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Norton Internet Security 2010-2015 (create own valid serial)


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Download NIS-TW-30-17-6-0-32-EN.exe

Download nis176032RU180.rar

1.Virtual machine + Windows XP
2.Disconnect Network
3.Install Norton
Setting - Automatic LiveUpdate - Off - Apply - Permanently - OK
Miscellaneous Settings
Norton Product Tamper Protection - Off - Apply - Permanently - OK - OK



5.DoubleClick CONVERT.cmd
6.Connect Network
7.Open Norton Internet Security and Create your Norton Account



8.Sign In Account
and Remove License


9.For the next Product Key DoubleClick RESET.cmd and p.7 and p.8

Credit: Killer_Enemies [Ru-board]

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Download NIS-TW-30-17-6-0-32-EN.exe

Download nis176032RU180.rar

1.Virtual machine + Windows XP

2.Disconnect Network

3.Install Norton


Setting - Automatic LiveUpdate - Off - Apply - Permanently - OK

Miscellaneous Settings

Norton Product Tamper Protection - Off - Apply - Permanently - OK - OK



5.DoubleClick CONVERT.cmd

6.Connect Network

7.Open Norton Internet Security and Create your Norton Account



8.Sign In Account


and Remove License


9.For the next Product Key DoubleClick RESET.cmd and p.7 and p.8

Credit: Killer_Enemies [Ru-board]

Is this method work with Norton Security 2015?

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Norton Internet Security 2015 v22.5.2.15

Without Definitionhttp://buy-download.norton.com/downloads/2015/22.5.2/NISNAV/US/NIS-ESD- Definitionhttp://buy-download.norton.com/downloads/2015/22.5.2/NISNAV/US/NIS-ESD-Def-


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Worked on Norton Internet Security 2015 v22.5.2.15


Just Curious, Tested on Win7 upward.. with some modified CMD Files Worked Fine



@echo ontaskkill /f /im ccsvchst.exeping -n 1 -w 1500 cltdynam.dat "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\Product\*.*" /yxcopy cltlmsx.dll "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\CLT\*.*" /yreg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\mssyclm /frd /s /q c:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082\sc start nis
@echo offtaskkill /f /im ccsvchst.exeping -n 1 -w 1500 cltdynam.dat "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\Product\*.*" /yreg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\mssyclm /frd /s /q c:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082\sc start nis

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Worked on Norton Internet Security 2015 v22.5.2.15


Just Curious, Tested on Win7 upward.. with some modified CMD Files Worked Fine


@echo ontaskkill /f /im ccsvchst.exeping -n 1 -w 1500 cltdynam.dat "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\Product\*.*" /yxcopy cltlmsx.dll "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\CLT\*.*" /yreg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\mssyclm /frd /s /q c:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082\sc start nis
@echo offtaskkill /f /im ccsvchst.exeping -n 1 -w 1500 cltdynam.dat "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\Product\*.*" /yreg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\mssyclm /frd /s /q c:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082\sc start nis

Can you show step by step how you get it? Please.

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Worked on Norton Internet Security 2015 v22.5.2.15


Just Curious, Tested on Win7 upward.. with some modified CMD Files Worked Fine



@echo ontaskkill /f /im ccsvchst.exeping -n 1 -w 1500 cltdynam.dat "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\Product\*.*" /yxcopy cltlmsx.dll "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\CLT\*.*" /yreg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\mssyclm /frd /s /q c:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082\sc start nis
@echo offtaskkill /f /im ccsvchst.exeping -n 1 -w 1500 cltdynam.dat "c:\ProgramData\Norton\{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}\NIS_17.6.0.32\Product\*.*" /yreg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\mssyclm /frd /s /q c:\ProgramData\Norton\00000082\sc start nis

I mean that NIS22.5 can work with this CMD?

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...but version 2015 italian only Norton Security and Norton Security with backup...Norton antivirus and norton Internet Security no longer exist...I tried to install norton antivirus 2014 and convert it to 180 days , but does not go on windows 10...waiting for new trial reset for convert to 180 days?

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I tried to install norton antivirus 2014 and convert it to 180 days , but does not go on windows 10

have you readed the first post?

read again

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ok ... this metod only for norton internet security...but norton internet security italian no longer exist...norton antivirus o norton internet security it's only norton security...but in english norton antivirus and norton internet security already existe? i'm waiting for new trial reset for convert to 180 days...

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in windows 7 I installed norton antivirus 2014 converted in 180 days with nikko trial reset and created my account ...symantec site in page of my account with the option update norton antivirus is updated to version 2015 while maintaining the deadline of 180 days ...the procedure worked!

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This is brilliant stuff ! I have managed to create one 180 day key but I can't understand the way to get "next Product Key" in Point #9:

9.For the next Product Key DoubleClick RESET.cmd and p.7 and p.8

I guess this means:

7.Open Norton Internet Security and Create your Norton Account

8.Sign In Account
and Remove License

On Point #7 do I create a completely new account? Could someone explain this in idiot-proof detail :blush:

Grateful for your kind help :)

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On Point #7 do I create a completely new account? Could someone explain this in idiot-proof detail :blush:

nis/nav/n360 no need new account

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On Point #7 do I create a completely new account? Could someone explain this in idiot-proof detail :blush:

nis/nav/n360 no need new account

OK so I don't need a NEW license. So once I've created my first account (#7) and logged in to that account, and done 'Remove License' then I stick with that account.

But how do I get my "next Product Key"? what does Point #9 mean:

9.For the next Product Key DoubleClick RESET.cmd and p.7 and p.8


Edit: OK I think I've got it. Just generated my 2nd Key :) Yay!!

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after ~180days you need a new key, so with RESET.cmd will get new key

every time you RESET.cmd will get new key

just login to account & you will see all created keys

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after ~180days you need a new key, so with RESET.cmd will get new key

every time you RESET.cmd will get new key

just login to account & you will see all created keys

You've been very helpful, not just to me but to many others here I'm certain. Thank you for that.

You've helped me to install my first ever Virtual Machine as well as generate Norton keys.

I simply had to log out from the account then log in again and, by magic, I had a new key! :huh:

Kudos :cheers:

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