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US Grants Itself the Right to Demand Online Data Stored Overseas


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The United States has given itself some more power over the Internet with the help of a federal judge. According to a recent ruling, Internet service providers are now obliged to turn over customer emails and other digital content demanded by the US government through search warrants even when the information is stored overseas.

Basically, the United States can now bypass individual laws given by the world’s governments and any efforts to safeguard information from the prying eyes of the NSA by storing data outside the United States.

US Magistrate Judge James Frances in New York decided that Internet service providers such Google or Microsoft must turn over any customer information demanded by the government, along with any emails stored in data centers outside the United States.

The reasoning behind this decision is that it would just take too long for US agencies to coordinate efforts with foreign governments to obtain the desired data, which would burden the government substantially. “Law enforcement efforts would be seriously impeded,” the judge said.

Considering the current international debate over privacy following the huge disclosures by whistleblower Edward Snowden about the NSA’s efforts to collect huge amounts of customer data from everywhere in the world.

Companies such as Google and Microsoft have data centers in many countries of the world. So far, this meant that the United States government couldn’t easily gain access to the data stored in these locations and therefore many were content with the added layer of security.

Brazil had in fact considered demanding that tech companies store citizens’ data on specially created data centers so they wouldn’t be easily accessed by the United States government following the NSA revelations.

The decision comes as Microsoft challenged a warrant because the US government shouldn’t be allowed to search the content of email stored overseas.

“A US prosecutor cannot obtain a US warrant to search someone’s home located in another country, just as another country’s prosecutor cannot obtain a court order in her home country to conduct a search in the United States. We think the same rules should apply in the online world, but the government disagrees,” said a Microsoft spokesperson, echoing the frustration felt by many in the world.

The details of the warrant, as well as which agency issued it remain undisclosed, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t even really matter. What does matter, however, is the fact that the United States is trying to use companies with headquarters on its grounds to stretch its access to data it shouldn’t have access to under normal circumstances.


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:thumbsdown: We were wrong that we have allowed them to believe that they are the navel of the world , that can afford to do whatever they want without repercussions .

Tomorrow , or after tomorrow, they will claim to see when we go to the toilet , and what kind of :shit: we do there ... :angry:
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:thumbsdown: We were wrong that we have allowed them to believe that they are the navel of the world , that can afford to do whatever they want without repercussions .

Tomorrow , or after tomorrow, they will claim to see when we go to the toilet , and what kind of :shit: we do there ... :angry:

Who knows , this :shit: could be some chemical weapons :P

Edited by marshall39
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they can demand anything they want...no likely they will actually get it

The problem is that if Uncle Sam does not get his way he will levy sanctions against those who do not comply. Sanctions inherently take food and resources from those who already do not have enough. It all trickles down to the impoverished! Bottom line is sadly that Uncle Sam will let people starve and die in order to get his way! The sadest part is that Uncle Sams way, is greed and power! Greed for the Motion Picture and Music Industry, more bling around the necks of those who already have way more than enough. Power for the Govt who needs to read Aunt Marthas email to see if she is a terrorist!

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mot i have been to Cuba 20 times and have many personal friends there.....i know more than any american just what sanctions do to a people of a country...the ,military does not suffer but the people certainly do

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i know more than any american

1st off its MOT, not mot!

2ndly, There are over 350 million Americans in the Northern Hemisphere alone, and you know more than all of them?

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.have you been to any country that america has embargoed or sanctioned...or have you even been out of your own city...at least you stopped talking in the first person and are no longer saying you are from mars...did you change your meds? stop twisting my words to make a stupid point... you know damn well i did not meran i was smarter than any american...

edit spelling

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.have you been to any country that america has embargoed or sanctioned...or have you even been out of your own city...at least you stopped talking in the first person and are no longer saying you are from mars...did you change your meds? stop twisting my words to make a stupid point... you know damn well i did not meran i was smarter than any american...

edit spelling

You follow MOT around to troll only, as you have done since MOTs first day at nsane...you are a very ugly person on the inside! Also I never said I wasnt from Mars! Mars doesnt have to be a planet! There are cities named Mars maybe I am from one of them. As far as meds go the only meds MOT needs are for a few programs that are running out of trial period time! And I would never be so presumptuous as to know what you mean, I am not a psychiatrist!!! MOT still speaks in the first person sometimes, if that bothers you then MOT will make sure to do it always! Good day little troll man!

EDIT: btw you missed some spelling mistakes on your edit! Trolls never were much for grammer!

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go find someone else to argue and troll ... i will no longer respond... if you even bothered to look at my post you took exception to i was in agreement with you...you just want to fight and escalate... goodbye and have a good life... no further comments on any of your trolling posts..

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go find someone else to argue and troll ... i will no longer respond... if you even bothered to look at my post you took exception to i was in agreement with you...you just want to fight and escalate... goodbye and have a good life... no further comments on any of your trolling posts..

You followed MOT here to this post to troll as you always do and ending up looking foolish, as you always do! You troll me, MOT does not troll you! Whether you respond or not is inconsequential! Either way is a good thing for MOT in the end! MOT does not like to fight, but will not back down from one either!

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I love to fight....I'm bipolar...bring it on. lol At least I am not in denial. :)

I don't ride the crazy train, I drive the S.O.B.! LMAO!

Got your back dMog. ;)

Edited by Cerberus
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I love to fight....I'm bipolar...bring it on. lol At least I am not in denial. :)

I don't ride the crazy train, I drive the S.O.B.! LMAO!

Got your back dMog. ;)

until he decides to leave again! :lmao:


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Because of ppl like you who are so freakin rude. Yes, I am human and have feeling also. Do I get tired of ppl like you? Yes. Like I said above I am bipolar and have bad days (and ppl like you don't help it). At least I am not in denial and I have to deal with my disability everyday. Some days are better then others but ppl like you push me to the edge. If I stay or leave, its my decision. I think I will stick around just to mess with you from now on. hehehe

How about you do some research on bipolar and educate yourself....maybe then you will understand better. ;)

Most of our history is made of mentally challenged ppl but they are considered geniuses in our scientific community today.

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Because of ppl like you who are so freakin rude. Yes, I am human and have feeling also. Do I get tired of ppl like you? Yes. Like I said above I am bipolar and have bad days (and ppl like you don't help it). At least I am not in denial and I have to deal with my disability everyday. Some days are better then others but ppl like you push me to the edge. If I stay or leave, its my decision. I think I will stick around just to mess with you from now on. hehehe

How about you do some research on bipolar and educate yourself....maybe then you will understand better. ;)

Most of our history is made of mentally challenged ppl but they are considered geniuses in our scientific community today.

:lmao: again, I hope you stay. You bring great laughter to MOT!

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That comment just shows your immaturity and how much education you have or lack there of. Now your making me laugh, thank you. :)

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Now your making me laugh, thank you. :)

MOT is glad to help! You're welcome!

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...guys , guys , ... this kind of dispute is a nonsense ... , remember the first post and you`ll realise that we have much more serious problems to deal with ...

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