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5 minutes ago, nOkialpha said:


I didn't see banned mark on their profile, is this invisible ban?

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I didn't see banned mark on their profile, is this invisible ban?

they are not banned but their posts/contents are under moderation so they can't post anything.
I hope they will back very soon.

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AFWall+ (Donate) v3.0.2 Final


Version 3.0.2
Support for Magisk 18.0 and startup leak
Fix: Issue with Pixel C devices
Fix: Notification sound issue on some devices
Fix: Duplicate name appears on main screen
Updated translations




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AFWall+ (Donate) v3.0.3
What's New
Version 3.0.2/3.0.3

- Fix: Disable firewall issue
- Fix: Traffic stats always zero in app details
- Rewritten filter logic for main screen apps.
- Xposed plugin not able to read preference.

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TextNow - free text + calls v6.7.0.1

What's New
- Fixed a bug that could cause the app to crash when setting or changing ringtones.
- Fixed a bug where notifications could still show for conversations that had been muted.
- Removed "Recommended Apps" from the main menu.
- Various performance improvements.

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i think i see a big problem with ccleaner now i was just looking at the newer version more  somethngs i not like  about it again


1st is this sites it call

i.vimeocdn.com  ?





links.services.disqus.com  ?







2 this one is more i no like

if u use the newer version of ccleaner it seems if u move the ccleaner exe from where u installed it i mean copy exe from folder to desktop it will reclick on the privacy setting again   ?


y i say this  is i was just talk with Ja6969 as he seen something he no understand y its happen for  ccleaner up 2 old tricks again

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3C All-in-One Toolbox Pro v1.


Fix unnecessary write-access requests in apps manager one-click tab


MX Player Pro v1.10.31


* Fixed: Thumbnail distortions on Grid view.
* Fixed: Grid View alignment issues.
* Fixed: Navigation bar color issues on dark themes.
* Improvement: FAB color is adjusted to provide better visibility on dark themes.


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  • 2 weeks later...
11 hours ago, knowledge said:

it seems someone removed my comment y

admins or mods plz stop remove comments when not needed for if u no like my comment   it not mean u can remove it if u no like it

i see its about dcs18 +jayesh30202 y admins no fix the real problems and no remove my comments it just no help and make it seems like u have things to hide  its a new year do we have to do this all again on a new year is sad guys pls help fix



The staff of this board retains the right to delete or modify any posts as they see fit.


community guidelines

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On 12/2/2018 at 11:47 PM, Dukun Cabul said:


That's the culprit on your system !

If you can lock them manually then it's all good


BTW I need to build new IDM-AIO though



Try install IDM and activate with IDM-AIO now and let's see what happens


On 12/2/2018 at 9:40 PM, Dukun Cabul said:


I have 4 PCs with different operating systems

- Windows 7 Pro 32-bit

- Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

- Windows 10 RS4 Pro 64-bit (Upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro)

- Windows 10 RS5 Pro 64-bit (Clean install)
None of them has any issue with IDM



What OS type  you are running?



Try the following procedures:
1. Uninstall IDM

2. Disable Antivirus (Temporarily)

3. Run IDM-AIO, select "RESET/CLEANUP"

4. Run IDM RegKey Scanner to check if it catch something

5, Re-enable Antivirus

IDM RegKey Scanner

  Reveal hidden contents

Site: https://www.datafilehost.com
Sharecode: d/49d05ca2

The link to download IDM Regkey Scanner is not working !!  Would you please reupload it or check it once.


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what is ccleaner doing ? interesting

f3.shared.global.fastly.net, *.ad.eloan.co.jp, *.apply.eloan.co.jp, *.beam.pro, *.cdn.schoology.com, *.contentstack.io, *.data-cdn.linz.govt.nz, *.eloan.co.jp, *.ft.com, *.hycu.com, *.innogamescdn.com, *.ispot.tv, *.jsdelivr.net, *.knect365.com, *.log.eloan.co.jp, *.lumosity.com, *.lumoslabs.com, *.mng.eloan.co.jp, *.msf.es, *.myscore.jp, *.n3twork.com, *.opr.eloan.co.jp, *.piriform.com, *.polyfill.io, *.portal.eloan.co.jp, *.pr.eloan.co.jp, *.ref.eloan.co.jp, *.sbisonpo.co.jp, *.schoology.com, *.searchina.net, *.seeker.com, *.sheknows.com, *.songkick.com, *.sp.eloan.co.jp, *.staging.schoology.com, *.tedcdn.com, *.thedodo.com, *.tophatter-staging.com, *.tophatter.com, *.udemy.com, *.vimeo-staging.com, *.vimeo-staging2.com, *.vimeocdn.com, *.weather.com, *.www.eloan.co.jp, *.www.myscore.jp, afaq.arabiaweather.com, app.birchbox.co.uk, app.birchbox.es, app.staging.birchbox.co.uk, assets-cdn.signable.co.uk, assets.dailykos.com, assets.trabiancdn.com, beam.pro, bi.mikysrv.com, build.origami.ft.com, cdn.laredoute.com, cdn.mmgcache.net, content.ebiquity.com, docs-cdn.signable.co.uk, eloan.co.jp, entry-web.n-ssi.co.jp, ft.com, hycu.com, image.webservices.ft.com, images.dailykos.com, ispot.tv, knect365.com, learnmore.economist.com, lumosity.com, lumoslabs.com, m.emuparadise.me, mawdoo3.xyz, media.gannett-cdn.com, myscore.jp, n3twork.com, piriform.com, polyfill.io, preact.api.eloan.co.jp, preact.rd.eloan.co.jp, preact.sp.pr.eloan.co.jp, projects.fivethirtyeight.com, qa.polyfill.io, scripts.kissmetrics.com, scripts.stage.kissmetrics.com, seeker.com, sheknows.com, staging-web.ccleaner.com, stg.remit.co.jp, thedodo.com, tophatter-staging.com, tophatter.com, udemy.com, vimeo-staging.com, vimeo-staging2.com, vimeocdn.com, weather.com, www.allcardhikaku.jp, www.artfolio.co.jp, www.cato.org, www.centercutcook.com, www.emuparadise.me, www.i-sedai.com, www.jishin.co.jp, www.libertarianism.org, www.n-ssi.co.jp, www.piriform.com, www.remit.co.jp, www.sbi-moneyplaza.co.jp, www.sbi-solar.jp, www.sbiartauction.co.jp, www.sbicard.jp, www.sbigroup.co.jp, www.sbihnw.com, www2.sbigroup.co.jp
this one is funny with trump post
lots of the links seems to be about trump or data, news and analysis or global credit markets  and china sites ?



