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nsane.down v2 - Public Beta


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<img src='/images/logos/News.png' class='logo' alt='news' />Hi All,

We are very pleased to annouce the first public beta of the next generation nsane.down website. After months of intensive work we are finally at a virtually finished state. I'd like to give a personal thanks to a very special member of the site staff! I'll start by breifly saying whats new. Well the question really should be... what isn't?! I'm sure you'll see most of the changes, if not here is a list of the main ones:

  • Complete site visual re-design.
  • Colour scheme selector
  • News and comments are now displayed on the main page.
  • Added Quick Download Search.
  • Added drop down Navigation Menu.
  • Added Breadcrumb navigation (i.e. Downloads > Internet > Web Browsers > Firefox).
  • Added Latest Forums topics box.
  • Added Social Bookmarks links.
  • Time stamp now appears everywhere and in "2 Hours 1 min ago" format when the time is less than 7 days.
  • Last Update date & Staff Pick now appears in the application page too.
  • Lots of back-end changes.

Please take into account that the site is still in beta testing, so would appreciate members to test the new functionality and forward any bug reports to us so we can ensure they get fixed before the final. Guests can post their suggestions in the Site / Forum Feedback forum as well.

The major thing that needs to be finalised is the logo (any logos are welcome to be sent!).

We hope you like what you see. Any and all comments, suggestions and criticisms are more than welcome. Please don't be shy!


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The regular search feature isn't working! :) I've tried four times in the last 5 minutes and I get the following messages

Warning: require(functions.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nsaned/public_html/search.php on line 59

Warning: require(functions.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/nsaned/public_html/search.php on line 59

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'functions.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nsaned/public_html/search.php on line 59


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I love the new design! really really neat. :)

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Lite, You know to I luff ya now <3 :)

No, really the update is fantastic. But the new design is loading like terrible slow? (not the forums)

And the letters aren't so clear.. would have a look at that.. :)

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The increased loading time is due to all your browsers caching the new images. The speed will dramatically improve soon.

I've added a temp fix for the search. It will be completely fixed very soon.

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Please provide a screenshot of what you see, the letters are fine here.

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The letters are fine! ( even at my crappy laptop screen )

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Lite, You know to I luff ya know <3 :)

No, really the update is fantastic. But the new design is loading like terrible slow? (not the forums)

And the letters aren't so clear.. would have a look at that.. :)

You're on to something...

The letters are crystal clear on my XP machine. But on my Vista system they are not so clear...

On XP:


On Vista:


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I've tested out what lapetite was saying, the search works almost fine for me. The only difference is that there's now a character limit in the search box. 10 letters are all that I can type, not sure if this is on purpose or not (because the suggestions are at the bottom when entering the text). Just thought I'd put that in.

Guys you need to understand this is still in beta, therefore things will have bugs.

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Well I must say as everyone else initial load time took a long time, but now things are loading just fine and everything just looks sooo crisp and sharp, loving it.

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Looks nice. I need a darker theme though! Everything looks good, I really enjoyed the old layout but this is nice as well. :lol:

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Well what can is say it's perfect.

Congratulation it looks awesome.

Keep up the great work

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I like it ! Is perfect for me.

My words : Same as last post by @Cultivator and@ Helio2K

WinXP Pro SP3 (32 bits)





VIP should say which OS are they using...

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The search should now be fixed.

Edit: Like i said we are hoping for a third colour scheme before final. We are open to suggestions on this one :lol:

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Lite, You know to I luff ya know <3 :)

No, really the update is fantastic. But the new design is loading like terrible slow? (not the forums)

And the letters aren't so clear.. would have a look at that.. :lol:

You're on to something...

The letters are crystal clear on my XP machine. But on my Vista system they are not so clear...

On XP:


On Vista:


Jup exactly like that.. Running Vista SP1 (lazy 4 SP2 :wub: ) Ultimate..

It's only with the bold headlines etc.. The normal text is easy to read :)

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it looks nice but i have a question....

what was wrong with the old site?

Kinda getting boring and unattractive. Mostly boring, there's always a time to update your stuff :lol:

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what was wrong with the old site?

There always comes a time when something becomes old, rusty and boring :) . That was the case with the old FP. The new FP is much improved, both frontend and backend :lol:

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Hi there!

Is there any chance we'll see a light pink-colored theme?

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