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How to Download Windows 10 Lock Screen Wallpapers Set by Windows Spotlight


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Here’s an easy guide to save your favorite Spotlight photos



Files downloaded by the Windows Spotlight feature


Windows Spotlight is one of the new features available in Windows 10 and it brings new wallpapers on your lock screen every day, allowing you to rate them individually and get more photos that are specifically tailored to match your preferences.

Some of these backgrounds look absolutely fantastic, and it’s no surprise that users are looking into ways to save them and either use them at a later time or set them as wallpapers on their desktops.

To do this, you don’t need any fancy third-party apps because all lock screen backgrounds are actually saved on your computer and stay there if you’ve rated them with a “yes” mark.

How to reach the photos

Basically, all photos are stored in the following folder (make sure you replace username with your own user account):


If you’re looking for an easy way to access this folder, simply open the run dialog by pressing the Windows key + R and enter this line:


You should now see what looks like a list of files named with random numbers and letters, but that’s the list of wallpapers that you actually liked and that got downloaded to your PC.

These files, however, do not have any extension assigned to their names, so you have to do that manually. Copy all photos to a new folder (do not make any changes in the original directory because you might break down Windows Spotlight) and rename photos one by one by adding the extension .jpg at the end of the file name.

Since there are plenty of files there, renaming them one by one is clearly a process that could take longer than what you’d be willing to spend on such a task. So you can either use a third-party app like Bulk Rename Utility or use a little trick.

Press the Shift button and right-click in the folder where you’ve copied the folders, hit the option that says “Open Command Prompt here,” and in the new window, type the following command:

Ren *.* *.jpg

All files should be instantly added a .jpg extension, and you should now be able to load your photos with the default image viewer.


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this is what i looking for ! i really like the windows spotlight picture on my lockscreen, but i don't know how to save it and set it as my desktop background :D

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SpotBright app on Windows Store

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SpotlightPicView (freeware for Windows Desktop)

SpotlightPicView is a tool to view Windows 10 Spotlight pictures cached on your local computer. It allows you to open selected picture in associated picture viewer. It also allows you to save selected picture to a specified location.

This tool will not install anything and will not modify your registry. To uninstall, just delete the file.


Homepage http://www.torchsoft.com/node/20


Download http://www.torchsoft.com/download/SpotlightPicView.zip

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On 1/21/2016 at 1:45 PM, kr1w said:

this is what i looking for ! i really like the windows spotlight picture on my lockscreen, but i don't know how to save it and set it as my desktop background :D

Excuse me, I found this post just today.
It is easy.

Firstly copy this vbs script to notpad and send to the desktop. Use name what you desire, for example, Get Lockscreen Photos.vbs
When saving, make sure that Encording = Unicode, otherwise it will not work.
If you have saved, click twice on the icon as normally.
After less than a 1 second  You will have on the desktop folder called LockScreen photos, the folder opens itself. If not, open it manually and there are all these pictures.
Choose what you want, you can delete the others.
You can repeat this step after some time as these images will change there.

Script is here


' Coded by Dinosaur 
' Get LockScreen Photos, this script makes possible to copy Windows desktop photos in Your desired folder
' Default location = Desktop 
Set oShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
strDesktop = oShell.NameSpace(ssfDESKTOPDIRECTORY).Self.Path 
' Environment variables and copy 
Dim oFSO, strAppData, objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
objShell.CurrentDirectory = oFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) 
oFSO.CopyFolder strAppData , strDesktop &"\LockScreen Photos", True
Set objShell = Nothing
Set oFSO = Nothing
' Extension 
sVBSPath = strDesktop &"\LockScreen Photos"
with createobject("wscript.shell")
   .currentdirectory = sVBSPath
   .run "%comspec% /c ren *. *.jpg", 0, true
end with
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strPath = "explorer.exe /e," & strDesktop &"\LockScreen Photos"
objShell.Run strPath



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3 hours ago, neofita said:

SpotlightPicView (freeware for Windows Desktop)

SpotlightPicView is a tool to view Windows 10 Spotlight pictures cached on your local computer. It allows you to open selected picture in associated picture viewer. It also allows you to save selected picture to a specified location.

This tool will not install anything and will not modify your registry. To uninstall, just delete the file.


Homepage http://www.torchsoft.com/node/20


Download http://www.torchsoft.com/download/SpotlightPicView.zip


Thanx, easier than manually doing it :) 

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