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"Compilation Of Tutorials, Guides, Tips & Updates"


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X-plore File Manager is now v4.00.00



* Improved file list
* New file context menu
* Improved LAN scanner
* Delete in background
* Exit confirmation
* Plus more fixes and improvements





Truecaller: Caller ID, SMS spam blocking & Dialer is now v8.86.7 [Pro]


* Major speed improvements, including app startup and call history loading
* Major performance improvements for SMS Inbox 
* Fixed bug that caused save contact to fail at times
* Fixed bug that caused blank profile name when signing in using Google


Lucky Patcher is now v7.2.8



- Modded Google Play 9.7.11 to 9.8.07 updated;
- Multi-patch fixed;
- Engine for custom patches fixed;
- Translations updated.

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DD-WRT is now 3.0-r35831 Beta.



  • One of the worst firmware I've ever attempted to install
  • Lost my internet connectivity — LAN and WiFi, as well
  • A restore to the 3.0-r35767 Beta could not bring back internet access
  • Continued to display as 3.0-r35831 Beta despite the restore
  • Had to manually re-install the 3.0-r35767 Beta firmware to regain internet access
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On 7/4/2015 at 4:59 PM, dcs18 said:

"An Encrypted Google Search Engine For Your Firefox"

(monitor post # 2 for all updates)


Today, Google decided to replace Encrypted Google with the universal Google Search Engine — R I P. <_<

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Truecaller: Caller ID, SMS spam blocking & Dialer is now v8.86.8 [Pro]




* Major speed improvements, including app startup and call history loading

* Major performance improvements for SMS Inbox

* Fixed bug that caused save contact to fail at times

* Fixed bug that caused blank profile name when signing in using Google .

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X-plore File Manager is now 4.00.04.


MP3 ID3 tags viewer (for one or more mp3 files); soon possibly will be added also ID3 editor



Greenify is now 3.9.9 Build 39900.


Suppress the app wake-up via hidden sync (e.g. UC Browser).
Wake-up caused by content provider component can be cut off now.
Accessibility service is no longer required if no apps in normal hibernation mode during manual hibernation.
Improved the qualification for "background-free" on Android 8+.

"Ignore background-free" no longer interfere with "Ignore running state".
Fix minor process state incorrections on Android 8+.
Fix the compatibility of "Keep Notifications" (Xposed) on Android 8+.



Tasker is now 5.1.8b

- Fixed Wifi Tether action
- Fix root issues with new Magisk update
- Ability to find a Custom Setting automatically even without root (demo: )
- Use root to grant Secure Settings permission automatically if available
- Fixed issue with keystore files for kid apps

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X-plore File Manager  is now v4.00.06 [Donate]


*MP3 ID3 editor



True caller: Caller ID, SMS spam blocking & Dialer is now v8.87.6 


* Fixed bug that caused ringtone to change after a call is blocked
* Major speed improvements, including app startup and call history loading
* Major performance improvements for SMS Inbox

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On 4/16/2018 at 10:28 AM, dcs18 said:

"A Blazing Fast, ZippyShare — Free From Malvertising"

(monitor post 2 for all updates)




Salient Features:—

  • rules are provisional — future-ready
  • fully functional even if cookies are enabled
  • blocks malvertising and advertisements in all forms
  • blocks pop-ups without having to use a 3rd party pop-up blocker
  • blocks pop-ups even if the browser is configured to allow pop-ups
  • replaces the outdated and excessive rules on some of the Subscription Filters



Custom Network (Block) Filter:—

  Hide contents




Custom Exception (Allow) Filter:—

  Hide contents





Custom Element Hiding (Block) Filter:—

  Reveal hidden contents

zippyshare.com##font[style="font-size: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px; word-spacing: 2px;"]

hi bro, we expect same performance for softexia,

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SD Maid - System Cleaning Tool is now 4.10.12


Improved: Translations.
Improved: Added and updated clutter/app definitions.




