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Internet Download Manager 6.23 Build 10


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@yuman .. thats a classic method - years and years ago and yep still working hehehe... but i guess you need to do some minor changes in the task scheduling and some code.. ....

just my 2 cent... :)

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@yuman .. thats a classic method - years and years ago and yep still working hehehe... but i guess you need to do some minor changes in the task scheduling and some code.. ....

just my 2 cent... :)

bro the IDM TR bat i've added to task scheduler but after restarting PC it shows a command prompt that "Admin righjts is needed ..press any key to exit"

so how to make it automatic?without asking for user rights?


edit: neva mind i figured it out!!

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What can you propose to me as new!

Waiting! :showoff:

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@yuman and kantry... this is classic method old school kind of patching..without using ip block

my suggestion is read this: if you do it right, then you wont have any problem, still a classic old school but i updated some changes and instructions due to devs changes in protection level. ive been using this one since build 6.17..... just updated recently due to dev changes...


post 103...... i believe jofre is using it for quite some time already.... and seems he has not reported any issues....

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@yuman .. thats a classic method - years and years ago and yep still working hehehe... but i guess you need to do some minor changes in the task scheduling and some code.. ....

just my 2 cent... :)

bro the IDM TR bat i've added to task scheduler but after restarting PC it shows a command prompt that "Admin righjts is needed ..press any key to exit"

so how to make it automatic?without asking for user rights?


follow the method and you're done! im using it since 1 Month NO problem i also updated it from Build 9 to 10, works fine!

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I tried to the here above BTJB and/or TheRecruit patch-iota-xanax

Few minutes after the install I've every 5 minutes an IDM popup warn that was registered with a fake serial

Any HELP???


You didn't follow the instructions. Sorry.

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I just Updated it! No Blacklisting no nag Screen!


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@yuman and kantry... this is classic method old school kind of patching..without using ip block

my suggestion is read this: if you do it right, then you wont have any problem, still a classic old school but i updated some changes and instructions due to devs changes in protection level. ive been using this one since build 6.17..... just updated recently due to dev changes...


post 103...... i believe jofre is using it for quite some time already.... and seems he has not reported any issues....

Hi fellows,

Is more than good! Is excellent and I dont understand why everybody is using all kind of patches and don`t try this method. I am sure next update just have to install IDM and automatically will be registered without having to do something else.

Instructions well explained for all kind of knowledge.

Tons of unnecessary patches were already posted!

Thanks, @sledge101, you are really a SPECIAL nsane member !

Just is case somethings fails, here is a mirror to download IDM Toolbox v.1.1 ( by @sledge) :-


Site :- ....................................... https://www.mirrorcreator.com

Sharecode :- ...................................................................... /files/1IMIGOHA/IDT11_box.7z_links


Password --» 101

Microsoft.Net framework 4.50 needs to be installed.



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I tried to the here above BTJB and/or TheRecruit patch-iota-xanax

Few minutes after the install I've every 5 minutes an IDM popup warn that was registered with a fake serial

Any HELP???


You didn't follow the instructions. Sorry.

For sure I follow the instructions.

I'm going to give a try to IDM Toolbox v.1.1 ( by @sledge) :-

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I tried to the here above BTJB and/or TheRecruit patch-iota-xanax

Few minutes after the install I've every 5 minutes an IDM popup warn that was registered with a fake serial

Any HELP???


You didn't follow the instructions. Sorry.

For sure I follow the instructions.

I'm going to give a try to IDM Toolbox v.1.1 ( by @sledge) :-

try the IDM trial reset it will also revert ur Fake serial Pop-Up


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I think you missed a detail! otherwise it works like a Charm! Whohoooo! Using this Trial since a Month so Satisfied

and won't look again for another Trick or Patches or Using Host Lock!

i'm so Happy to use this one! and i stay using it,


Good Luck for others Use my Trick (Old School) and the New Age (Slegse & Jofre) think both same thing!

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Hey Bodies! Anyone can tell Why my iDM doesn't Fit or integrate esp. when i'm about to download something from Solidfiles.com!

Other Servers Works Fine Only this One Cause Maybe Is The Best Server EVER!

Here is the ScreenShot!


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Hey Bodies! Anyone can tell Why my iDM doesn't Fit or integrate esp. when i'm about to download something from Solidfiles.com!

Other Servers Works Fine Only this One Cause Maybe Is The Best Server EVER!

Here is the ScreenShot!


