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Need help with this,

boulder omen

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I have coded a script in HTML for one of the site I work at, and its a job application, I have programmed it so when they hit "Submit" it emails the filled out application to the manager. But what he asked me if I could have the filled out application saved to the server as a txt or anything. heres the source code to take a better look at things

<title>Staff Application</title>
<body bgcolor="#232d35"><font face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#ffffff" size="5"><strong>Staff Application Form </strong></font>
<form action="MAILTO:[email protected]" method="post"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#ffffff" size="2">Name:
<input type="text" size="30" value="" name="Your Name">
<input type="text" size="30" value="" name="Your Age">
<br>EG Username</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">:
<input type="text" size="30" value="" name="Dx Username">
<br><font color="#ffffff">AIM Screen Name</font>:
<input type="text" size="30" value="" name="AIM Screen Name">
<br><font color="#ffffff">What posistion are you applying for?</font></font> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2"><select size="1" name="Posistion">
<option value="">Designer</option>
<option value="">Admin</option>
<option value="" selected="selected">Staff</option></select>
<br><font color="#ffffff">Why should we hire you?</font></font><font size="2">:</font> <textarea name="Why should I hire you?" rows="3" cols="40"> </textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Submit Query" name="submit">
<input type="reset" value="Reset" name="reset">
<br><font color="#ffffff">Please allow a couple of days for response...</font>
</font><font size="2">:</font> </form>

so my Question is how do I get it saved to the server instead of Emailed. by the person filling out the app?

thanks any help greatly appreciated.

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first, change...

<form action="MAILTO:[email protected]" method="post">


<form action="http://mysite.com/action.php" method="post">

then you'll need to setup a PHP script that uses the $_POST["Your Name"] global variable ("Your Name" can be changed for the other form fields). then just have it ouput the data with fwrite()...quite simple actually :lol:


//Location for the TXT files, CHMOD to 777

//NEVER store personal data within your /public_html/!

$dir "/home/username/private_data/";

if(isset($_POST["Your Name"])){

$name "Name: " $_POST["Your Name"] . "n";

} else {

echo "Please go back a page and fill in your name.";



if(isset($_POST["Your Age"])){

$age "Age: " $_POST["Your Age"] . "n";

} else {

echo "Please go back a page and fill in your age.";



if(isset($_POST["Dx Username"])){

$dxname "EG Username: " $_POST["Dx Username"] . "n";

} else {

echo "Please go back a page and fill in your EG Username.";



if(isset($_POST["AIM Screen Name"])){

$aim "AIM Screen Name: " $_POST["AIM Screen Name"] . "n";

} else {

//echo "Please go back a page and fill in your AIM Screen Name.";




$position "Position: " $_POST["Posistion"] . "n";

} else {

echo "Please go back a page and fill in the position you wish to fill.";



if(isset($_POST["Why should I hire you?"])){

$whyhire "Reason for hire: " $_POST["Why should I hire you?"] . "n";

} else {

echo "Please go back a page and tell us why we should hire you.";



$data $name $age $dxname $aim $position $whyhire;

$file $dir $position " - " $name " - " $age ".txt";


$fp fopen($file"a");


fwrite($fp"nnn" $data);

echo "Application submitted successfully!";

} else {

echo "There was an error while submitting the application!";




} else {

$fp fopen($file"w");



echo "Application submitted successfully!";

} else {

echo "There was an error while submitting the application!";






NOTE: i wrote this off the top of my head as an example, dont know if it'll work or not. but i will test around with it when i have some more time ;)

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boulder omen

ok I tried it out and i got the "Please go back a page and fill in your name." I tried to fix it myself but my php is bad!, i get this error even when all fields are filled it or non at all

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your right, it was the form value names, seems the can't uses spaces...even tho they're quoted :)

any ways, here's a fully tested and working version, provided you have the proper directory set with the right permissions :P


oh, and i made a few tweaks since the one i posted ;)

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boulder omen

Thanks a million again, hope you had a happy new year :)

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boulder omen

sorry to bother you but what is the proper directory set? where do i need to make folders? do I make /home/username/applications/ ? because I did with the CHMOD to 777 and I got a failed to open stream error

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run the following script and PM me the path it gives you...


also, when you login via ftp, do you have to upload site files into public_html or into your root folder (/)? :)

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boulder omen

Thanks for all your help, I got it working fine now with your help ofcourse :)

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