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Backup/Restore Activation [Updated to Windows 10 & Office/Server 2016]



Why do we need to backup activation:


You need to backup and restore an activation because every time you format and reinstall Windows you need to activate Windows again.This tutorial explains how to backup and restore an activation license of Windows, Office & Server. For activation you look for a valid MAK-Retail keys, calling Microsoft or waiting for a KMS server to go online etc. Sometimes when you activate Windows with a previous key then you have a problem with activation and get the error message "This key has limit of activation or blocked".But if you want to reinstall Windows and don't want to lose the activation then you can create a backup of the activation and then reinstall Windows then restore the activation. This activation method backs up and restores the Windows 10, Server 2016  activation as well as Microsoft Office activation.

Things you need to remember before:

  • Install device driver especially Intel Rapid Storage Technology before restore backup
  • Save your activation keys somewhere just in case there are some softwares may ask you your full license key to enter manually.
  • Strongly recommend to backup more than one application just in case one fails you have another alternative to succeed to reinstall activation
  • Before Reinstall Activation Disable Internet Connection & After Reinstall Restart PC.
  • You may need to switch off some antivirus programs.


Important Points you need to know before backup and reinstall procedure:


1. The activation is tied to your specific hardware and OS edition, so keep this in mind.
2. The solution will likely 100% fail if you make changes to hardware and re-install Windows and then trying to restore activation again
3. It has come to my attention that installing certain hardware drivers will break the activation on Windows 8/8.1- 10 forcing you to reactivate. One way to prevent this from happening would be to make sure everything is installed and up to date before activating and then take the backup. That way when you have reinstalled Windows and the hardware drivers it should work just fine restoring activation later.
4. Once we buy the retail version of Windows 8/8.1- 10, backing up the activation would be a more permanent solution given that you don't change the hardware or OS edition along the road which means you have to reactivate and backup again.
5. This manual backup and reactivate methot was working on KMS Activation but as there is non working KMS Activation i just can not check at this moment however there is no reason why shouldn't  if there is in the future.




MSActBackUp Portable by Ratiborus

System Requirement:


Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012,
2012 R2, Office 2010/2013 any revisions.
**** The program does NOT require any version .NET Framework. ****



MSActBackUp - a program to save and restore activation
Windows editions: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, Server 2008, 2008 R2, 2012
2012 R2 and Office 2010, 2013.



Saving activation:

1. Press the corresponding button, check the keys that identify the programs, and if necessary, specify correct keys. When the button becomes active, saving activation is completed.


Troubleshooting (1) for grey out Save Activation Button:


Usually Office 2016 Retail Edition shows 2 different key on the program saving activation section one of the key name Office 2013 Retail Grace Period key this is unnecessary Office key and need to delete to order to use Save Activation button.
Delete the grace period key:

cmd (admin)

cscript "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /unpkey:KEY-VALUE
[x64 bit office on x64 bit Windows or x86 on x86]


cmd (admin)

cscript "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office16\OSPP.VBS" /unpkey:KEY-VALUE
[for x86 bit office on x64 bit Windows]


*KEY-VALUE = Last five digit of Office Product Key

Troubleshooting (2) for grey out Save Activation Button [None of the Activation Product Key Appears]:


Before You using MSActBackUp 1.x.x,  be sure that all antivirus programs are completely switched off.!

2. During Backup Program usually find full Retail keys but for any MAK Key you need to enter them manually in the box to complete


Done Save the activation backup files in other partition, usb flash disk etc..


Restore Activation:
1. ===Disable Internet Connection===
2. Check the box to "Restore WPA" and click button "Restore Activation".


Note : ##Usually if you activate with Online key or Restore fails check the box "Restore SoftwareProtectionPlatform" and try again.##

3. Select the right folder [Just under the Operation System something like: === 22.02.2015=18.38.27=== as you see the screenshot below] with the saved activation.


#Notice: You may need to re-try few times if first restore attempt has not successful.!#

4. After program execution, the system will go to restart, you must wait for the reboot. After the reboot, the program will continue recovery.


Latest Testimonial: Tested on Virtual Machine Windows 10 Pro Retail x64 & Office 2013 Pro Plus both activated with MAK Keys By Phone successfully reinstall. Applied for Clean Installation & Upgrade.




Changes in versions v1.1.0:


-Small Changes in the program interface.

