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Rapid$it haters say/post your opinion


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Just fed up with all/any rapid$hit links!

what do you recon? should the links should be banned? (or just ignored?

say what you think or just post "+1" to say your position! :rofl:

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There is a certain staff member who shares your views on RapidShare.

Can i ask you why you hate RS so much?

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money making, grassing, annoying bunch of exploiters... that's for the starters.....

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I don't mind it. I have a premium account. There are several different ways to get around the wait times. Having a nearly standard site makes the cost of a premium account justifiable. Speed has been great for me in the U.S., Europe, Middle East. I usually max out my connection when I use IDM. What alternatives do you suggest that would have similar strengths? Anything that does it even better? Newsgroups are great but you have to pay for that also (unless you use your ISP's- but that usually is filtered).

What has your experience been with them?

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sore spot!

1- testing/using all sorts of workaround tools costed me few reboots...

2- there is nothing better at the mo than mediafire in my opinion

3- paying for file server use?- is as bad as paying to some rogue software developers

4- they are not even trying to protect its users! (grassing in as up on any legal presure)

hate them!- hate them with a passion! for a while now...

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I don't mind members posting RS links, only once in a while and as long as they follow the rules.

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I would like to at least see them post a mirror, I mean they know many people have problems with RapidShare so they should provide a mirror :hi:

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There is a certain staff member who shares your views on RapidShare.

Not me - I'm lovin' it :hi:

I would like to at least see them post a mirror, I mean they know many people have problems with RapidShare so they should provide a mirror :hi:

I could not resist ;)

You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

As a Premium account holder at RS I'm very pleased with their services. And since they happen to be the most common host of stuff I'm after I'm happy.

What problems are you referring to. The wait time?

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the dl speed is wack as well...i get 500 KB dl speed...it stoops for a few seconds, then resumes, then stops for some more seconds, then resumes, then stops for some more, then resumes....and you get the picture

and excuse me...but waiting over 80 seconds, for a 200 megabyte files is pure Bull***t!

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Still not understanding.

Media fire is better than rapidshare? Dont you have to wait using that also?

*If* you were to buy the software- it would take more than 80 seconds to go through the process of filling out your billing info. It seems like a small price to pay for free wares.

Premium accounts get good speed.

Any Prem. account holders that dont like using RS?

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the dl speed is wack as well...i get 500 KB dl speed...it stoops for a few seconds, then resumes, then stops for some more seconds, then resumes, then stops for some more, then resumes....and you get the picture

and excuse me...but waiting over 80 seconds, for a 200 megabyte files is pure Bull***t!

[*Clicks the thanks button*] +1 & then some. Would say it better but I cant.

Still not understanding.

Media fire is better than rapidshare? Dont you have to wait using that also?

*If* you were to buy the software- it would take more than 80 seconds to go through the process of filling out your billing info. It seems like a small price to pay for free wares.

Premium accounts get good speed.

Any Prem. account holders that dont like using RS?

Waay back when I won the competition I didnt like rapidshare even with the premium. I had decent speed times but not like the regular speeds I get when downloading from mf. I'm not dead set against using anything but mf tho. I like using Ziddu & FileDropper too. Anything but RS.

The main reasons regular users (at least this is the vibe I get) use RS is because of the points system. They want the 1000 points so they wont have to wait. I dont wanna wait either so why should I click it? There's plenty of alternatives out there that dont make you wait that I can & will use.

Atasas hit the nail right on the head:

3- paying for file server use?- is as bad as paying to some rogue software developers

I'm thankful for whoever provided the pro account for the winner, but I definitely would not pay for something like this again.

I'd be fine with RS if there were no wait times & the speed was good, & what Marik said didnt happen. Since none of that is the case I cant sit here & say I'd use it.

I'm not sure if I'm right on this or not, but I think there's a reason that you guys (unlike a lot of other sites) dont use RS to host the downloads over at .down...

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@Rock Lee:

Don't worry ;)

We only use file-hosting that are capable of:

  • direct / hot linking
  • high download speed
  • no wait time
  • etc

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@Rock Lee:

Don't worry ;)

We only use file-hosting that are capable of:

  • direct / hot linking
  • high download speed
  • no wait time
  • etc

The above is the point I was trying to prove. RS is none of that. Thanks for pointing that out ;)

(I wasnt worried, I knew eventually someone would post what you did. Thus validating my point :))

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Still not understanding.

Media fire is better than rapidshare? Dont you have to wait using that also?

yes, it's way better

for one, you can dl with IDM as a free user from it reaching speeds that are impossible with as a free user on rapidshare

second, the wait time is only a few seconds, unlike rapidshare which the higher the file, the higher the wait time...waited over 130 seconds for a rar part with some songs *sigh*

third i don't see anywhere on mf saying "the file has been downloaded 10 times, please re-up, cause where such douches that we force you into either being a prick and make an account in the hopes of the stuff you upload will give you rs points, or just buy the damn thing and have a nice day.....the rapid***t team!"

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What about Skip Screen? The firefox extension that allows you to skip the waiting page.

skip screen doesn't skip the 131 seconds m8

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I just use Rapidshare AutoWait if I ever have to download RS links :)

:think: This could fix the wait problem but you're still leaving a big hole that mediafire fills: speed. Rapidshxt doesnt have speed for a free user. Solving the wait problem is only the tip of the ice berg when it comes to downloading from there. There's still the matter of speed, in which the case is you must pay for it.

& You say if you ever have to wait to download huh? Your updates (in the software updates section) still lead to wait time sites

(Pastebin > Sharebee > Then the following options: Badongo ; RS ; zShare ; Deposit Files ; Megaupload), making us have to wait :lol:

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megaupload + skip screen, with my connection = 1.8-2 megabytes ↓ rate :)

i wonder how much I would get as a premium user :lol:

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There is a certain staff member who shares your views on RapidShare.

Not me - I'm lovin' it :lol:

I would like to at least see them post a mirror, I mean they know many people have problems with RapidShare so they should provide a mirror :think:

I could not resist :)

You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin' to? You talkin' to me? Well I'm the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

As a Premium account holder at RS I'm very pleased with their services. And since they happen to be the most common host of stuff I'm after I'm happy.

What problems are you referring to. The wait time?

Same here. I have no problems with RS at all. Working just fine.

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@Rock Lee:

PasteBin leads to wait time? Surely a second or two will not waste your time... or does it?

I'm using PasteBin so I don't have to split the original link(s) into site and sharecode.

I have no problems with RS, since I rarely download from or upload to RS. Most of the time, I get my shares from someone or somewhere else.

It's futile to request from me alternate download link(s), since I only post whatever is available.

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@Rock Lee:

PasteBin leads to wait time? Surely a second or two will not waste your time... or does it?

I'm using PasteBin so I don't have to split the original link(s) into site and sharecode.

I have no problems with RS, since I rarely download from or upload to RS. Most of the time, I get my shares from someone or somewhere else.

It's futile to request from me alternate download link(s), since I only post whatever is available.

No, thats not what I meant. If you follow your links in PB, you'll find a link to Sharebee, which leads to the sites I listed before. Albeit (in most cases) it is only the fix, I dont like to wait for anything. No matter what it is. If I know I can get something without waiting (which I know I can if people would provide the adequate resources) then I cant accept anything less than zero wait time. MF offers this, ziddu (still a captcha but better than a wait time) & filedropper do the same.

You end up splitting the PB link also so I dont really get where this is coming from.

In bold, why do you do this?

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