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TAILS -- A Complete Operating System (OS) Optimized For Anonymous Surfing


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If you want to use the internet while remaining completely anonymous, there are plenty of tools that you can use. Encrypted email programs, an operating system that never stores any files on your hard disk and which wipes all your RAM memory when you've finished, and a web browser that uses the Tor network of anonymizing proxies to ensure that your IP address is untraceable.

The bad news is that setting up an environment like this is hard work. The good news is that someone's done all the hard work for you, so all that's left is to download it onto a bootable DVD to get started.

The result of all the hard work is something called Tails, or The Amnesic Incognito Live System. It's a Live Linux distribution, which means that it runs from a DVD and doesn't need installing. When you're done using it, just remove the disc from your drive and boot straight back into Windows as normal.

The advantage of Tails over other Linux Live distributions is that everything's configured for the ultimate in anonymous usage. The web browser automatically uses the Tor system, for example, so your activity is untraceable. It's easy to send encrypted email too. And when you're done, reboot into Windows and no one will ever know that you were using Tails.

In addition to the web browser and email client, Tails includes a collection of other useful Linux programs, such as the OpenOffice suite and the Gimp image editor.

Tails is a fairly hefty 900 MB download from https://tails.boum.org/ and you'll need a blank DVD disc too (it's too large for a CD-RW). Once booted, you'll need to wait a couple of minutes for it to set up the Tor connection, after which you're ready to go anonymous.

Source: http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/complete-operating-system-optimized-anonymous-surfing.htm

Reference: http://www.wired.com/2014/04/tails/

Edited by LeetPirate
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OR ... you know... you could be smart and carry it around with you on a USB stick. What would make it nice is if you can boot into it, AS WELL AS double click some .exe flie that loads it into memory and runs fullscreen.

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. . . . . . . or, you can set up the environment, through hard work on your own production system - so that you don't need to even reboot into a DVD.

Been there and done that - it's just a one-time procedure with the reward of adopting one single OS for all your global needs.

The bad news is that setting up an environment like this is hard work. The good news is that someone's done all the hard work for you, so all that's left is to download it onto a bootable DVD to get started.

BTW, the name of the topic at the source is; Out in the Open: Inside the Operating System Edward Snowden Used to Evade the NSA

Why has the name of the topic been changed? :huh:

Edited by dcs18
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