MSActBackUp Portable v1.1.0 DC 11.03.2017 by Ratiborus



OPA-Backup 3.4.2


Supported Product


Microsoft Office XPMicrosoft Office 2003Microsoft Office 2007Microsoft Office 2010Microsoft Windows 8/8.1, 10 & Office 2013Server 2016


OPA-Backup 3.4.2 - README



To use OPA-Backup, please follow the rules listed below:

- You must have acquired Microsoft Office lawfully.
- Microsoft Office has to be activated.
- You must fulfill Microsoft's software license agreement.
- OPA-Backup does not violate Microsoft's Office suite copyright.


Command line interface
For more information on the command line interface, please use "--info" option.

Saving activation:
1. Run OPA-Backup as administrator select your Windows & office Edition >> Choose an Option [Make Backup] >>> Next



2. Choose a path [Where you want to save your backup files] >> Next




Restore Activation:
1. ===Disable Internet Connection===
2. Run OPA-Backup as administrator select your Windows & office Edition >> Choose an Option [Restore a Backup] >>> Next


3. Choose a path [Where you have saved your backup files] >> Next

4. Click and highlight save file [06 August 2015 17:04:06] >> Click Next


5. Restart Your Computer Now.


Latest Testimonial: Tested on Virtual Machine Windows 10 Pro Retail x64 & Office 2013 Pro Plus both activated with MAK Keys By Phone successfully reinstall. Applied for Clean Installation & Upgrade.






Changes in versions 3.4.2


- fixed some compatibility issue concerning Office 2010 and Windows 8


Download Link Latest OPA-Backup 3.4.2


november_ra1n 07 Aug 2015




Manual Backup/Restore Activation

Backup Activation:
1. Enable Show hidden files, folders and drivers to order to see and save all activation backup files

Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization

Then Checked Show hidden files, folders and drivers

2. Go to this location below and save entire spp folder in somewhere safe in your other hard drive, partition or usb stick DVD etc....


Restore Activation:
1. Reboot Windows in Safe mode and easiest way is by using msconfig via Run.


2. Choose the Boot tab and then Safe boot-Minimal, apply and restart when prompted reboot


3. Click Restart PC IN Safe mode


4. Take Ownership entire ssp folder -- You can also do it manually but it is easier download and install simple register file below.

Download Link of Take Ownership - Install & Uninstall .reg files:


Go to the Location C:\Windows\System32\spp --- right click entire folder --> Click to Take ownership.


5. After having Take Ownership you can now easily copy-paste & replace original ssp folder with your backup ssp folder.
6. Go to Run and use msconfig and choose Normal boot under General tab this time, apply and click restart when prompted
7. When restarted your Windows & Office will be activated.

Latest Testimonial: Tested on Virtual Machine Windows 10 Pro Retail x64 & Office 2013 Pro Plus both activated with MAK Keys By Phone successfully reinstall. Applied for Clean Installation & Upgrade.


Important Topic Replies related tools:

Dism++ Portable (x64-x86) - Another Simple Tool Backup & Restore Activation


november_ra1n 10 Aug 2015

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MSActBackUp Portable by Ratiborus not work on my Windows 10 Pro.



I used Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager for backup [Office 2013 + Windows 10 Pro]

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NB! Before You will use MSActBackUp 1.0.8, be sure that Malwarebytes Anti Malware and the other anti-virus programs are completely switched off .
(Others AV I have not tested it, but MBAM blocks the job and the result is zero.)

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Silly question(s): Can I backup activation if I upgraded from W8.1 to W10? And can I do the backup if did a clean install after upgrade?

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Silly question(s): Can I backup activation if I upgraded from W8.1 to W10? And can I do the backup if did a clean install after upgrade?

You can backup W8.1 activation, but it isn't needed later. For Windows 10 You'll get automatically new key and this old will not work no more.

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I used Yamicsoft Windows 10 Manager for backup [Office 2013 + Windows 10 Pro]

I have tested this particular software backup/restore function in the past and failed few times. It is up 2 you what software you want to use but i have already post 2 of the best backup utilities on this topic from my testing experience and both nicely working.

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Yup,..now working on windows 10 pro, no button action "Save Activation"

You need to delete unnecessary grace period key to order yo use Save Activation button. -----Instruction under the spoiler tag - Troubleshooting for grey out Save Activation Button:

But that cmd prompt base by Office 2013 you need to change little bit for file location on Windows 2016

Navigate where is the location of: --- OSPP.VBS in Office 2013 to delete the key.


