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Forum Upgrade Bugs


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12 minutes ago, shought said:

I've fixed the issues where popups would show a copy of the index rather than attachments, URL screen, poll voters, etc.


Could you provide me with a screenshot of these notification settings?




I can't disable notification for email when I receive new message.

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43 minutes ago, shought said:

Fixed that for ya (should be able to edit now).

Thanks to the NSANEDOWN  header on the  TOP and one more thing..

can u mke a setting by which if we click NSANE DOWN then it will automatically OPEN in new TAB?



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Most needed feature bugs to be fixed:

  • Where are the old themes? Please provide more themes. Mainly include 2 older themes - Executive and old default theme when the themes are supported by latest IPS
  • Less Account settings. Some are missing
  • Old threads/posts with spoiler isn't working. Manual editing required
  • Spoiler option missing in replies to threads. Manual HTML editing required
  • [Option Missing Again from 11 Dec 2015] Add the list of Online users[as in old one] on home page. Currently clicking required and the list needs several clicks to view more users
  • The Signature is gone. No settings found in Account Settings/Edit Profile
  • Smiley/Emoticons issue
  • "Show more" option needed in every category to view content[threads/topic list] of multiple pages in one page as in older nsane
  • Search doesn't work for old posts/threads/tags - Partially fixed
  • Tags are all in Small letters in new threads. Even Capitalization while creating tags doesn't work
  • Make "Sort by Start Date" as Default in All categories - Issue shows up again
  • If logged in Anonymously "Private" is not seen in Lasted Visited column
  • Increase Indent and Decrease Indent is not there in creating/editing post
  • Adding Image via URL needs 2 clicks. Please make it one by adding it to formatting list of icons like in older nsane
  • Please add colors to formatting icons like in older nsane, it looks odd and creates confusion when the user is in a hurry
  • Shoutbox is missing. Please add it to menu even if it is temporarily blocked
  • Status Updates - "Lock" option missing
  • "Delete My Vote" option missing in Poll threads. So, there is no option to delete vote
  • In Poll, blue colored * is missing near the voted option, if already voted
  • Delete notifications option missing - confirmed by many users
  • Video links not auto-converting inline. Needs manual editing by searching source website for embedded code - confirmed by many users - Partially fixed
  • Font style option missing
  • Many formatting options existed post upgrade missing from 12 Dec 2015
  • There is a new sub-category "Contest and Competitions" under "Software News" if not logged in. If logged in, it is not there. The page opens with an error code - 2F176/1, Please confirm, if it is gonna be added or just default one in IPS which is not removed from the code
  • "Popular Tags" are missing in home page
  • No notification for threads moved/deleted to different category
  • Links in "Recent Topics" are taking to new comment on the thread. Please remove "?do=getNewComment" from the links
  • Fallout Bunker and Sub-category ViP Downloads/ Requests are open to all. Anyone can open and read the contents
  • In public view, there is a different category "Downloads" with many sub-categories - Drivers, Filesharing, Internet, Multimedia, Security, System, Other Apps, Reviews.

    Why is that not available to members?

  • The Hidden Topics and Syndicated News are open to public view but not open to members

  • Staff Forum is open to public view but not to members - confirmed by many users

  • Direct Downloads Library was only for members. However, it is open to public view

  • New topics posted in Frontpage Software Updates are not listed in Recent Topics. @shought mentioned, it uses different code. However, we had the topics listed in older nsane, How? Please make the necessary changes to make the topics added.



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LOL we guyz also forgot the HEART and SOUL of the FORUM  ... i.e.  SHARECODE



PLS do ADD it back



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people can see peoples profile  when  not  sign in how to change things as i not want everyone seeing everything i post on my profile  page  do we have privacy settings ?  :(


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3 hours ago, hihello said:


Do you mean to say that you cannot view your contents posted before upgrade?

When I click on posts in your profile , I can see old content.I can also see your topics.

I do not know if it is Android Phone or the OS iPad but that is the way is working for me now.


I will try it in my Pc later and let you know how it goes there.



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2 hours ago, kantry123 said:

LOL we guyz also forgot the HEART and SOUL of the FORUM  ... i.e.  SHARECODE



It's not. You have to click this button: 9kn8sq2.png
Site: http://heremyshareco.de
Sharecode[?]: /344908748748902



Test test test


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In the HTML Editor,  the vertical scroll bar needs to be enabled, or the top toolbar must be in a fixed position.
You lose a lot of time to create/edit a topic. It is necessary to constantly page up/down to make formatting text, inserting sharecodes, etc.



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3 minutes ago, Astron said:

In the HTML Editor,  the vertical scroll bar needs to be enabled, or the top toolbar must be in a fixed position.
You lose a lot of time to create/edit a topic. It is necessary to constantly page up/down to make formatting text, inserting sharecodes, etc.


It seems enabled here? Can you show?

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I am a member of the forum and my username is menot. Here is one of my posts: http://www.nsaneforums.com/topic/248659-kaspersky-2016-mr0-1600614-final/?do=findComment&comment=976964


When I opened forum today I found myself logged out. I always get incorrect password error when I try to sign in. I wanted to ask about the issue before I try to reset my password. I haven't had any problem with previous version of the forum for years. May it be the caused by special character in my password?

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Hi menot, have you tried login in with your display name rather than your old username? 


If that doesn't help you might want to reset your password. 

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1 hour ago, shought said:

It seems enabled here? Can you show?


You refer to the scroll bar of the page. I speak on HTML Editor scroll bar, which previously owned a predetermined area.


To insert an image at the top is necessary to go to the bottom of the page. To put a word in bold in the middle of the page is necessary to return to the top and you don't know what's going on, because you can't see. To insert a sharecode at the end of the page is necessary to return to the top.


The HTML Editor, this way, only good for short texts. It is necessary to include information, changelog, links, screenshot, etc for the software.
It's hard to create topics for software (the main purpose of the website).



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I love the new update, feels nice and fresh. 

I know its been reported to an extent but i feel i should go in depth a little more as some aspects wernt covered, i get no notifications for topics i follow since the update. They used to come through when i logged in, i used to press the bell logo and they would all be there. i notice now that, that particular notification delivery isnt available so i subscribed to a new thread and set it to email instantly as a test and still nothing is happening i would prefer the old option to display when logged in under notifications dont fancy getting emails every second. (it literally would be as im subscribed to a few) 

Other than this great job guys! 

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Tapatalk access has been disabled for ever or just for now? It's necessary for the updating process?

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