13 hours ago, Dusktilldawn said:

hi bro, we expect same performance for softexia,

Shall certainly look into it, as soon as possible. ;)


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RAR for Android is now v5.60 build 56 Final



Android 8 compatibility:
a) RAR did not display notifications while working in the background mode in Android 8;
B) RAR could fail to delete temporary files in Android 8.
Both issues are fixed.




X-plore File Manager is now v4.00.08



Bug fixes

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On 10/2/2016 at 2:42 PM, dcs18 said:

"A Blazing Fast, Softexia.com — Free From Malvertising"

(monitor post 2 for all updates)

Have rewritten the entire tutorial, from scratch — let me know if you guys need any readjustments to be made. ^_^

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17 hours ago, dcs18 said:

Have rewritten the entire tutorial, from scratch — let me know if you guys need any readjustments to be made. ^_^


it has worked like a charm so far

thank you..

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AFWall+ v2.9.9 build 15992




Version 2.9.9

Support for dual apps (eperimental).

DNS hostname option on log toast(donate only).

Block log notification now under app detail screen.

Faster loading logs screen.

Widgets now ask for password if enabled (except status widget).


Shortcut open rules & preference screen without password.

Fingerprint related issues.

SElinux deny for startup script.

Various Memory leaks.

User reported crash fixes.

Updated string translations.

Added default system language option.

Log notification issue.

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Truecaller: Caller ID, SMS spam blocking & Dialer is now v8.87.7



* Fixed bug that caused ringtone to change after a call is blocked

* Major speed improvements, including app startup and call history loading

* Major performance improvements for SMS Inbox

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@dcs18 hey man, need help on how to disable these Transparent-Full-Wrapper site ads on Adguard & also ; how many or specifically which filters [enough only cos I even disabled the host-file blocks that I had along with ublock+umatrix ] should be enabled.

will..add-ed here -:------>>

1. Apart from five you mentioned , I've Easy Privacy, Fanboys Enhanced Tracking List, Adblock Warning Removal & Anti-Adblock Killer[Reek]. Tots=9

2. Transparent-Full-Wrapper site ads:  Mostly on Filesharing ones like 1337x.to ; with ublock+matrix, they were not annoying cos extension wasnt part of the page as adguard user-script extensions are & hence they also get covered within that & hence I cant block'em via extension.


3.Also I've noticed that most of vital functions of Nsane Forums disappears on Waterfox with Adguard enabled; namely quoting, replying etc.& Ive noticed that from screenshots that on firefox you havent disabed ublock; is it because Adguard  behaves weirdly with fox ? cos IMO, Ive seen in comparison to other browsers i.e. Chrome or Opera ; Fox renders pages much slower with it. Is it so ??






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Hello @IronY-Man


The 2 prime Subscription filters that ship with AdGuard are the EasyList filter and the (English filter which is based on the EasyList filter but developed specially for AdGuard) — you might want to choose either one of the two (my personal suggestion would be the English filter.)


As per your personal needs, you might also want take a look at 3 other filters — Spyware filter, Social media filter and Annoyances filter. It's not advisable to opt for more than a total of 5 filters (AdGuard like any other ad. blocker, tends to lag under the strain of those thousands of rules.)


As we grow proficient with creating our own custom User filters, it helps to cut down on, as many Subscription filters as possible — glad you disabled the hosts blocks that you were using for your (uBlock + uMatrix) combo.


Please do feel welcome to point us to the sites where you encountered blocking issues — we'll do our best to sort them out, for you.

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Tasker is now v5.1.8b.bf



- Fix and add Wireless option to Stay On action
- Add more debugging to debug Wifi Tether
- Kill app now uses shell command with root
- Allow Power Mode to be toggled.
- Don't complain if last edited task doesn't have name
- Made Notification Pulse use SecureSettings class
- Fix Open File action

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. . . . . . just noticed that you've updated your post.



6 hours ago, IronY-Man said:

2. Transparent-Full-Wrapper site ads:  Mostly on Filesharing ones like 1337x.to ; with ublock+matrix, they were not annoying cos extension wasnt part of the page as adguard user-script extensions are & hence they also get covered within that & hence I cant block'em via extension.