Use Alternatively OPA-Backup 3.4.2 that also as good as first one.

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Mr. november_ra1n.. can i take my activation backup manual from : c:\Windows\System32\spp and restore it in save mode after installing new windows ? or not ?

I've done this before with Windows 8 and 8.1 ..

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Mr. november_ra1n.. can i take my activation backup manual from : c:\Windows\System32\spp and restore it in save mode after installing new windows ? or not ?

I've done this before with Windows 8 and 8.1 ..

I guess that should work but did not have time to test it on my own.

Edit: Working nicely also as i have tested by now #16 >>>

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How about Microsoft Toolkit 2.6 BETA 1. can i make activation backup for win10 and office 2013 ?

Yes you can I have also tested --- during activation restore sometimes MTK can not automatically install the key you may need to hit install key button before hitting activation restore.

Also save the activation keys as text file somewhere cause sometimes backup software may ask you during backup & restore.

Good Luck. : )

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Manual Backup/Restore Activation

Backup Activation:


1. Enable Show hidden files, folders and drivers to order to see and save all activation backup files
Control Panel\Appearance and Personalization 
Then Checked Show hidden files, folders and drivers
2. Go to this location below and save entire spp folder in somewhere safe in your other hard drive, partition or usb stick DVD etc....


Restore Activation:
1. Reboot Windows in Safe mode and easiest way is by using msconfig via Run.
2. Choose the Boot tab and then Safe boot-Minimal, apply and restart when prompted reboot
3. Click Restart PC IN Safe mode
4. “Take Ownership” entire ssp folder -- You can also do it manually but it is easier download and install simple register file below.
Download Link of Take Ownership - Install & Uninstall .reg files:

Go to the Location C:\Windows\System32\spp --- right click entire folder --> Click to Take ownership.


5. After having “Take Ownership” you can now easily copy-paste & replace original ssp folder with your backup ssp folder.

6. Go to Run and use msconfig and choose Normal boot under General tab this time, apply and click restart when prompted

7. When restarted your Windows & Office will be activated.

Latest Testimonial: Tested on Virtual Machine Windows 10 Pro Retail x64 & Office 2013 Pro Plus both activated with MAK Keys By Phone successfully reinstall. Applied for Clean Installation & Upgrade.

november_ra1n 10 Aug 2015

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the problem with "Save Activation" button still not solved

There is still Office 2016 ProfessionalR Grace edition key there. Only you need to delete anything comes with Office grace period keys nothing else.

The one you have deleted Trial key was fine you need that key anyway. Beside you are using Office 2016 Beta Edition bro. Do you really need that as you have already Office 2013 installed?

We do not even know backup softwares capable to backup and restore Office 2016 yet!

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no one microsoft office installed on my windows

Maybe you have uninstalled Office 2016 but grace period key is there!

As i said this specific application does not like that key use other alternative or Manual backup/restore.

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how to delete grace period key?

Same cmd prompt you have deleted trial key in that screenshot above nothing different.

Second key in your screenshot.

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Finally ..!! Solved thank's

Cool i am very grateful that you have done it. : )

i backed up up win10 pro and office 2013 using this it was successfull but now i have 2 folders in the backups folder with same date and almost same files in it.so my que is while restoring which one to select (in other words which is the original one) :eek: :dunno:

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i backed up up win10 pro and office 2013 using this it was successfull but now i have 2 folders in the backups folder with same date and almost same files in it.so my que is while restoring which one to select (in other words which is the original one) :eek: :dunno:

If you are not sure delete both backup file and backup again with the tool you have backup.!

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Has anyone tried Advanced Tokens Manager from Josh Cell Softwares? Looks like it supports Windows 10 (though not officially declared to). Don't have anything to try it on, though.

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Has anyone tried Advanced Tokens Manager from Josh Cell Softwares? Looks like it supports Windows 10 (though not officially declared to). Don't have anything to try it on, though.

Yes I have already tried & it is not working on Windows 10 ---------Advanced Tokens Manager v3.5 RC 5 --- Failed [Tokens error -- Invalid backup for the product]

There are two tools also Manual Backup working nicely on Windows 10 beside MTK 6 Beta working too. Chose any tool you think best for you. Good Luck. : )

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