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ccleaner now call to           a1102.g2.akamai.net        that cant be good 

plus where will it end

links.services.disqus.com  ?

the things i have learned not good

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Google Play Store 13.0.22


Site: https://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /download/xsa1tgck67pq2ba

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What are some methods of activating IDM other than patches method? IP blocking method seem to have to have stopped working aeons ago.

What are some good alternatives to IDM?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Adguard has started phoning home via a different address ,& license checks are turning to trials now !!  hope someone here finds that  silver bullet quickly !!

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9 hours ago, IronY-Man said:

Adguard has started phoning home via a different address ,& license checks are turning to trials now !!  hope someone here finds that  silver bullet quickly !!

Same : ( 

where are @dcs18 @knowledge when we needm ?

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Retaining Windows 10 Firewall Control (W10FC) Activation With AdGuard




The Time Bomb:—


After the lapse of a certain period, Windows 10 Firewall Control (WFC) starts calling home at regular intervals and if the copy is found to be fixed, the installation is reverted to default and all custom configurations are lost (unless they had been backed-up.)


The AdGuard Mitigation:—



Filtered AppsAdGuard

AdGuard >>----> Settings >>----> Filtered Apps >>----> (scroll down the right-hand-side pane) Browse for executable... >>----> (select the following 4 executables one-by-one) >>----> Open


phelper.exe (C:\Program Files\Windows10FirewallControl\i386\phelper.exe)

phelper.exe (C:\Program Files\Windows10FirewallControl\x64\phelper.exe)

Windows10FirewallControl.exe (C:\Program Files\Windows10FirewallControl\Windows10FirewallControl.exe)

Windows10FirewallService.exe (C:\Program Files\Windows10FirewallControl\Windows10FirewallService.exe)



The above 4 executables are being advised on a provisional & inclusive basis — ATM, only the following executable is being used:—

Windows10FirewallControl.exe (C:\Program Files\Windows10FirewallControl\Windows10FirewallControl.exe)




The Golden Rules:—


After including the 4 above-mentioned executables (into AdGuard) as Filtered Apps, the following 2 rules need to be created (in AdGuard):—

! Windows 10 Firewall Control (W10FC)



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On 11/29/2018 at 10:48 PM, nOkialpha said:

everything is Good at my end i am blocking only 3 domains and ips.



Can you post a screenshot of Windows 10 Firewall Control (W10FC) in the act of blocking IDM from phoning home when you use the Check for updates... sub-menu from the IDM interface. yXZVmpE.gif

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On 1/8/2019 at 9:43 PM, Tickler said:

What are some methods of activating IDM other than patches method?

Check out post # 2 — you'll find plenty of clean methods.



On 1/8/2019 at 9:43 PM, Tickler said:

IP blocking method seem to have to have stopped working aeons ago.

The IP blocking method continues to work with some select few (capable) firewalls.



On 1/8/2019 at 9:43 PM, Tickler said:

What are some good alternatives to IDM?

Shareware = none


Freeware = EagleGet (just as an alternative — not as an equal.)

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8 hours ago, dcs18 said:

Can you post a screenshot of Windows 10 Firewall Control (W10FC) in the act of blocking IDM from phoning home when you use the Check for updates... sub-menu from the IDM interface. yXZVmpE.gif

welcome back dcs :)  waiting for the other friends.........





in my case that nag screen appears if i open/use google chrome for first time. instaed of clicking on OK button just cancel/close that  nag screen pop window




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The CCleaner guide updated with 12 new IPs (for details, refer to the changelog.) ;)



On 1/19/2019 at 10:25 PM, nOkialpha said:
On 1/19/2019 at 2:17 PM, dcs18 said:

Can you post a screenshot of Windows 10 Firewall Control (W10FC) in the act of blocking IDM from phoning home when you use the Check for updates... sub-menu from the IDM interface. yXZVmpE.gif




in my case that nag screen appears if i open/use google chrome for first time. instaed of clicking on OK button just cancel/close that  nag screen pop window

Was asking for a screenshot of the following error:


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