. In 1985 the first website domain was registered, symbolics.com, for the Massachusetts computer company, Symbolics Computer Corp. There may be earlier recognition than 1989 for history of the internet timeline creation. Nonetheless, the time frame is reasonably accurate.


Since 1989, the internet revolutionized the way we live, work, learn, communicate and shop. To date, it has changed nearly every facet of how most of us live. Economics has taken a big chunk of interest in the internet but the internet remains, an amorphous ever-growing body of cultural interactions. On top of everything, the internet remains unregulated and outside the realm of government control. Much as they may try to infringe, governmental control has not been a successful effort, thank goodness.


History of the Internet Timeline


Following the introduction of Exchange, AOL introduced instant messaging, IM.

In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee developed the first web browser. His NeXT computer was set up as an online server. That same year, a McGill University student created the very first internet search tool.


In 1993, CERN donated the World Wide Web into the public’s domain. Ideas concerning the new internet, continued to generate great interest. MOSAIC was a browser developed by NCSA, the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. IMG HTML was developed for displaying images and text on the World Wide Web.


1994 saw many commercial developments on the World Wide Web. Over 11 million households had access through a dial-up protocol. Yahoo! browser was created by 2 graduate students.


1995 was a big year for the history of the internet timeline and rolling out internet applications that remain commercially viable today, including Amazon.com, eBay and Craigslist. Internet service was provided by AOL, Prodigy and CompuServe, and of course, Windows ’95 was released by Microsoft, containing their first version of Internet Explorer. Within one year, browser wars were in full effect, with Microsoft and Netscape at the forefront.


1996 heralds the Nokia cellphone with internet access.

In 1998 Google launches their search engine. Everyone seems to have received 2 or 3 AOL mailed disks for their email access, doubling their enrollment to 16 million.


1999 sees the history of the internet timeline and Napster enter the scene, with their peer-to-peer file sharing system. It would wreak havoc, with opposition claiming copyright infringement and royalty payment infringement. All heck broke loose. Napster was banned, first from colleges and universities, and later, in 2001, was shut down by a federal judge. 41 percent of American adults were accessing the internet. Accessing the weather was the most popular activity.


By the year 2000 the dot.com bubble bursts. AOL buys Time-Warner for $165 billion. Consolidations and buy-outs continue for the larger more successful companies. Many dot.coms faded away, unable to go public or obtain further capitalization. NASDAQ saw a record high and then dropped 78 percent in the dot.com bust.


2001 Wikipedia is successfully launched with over 20,000 entries in their first year.


In 2002 Xbox Live, the multi-player gaming system was launched.


2003 experiences the SQL Slammer worm which spread world-wide in 10 minutes. MySpace was launched where musicians and artists would soon dominate. Apple pushes out iTunes where 200,000 songs are downloadable and available at 99 cents each. LinkedIn is launched for professionals to meet, share, post jobs and network. WordPress blog and publishing website was launched. CAN-SPAM was signed into law by George W. Bush, establishing the first guidance and standards for commercial email.


Facebook launches in 2004 as the Facebook, initially. The social media era is born. Mozilla Firefox browser is developed as a viable alternative to Microsoft’s IE.


In 2005, broadband internet connections begin to outpace dial-up. YouTube.com launches in 2005 giving all users the ability to post videos, music and more, without upfront cost. Google goes public trading at $85 per share on NASDAQ. Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul purchases MySpace for $580 million. In 2011 he sells it at a loss for $35 million.


By 2006 AOL shifts gears, redesigning their business model, no longer charging for email with additional online features, also for free. The Internet Governance Forum met for the first time. One year after its launch, YouTube was purchased by Google for $1.65 billion. Twitter was launched.


In 2007 the history of the internet timeline saw Apple release the first iPhone at a price of $499 for the 4GB unit and $599 for the 8GB. Estonia was the first country to use internet based voting in their parliamentary elections.


The Chrome web browser was released in 2008 by Google. The Apple App Store was launched with 552 apps available.


By 2009, Twitter was valued at $1 billion.


By 2010 there are 400 million active Facebook users.


In 2011, 15 percent of teens using social media, have been victims of online bullying. Instagram and Pinterest both launch.


By 2012, internet commerce exceeds $1 trillion, world-wide and by 2013 over 50 percent of Americans bank online and that’s just the first 30 years, so far.




In the years since 2010 there could be a lot more than one line information here and I think since MS Vista as well.

I guess the author had a deadline or just used this as a filler for more content of their site.


Hey that's what makes it fun: you all are WELCOME to add your own content as it is important to you !


Com ' on let's have some fun give a timeline of your internet...


I'll start in 2015 I cut the cable cord going all wireless for internet needs, my internet needs are online sites (forums, blogs, email, purchases, and information searches) I've been online steadily since 2009. Have about 300+ logins in my RoboForm PW manager.  


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