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Total Uninstall 6.16.0


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Portable by PortableWares

Revision 4:

Updated v6.16 with Remek v2.
Improved both version's performance.

Revision 5:

Fixed v6.16: TuAgent x32 failed to launch.





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the question should belong to remek, not me, ask him. he made the crack.

I see YOU instead of Remek to share. So, it should be your release.
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the question should belong to remek, not me, ask him. he made the crack.

I see YOU instead of Remek to share. So, it should be your release.

or maybe you blind ?

Next time use your eyes and brain first, then type everything you want here :whistle:



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Total Uninstall Professional 6.16.0 x86/x64 incl. Crack v2

Can you explain please, what is changed in v2? :huh:

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Total Uninstall 6.16.0 Portable by Fuken Gruven

Revision 6

​v6.16: found additional x64 registry key.

Please verify this key does not exist

​v6.16: improved performance



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Portable Edition By PortableWares:
Download: TUPortable_6.14.0_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.6.paf.exe | CRC: B4D57FC0 | Size: 18.3 mb
Download: TUPortable_6.16.0_32bit_64bit_Multilingual_Rev.7.paf.exe | CRC: 45CDDCFB | Size: 21.4 mb


v6.16: found additional registry keys. (forgot to add HKCU branch)
v6.14: found additional registry keys.
Please download TrashReg and delete all WinLicense keys.
Obviously.. ensure TUPortable is not running.
Purposely triggered WinLicense key creation on XP through Win10.
all keys are now accounted for.
in addition, these keys are written to registry to prevent from showing in post-scans.
Other improvements. ie. CloseEXE=TuAgent.exe
this is required to prevent collision w/locally installed Total Uninstall.
removed Banner= entry. (TUPortable is extremely fast.. Banner is excessive)
CompressedFolder\CLSID key is copied vs. move for better compatibility

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the question should belong to remek, not me, ask him. he made the crack.

I see YOU instead of Remek to share. So, it should be your release.

or maybe you blind ?

Next time use your eyes and brain first, then type everything you want here :whistle:




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Total Uninstall Professional 6.16.0 x86/x64 incl. Crack v2

Can you explain please, what is changed in v2? :huh:

There is no explain as I expected. I think he make malicious software in combination by part 1 and part 2. (Part 1 + Part 2) = VIRUS. :rant:

There is no any reason for replacing the fix. He do not know what to explain us! Say goodbye to Remek... whatever is. He is not friendly guy here, we all see the proof ... (of his ending). Keep quiet Remek, it is obviously what you're doing. Do you have Part 3? Pardon - version 3 to finish your job? Of course, we no need changelog any more. Perhaps we are so stupid for you. Keep quiet, keep quiet, make your dreams... :)

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Total Uninstall Professional 6.16.0 x86/x64 incl. Crack v2

Can you explain please, what is changed in v2? :huh:

There is no explain as I expected. I think he make malicious software in combination by part 1 and part 2. (Part 1 + Part 2) = VIRUS. :rant:

There is no any reason for replacing the fix. He do not know what to explain us! Say goodbye to Remek... whatever is. He is not friendly guy here, we all see the proof ... (of his ending). Keep quiet Remek, it is obviously what you're doing. Do you have Part 3? Pardon - version 3 to finish your job? Of course, we no need changelog any more. Perhaps we are so stupid for you. Keep quiet, keep quiet, make your dreams... :)


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Excellent work @Remek002 ! Hope you don`t leave us on next releases of T.U. Only you can do it working for everybody and we are grateful.

All the best


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Total Uninstall Professional 6.16.0 x86/x64 incl. Crack v2

Can you explain please, what is changed in v2? :huh:

There is no explain as I expected. I think he make malicious software in combination by part 1 and part 2. (Part 1 + Part 2) = VIRUS. :rant:

There is no any reason for replacing the fix. He do not know what to explain us! Say goodbye to Remek... whatever is. He is not friendly guy here, we all see the proof ... (of his ending). Keep quiet Remek, it is obviously what you're doing. Do you have Part 3? Pardon - version 3 to finish your job? Of course, we no need changelog any more. Perhaps we are so stupid for you. Keep quiet, keep quiet, make your dreams... :)

i have not read all the posts on this topic but i see u saying There is no any reason for replacing the fix

how do u no this ?

some time a fix will get refixed again and again or updated to make it better

i am not sure if u mean it or joking Part 1 + Part 2) = VIRUS ?

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/12/2015 at 11:32 PM, knowledge said:

i have not read all the posts on this topic but i see u saying There is no any reason for replacing the fix

how do u no this ?

some time a fix will get refixed again and again or updated to make it better

i am not sure if u mean it or joking Part 1 + Part 2) = VIRUS ?





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  • 3 weeks later...
Supremo Phantom

I remember there was a way to register the portable in your own name ... changing the regname value somewhere ..

 could someone pls share the steps here ..

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20 minutes ago, Supremo Phantom said:

I remember there was a way to register the portable in your own name ... changing the regname value somewhere ..

 could someone pls share the steps here ..


PM ->>


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  • 4 weeks later...

Register the app. with your name :

1. Go to : C:\ProgramData\Application Data\Martau\Total Uninstall 6
2. You should find the file : Program Options.xml
3. Right click on this file and choose Edit.
4. You have to find this record :
<RegName>Your Name</RegName>
5. Replace Your Name with your preference .
6. File, Save and you are done!



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Supremo Phantom

yes, this still works the same way, even in portables.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wonder if Martau is still alive......
He hasn't released a new version by near half a year......


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  • 2 months later...
On 12/3/2015 at 9:06 PM, Joe13 said:

I downloaded this file and now 'trotux.com' is my default browser page and despite my efforts i couldn't find where it is hidden nor delete the download file.

Need help


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3 minutes ago, gren said:

I downloaded this file and now 'trotux.com' is my default browser page and despite my efforts i couldn't find where it is hidden nor delete the download file.

Need help



Total Uninstall Portable - Revision 8 - By Fuken Gruven


Site: https://tinyurl.com

Sharecode[?]: /jlofvgl


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Thanks for your bullet reply,my favourite,

but can you please tell me how i could resolve my problem.

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4 minutes ago, gren said:

Thanks for your bullet reply,my favourite,

but can you please tell me how i could resolve my problem.


You may have click wrong download button via mirrorcreater and install some spyware. Look Control panel uninstall any program you don't intent to install. For browser google it how to change favorite page..

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