My ISP has blocked access to 1337x.to  shall install a VPN and get back to you on this particular point.



6 hours ago, IronY-Man said:

1. Apart from five you mentioned , I've Easy Privacy, Fanboys Enhanced Tracking List, Adblock Warning Removal & Anti-Adblock Killer[Reek]. Tots=9


3.Also I've noticed that most of vital functions of Nsane Forums disappears on Waterfox with Adguard enabled; namely quoting, replying etc.

Since Waterfox is a derivative of Firefox, it would be expected to behave just like Firefox — if not better.


I disabled all of my rules and then installed the following Subscription filters:—

  • English filter,
  • Spyware filter,
  • Social media filter, and
  • Annoyances filter.

The Quote, Reply, (MultiQuote & Edit) buttons did not disappear for me:—



For starters, you could try disabling your User filter and then Subscription filters followed by extensions — ensure that you do this, one-by-one in order to be able to identify the rogue rule.



6 hours ago, IronY-Man said:

Ive noticed that from screenshots that on firefox you havent disabed ublock; is it because Adguard  behaves weirdly with fox ?

As also evident from the above screenshot, you can see uBlock in action (on my system) — a handful of my client machines have yet to purchase their genuine licenses for AdGuard and hence are obliged to use uBlock . . . . therefore I too, need to have uBlock on my system to troubleshoot their ad. blocking issues (my uBlock does not contain even a single rule and is never enabled simultaneously with AdGuard.)



6 hours ago, IronY-Man said:

Ive seen in comparison to other browsers i.e. Chrome or Opera ; Fox renders pages much slower with it. Is it so ??

Since I have experience with only Firefox, cannot state with sincerity whether or not the Fox renders pages slower/faster than other browsers — however, based on feedback received from more experienced Users, there's no such issue.

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Truecaller: Caller ID, SMS spam blocking & Dialer is now v8.87.8



* Fixed bug that caused ringtone to change after a call is blocked
* Major speed improvements, including app startup and call history loading
* Major performance improvements for SMS Inbox


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1 hour ago, dcs18 said:

For starters, you could try disabling your User filter and then Subscription filters followed by extensions — ensure that you do this, one-by-one in order to be able to identify the rogue rule.

thanks for looking into these queries & I can try tweaking with Adguard filters to see what the issue but I dont think my extensions would cause these cos It was fine before that , however I give it go as you said cos it might causing a issue when in combo with adguard !

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Yep, just in case you're unable to narrow-down the rogue rule/s, you can always upload the same (in case you're comfortable) and I shall identify the same, for you. ;)

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Solid Explorer File Manager is now v2.5.1 build 200139



- optimized for Chrome OS!
- optimized for Android TV!
- fixed dropbox file limit inside a folder
- fixed auto switch to second panel on startup
- fixed inability to open usb storage
- crash fixes
- minor bug fixes



TextNow - free text + calls is now v5.53.0


What's New


New features. Improved reliability. Squashed bugs. We never stop working to make your TextNow experience better.
*PassCode* - keep your messages under lock n’ key.

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X-plore File Manager is now v4.00.09


*Bug Fixes



Truecaller: Caller ID, SMS spam blocking & Dialer is now v8.87.9


* Fixed bug in profile
* Fixed bug that caused ringtone to change after a call is blocked
* Major speed improvements, including app startup and call history loading
* Major performance improvements for SMS Inbox

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TextNow - free text + calls is now v5.54.0_RC2


What's New
New features. Improved reliability. Squashed bugs. We never stop working to make your TextNow experience better.
*PassCode* - keep your messages under lock n’ key




Plex for Android is now v6.17.0.4796


NEW IN 6.17.0:
• Add more library sort options. 
• Display related content in TV Shows preplay. 
• Updated minimum server version to 1.3. 
• [TV] Photos in a slideshow can be moved through using remote buttons. 
• App can connect to servers with expired certificates. 
• ExoPlayer v2: update to v2.7.1. 
• ExoPlayer v2: improve seeking Live TV. 
• ExoPlayer v2: fix minor leak when playback started. 
• [Mobile] Improve scroll performance. 



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