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Total Uninstall 6.16.0


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32 minutes ago, tomm said:

"Every" member knows about sharecode, but not you :ph34r:, How to work with sharecode

How did u know that i don't know how to use sharecode?(msg: Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information)

U must really be a Genius.


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  • 4 weeks later...

v6.17 now released...  Hope old fix still works. 

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2 minutes ago, I4rg£8all8ag said:

v6.17 now released...  Hope old fix still works. 


Obviously the old cracked exe won't work on a newer version.

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2 minutes ago, I4rg£8all8ag said:

vu. 17 now released...  Hope old fix still works. 




Are you kidding man.
Looks like you have not heard about Gavrila Martau until now .:tehe:

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Thanks for your kind and very helpful reply's,  recruit and dickhead,  sorry dickmaster. 

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Jordan de Souza
On 22/11/2015 at 9:19 AM, remek002 said:

Total Uninstall Professional 6.16.0 x86/x64 incl. Crack v2

Site: http://rghost.net

Sharecode: /7Sc6ywnqw

Can you post it somewhere else? zippyshare for instance?

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2 hours ago, I4rg£8all8ag said:

Thanks for your kind and very helpful reply's,  recruit and dickhead,  sorry dickmaster. 


A lot on member starts to show a bad attityd, if you have a problem with me you can say it.

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On 3/26/2016 at 4:25 PM, murderer said:

Register the app. with your name :

1. Go to : C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Martau\Total Uninstall 6
2. You should find the file : Program Options.xml
3. Right click on this file and choose Edit.
4. You have to find this record :
<RegName>Your Name</RegName>
5. Replace Your Name with your preference .
6. File, Save and you are done!



Why I can't found it in v6.17 ( <Settings>
<RegName>Your Name</RegName>
</Settings> ) Show me please, Thanks ! :((

On 11/15/2015 at 2:23 PM, shamu726 said:
On 11/15/2015 at 2:23 PM, shamu726 said:


On 11/13/2015 at 9:16 PM, jalaffa said:

Total Uninstall





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31 minutes ago, KiM__ said:

Why I can't found it in v6.17 ( <Settings>
<RegName>Your Name</RegName>
</Settings> ) Show me please, Thanks ! :((




It changed on this version.... I think know it's on registery

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1 hour ago, murderer said:

It changed on this version.... I think know it's on registery


Search for "regname" and type like this <RegName>xxxx<RegName/>

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Total Uninstall Professional 6.17.0 x86.x64 Patch Lisbon. (Ru-board edition)

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6041388/Total_Uninstall_Professional_6.17.0_x86.x64_Patch_Lisbon.7z.html

Tested Win7 x64. Worked!

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2 hours ago, kalach said:

Total Uninstall Professional 6.17.0 x86.x64 Patch Lisbon. (Ru-board edition)

Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6041388/Total_Uninstall_Professional_6.17.0_x86.x64_Patch_Lisbon.7z.html

Tested Win7 x64. Worked!


Win 10 Home (x64)- No problem !

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The topic for v.6.17 is below :


That's very funny for me : I know these patches from ru-board since long time ago.


These kind of patches appear only after @remek002  posted his original patched exe files.

Trust me, anything cannot be done without his work.


Why ? Because TU uses one of the best anti - cracking system : themida / winlicense - a system based on virtual machines .


I want to see a guy who is able to unpack TU apart of @remek002



For e.g the previous patches for v.6.16 are here:


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6041523/Total.Uninstall.










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20 hours ago, Recruit said:



The topic for v.6.17 is below :


That's very funny for me : I know these patches from ru-board since long time ago.


These kind of patches appear only after @remek002  posted his original patched exe files.

Trust me, anything cannot be done without his work.


Why ? Because TU uses one of the best anti - cracking system : themida / winlicense - a system based on virtual machines .


I want to see a guy who is able to unpack TU apart of @remek002



For e.g the previous patches for v.6.16 are here:


Site: https://www.upload.ee
Sharecode[?]: /files/6041523/Total.Uninstall.












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5 minutes ago, murderer said:



Where have you seen that I wrote that Themida cannot be unpacked ?

I said that none apart of @remek002 is able to unpack TU until now which means Total Uninstall, not Themida.


Please read carefully next time....;)

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7 minutes ago, Recruit said:



Where have you seen that I wrote that Themida cannot be unpacked ?

I said that none apart of @remek002 is able to unpack TU until now which means Total Uninstall, not Themida.


Please read carefully next time....;)


This software is easily crackable but only the cracker does not linger on this software... ;)

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2 minutes ago, murderer said:


This software is easily crackable but only the cracker does not linger on this software... ;)


OK, if you know that is easy , waiting for your cracks on further versions......:hehe:

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26 minutes ago, Recruit said:


OK, if you know that is easy , waiting for your cracks on further versions......:hehe:


Do not be as stupid as you are and pretend not to understand :lol:. remek002 done a good job but you really think it is the only one on this earth to crack it?:lol: the cracker will not longer on this software. Has understood you now? :D

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