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Burn The Sims 3 RELOADED to DVD

ESET Freak

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ESET Freak

I just downloaded The Sims 3 RELOADED (rld-sims3.iso) and I wanna burn it to a DVD. The problem is, the iso is 5.598GB while a DVD is just 4.7GB. Is there any way that I can accomplish this without DoubleLayerDVD or splitting it to 2? I heard you can compress and burn it? Does that really works?

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If you really want the original DVDs, look for a release with CloneDVD in it's name.

That way it's almost certain you will be dling to original DVDs.

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I'd extract ISO to HD and install the game, then delete or keep ISO in a folder for future use.

But that's what i'd do.

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i'd suggest getting the razor1911 rls tho since it's retail whereas the reloaded version was a pre-final.. there's a patch out there that will convert the rld ver to rzr ver, but after installation, won't mod the iso..

however the razor is also 5.55 gigs.. :/

pretty sure it could be uharced or 7zipped to fit a dvd5, i'd do that after installing tho, making sure to export the registry entries..

here's how to get it on 2 x dvd5 tho if you can't bother with buying dvd9s: http://fileforums.com/showthread.php?t=86807 (not sure if this is 100% the same for rld ver tho, since it was a digital distribution version so the file structure might differ, also it has securom, rzr doesn't)

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