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Anyone had problems with this VPN today?,I had premium 3 month keys on 2 pc's and both today have reverted back to free plans!,all my stats are correct in settings etc,user name and everything all good just a free plan!!!!.

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I,m going to re-install,see if that makes a difference.

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Same problem here ! All my 3 months preactivated account are now converted to free plan.

btw no problem with 1 Year Special Edition Account.


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I,m going to re-install,see if that makes a difference.

Nothing will happen. I login to their website, changed password, email, username but its still showing free account


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Maybe they have internal problems?,best leave things a couple of days maybe they will correct the problem.

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Got some freedome VPN keys if any of you guys are stuck without Cyberghost?,let me know.

Download here: https://download.sp.f-secure.com/freedome/installer/Freedome.exe

14 day trial,I have 3 month keys.

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My 1 year paid premium plan is still working.

You're lucky then all kinds people who bought it and giveaways have lost access to there keys


Same problem here ! All my 3 months preactivated account are now converted to free plan.

btw no problem with 1 Year Special Edition Account.


Same here only my one year Special Edition is working now .

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​What was weird they was selling it real cheap for 1 year and yesterday was the last day for the summer sale and today all 3 mouth keys vanished out of everyone's account today. i was thinking about buying it but missed out on doing it before the sale ended . There are some that have better reviews that's the same price as it is on sale all year round . After reading on Facebook about all those people who bought it stopped working for I dont trust it I will buy the other one that uses Open VPN instead having to wait on there software to update soon . If they get the only key I have left very soon indeed . :)

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Mines not,still free version.

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Mines not,still free version.


And i'm sad for you.

I have key by you .

I have submited ticket and they said all is good fix issues in our servers.

Maybe waiting little more time for you.

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Got other troubles now,not getting into Cyberghost at all on my desktopsays it cant find the right network version,had that before and when you click the button it loads the TAP driver,only this time it does not?just closes,re-installed three times and still the same,gonna stick with freedome I think less hassle.

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Got other troubles now,not getting into Cyberghost at all on my desktopsays it cant find the right network version,had that before and when you click the button it loads the TAP driver,only this time it does not?just closes,re-installed three times and still the same,gonna stick with freedome I think less hassle.

TaP Driver he used by Freedome to now.

Have you try in up corner to Interface of CyBerghost in custom conexion : clic reper virtual card.

Or uninstall freedome completly with Total uninstall.

And uninstall Cyberghost to ; after re-install Cyber.

Don't foget Save you're Username and Password.

But you loose you're registration of Freedome if you uninstall.


For save registration.

Normaly if you re-install Freedome you import key and re-registered at last before.

But for this i'm not sure.

If you are a back-up software like acronis it's more sure.

I don't want if you follow me you loose Freedome to.

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