IDM doesn't suppport Vivaldi browser

so try this on firefox or chrome u won't be disappointed


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Thank you Kantry! i know that! but i Integrate it manually it worked n still works Using IDM-Trial Re-setter Method on All Servers without any exception? ONLY SOLIDFILES.COM




:showoff: :D :pos:

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I just RE-install IDM Retail 6.23 Build 10 with IDM Toolbox v.1.1 ( by @sledge) method without success :(

Still I've popup fake serial (see image bellow)


I've strictly followed the instructions:

Uninstalled IDM with Total Uninstaller

Manually checked for IDM registry located at or HKCU\Software\classes\CLSID and HKLM \Software\ Wow6432Node\classes\CLSID

Run IDM-ToolBox.exe

Click - Clean Registry

Input All Registration Info--> Click - Register IDM

Install IDM Full Retail setup.exe

Click - Fix Registry

Configure Loader Tool manually as described in IDM-ToolBox.nfo (see image bellow)



Any did I wrong?

TNX for yr help

BTW, where doI find IDM trial reset?

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@cou.. please check here


post 103...

do a total uninstall

use ccleaner 2X ( you ill be surprised why) until no idm reference

check registry

if your x64

in clsid and clsid\wow6432 check all of that ( mdata,therad,model, @="1353112" or something like that... read the link above .you'll know what im trying to tell you

delete vp key 3.5 if exist....

in idm6.23build 10 X64 setup -- the clsid\wow6432node was changed comparedred to previouis build it looks like 03xxx key which includes the mdata, therad, etc, delete that entry.

once its cleared. run toolbox in admin mode.

improtant clean registry ... especially those radmonized clsid thrash keys which cannot be clean by idm trial reset tool as it is created depending on your system... need to look for it yourself. read the link posted... to get the idea what it is.....

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TNX sledge101 for yr help

I've already red post 103, I'll read it again carefully and redo ecerything from trash on sunday (I have to go).

BTW where do I find idm trial reset tool?

I'll let you know later


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ok.. read and redo you need to clean your registry as it seems your registry is contaminated... and you left some randomized keys....you have to do it yourself especially randmized keys created by your system. mine is different and the others too....that cannot be deleted by just idm reset tool or generic cleaner.

just make sure you have the following values to delete keys before runniing any patch or the toolbox.

@= "123456" ( just an example)

mdata, therad, values....

vp kdey 3.5

note about using ccleaner (improtant and you will be surprised that even after restart of pc on full inistall, left over files are still used by idm as reference, so you need to delete all this registry reference using ccleaner ( repeat 2-3x until none is seen) other than revo or etc

Read post 103...once sure then you can proceed using the toolbox. If your an OC person or just to make sure youve done after installing again 6.23 b10 full, you may want to go back to registry....double check if sure no keys created after install then click taskiller if idm is running and click fix registry. this will create and fix key....

Then if succesfull,setup immediately your IDMTR ... this quite helpful if not using ip/fw block... as silent updates of IDM checks will prevent this , see nfo.

once setup , run it immediately even if you dont want to retart...

if you've done it properly and successful, you have a clean idm registry as well...so when futre build arrives, just run toolbox again and just click update latest build... then it will download to desktop and just click task killer again and install the update....


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Hey @Coucou if you're French Guy Go Ahead to my Previous Post By Majax31.ws You'll Get What you're Looking for Since a While!

My Previous Post Under #717 Or here >>Source In French Majax31

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You are big experimenters here. :)

Explain please the real meaning, is it a good sens or bad one! Cheeeers BTJB

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You are big experimenters here. :)

Explain please the real meaning, is it a good sens or bad one! Cheeeers BTJB

it's bad one, because being bad is good. lol


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You are big experimenters here. :)

Explain please the real meaning, is it a good sens or bad one! Cheeeers BTJB

it's bad one, because being bad is good. lol


Or good cause its bad.. :rolleyes:

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here is idm trial resetter tool i created sicnce 9/2014. don't worry about fake popup anymore
how to:
1- run file "IDM Trial
Resetter.exe" to reset trial
2- run file "IDM Trial Resetter
Automatically.bat" with
Admin right to reset automatically
*note: – file "IDM Trial Resetter
Automatically.bat" must be same folder
with file "IDM Trial

– keep name of file "IDM Trial
3- run file "Remove IDM Trial
Resetter Automatically.bat" with
Admin to remove reset


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Please Kien_ViP reconsider your link, cause something seems goes Wrong!

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