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Top 10 Most Pirated Movies of The Week


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The top 10 most downloaded movies on BitTorrent are in again. ‘The Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ tops the chart this week, followed by ‘The Wolf Of Wall Street’. ‘Escape Plan’ completes the top three.




This week we have two newcomers in our chart.


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is the most downloaded movie this week.


The data for our weekly download chart is estimated by TorrentFreak, and is for informational and educational reference only. All the movies in the list are BD/DVDrips unless stated otherwise.


RSS feed for the weekly movie download chart.


Week ending January 26, 2014
Ranking(last week)MovieIMDb Rating / Trailer
1(8)The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 8.2 / trailer
2(1)The Wolf Of Wall Street (DVDscr)8.7 / trailer
3(…)Escape Plan 6.9 / trailer
4(4)Frozen 8.1 / trailer
5(3)Captain Phillips 8.1 / trailer
6(2)The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (DVDscr)7.7 / trailer
7(9)Lone Survivor (DVDscr)7.6 / trailer
8(…)Dallas Buyers Club 8.0 / trailer
9(5)Last Vegas 6.8 / trailer
10(7)12 Years a Slave (DVDscr)8.6 / trailer


Source: TorrentFreak

Edited by shamu726
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  • calguyhunk


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Watched most of these in the last few days. P2P FTW :showoff: :dance:

Now talking about the films, I hated Wolf. Extremely overrated by critics and fans alike IMO, YMMV. Just gratuitous debauchery, way too much $ex almost to the extent of being pr0nographic and extended and laborious scenes of unintentional comedy. Neither sexy, nor dramatic, nor funny by any stretch. Scorsese is losing it methinks :(

"Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire" are both wonderful. Both the films are innocently old fashioned good vs. evil in this era of "shades of grey" where everything and everybody has to be grey. I miss the old fashioned good vs. evil duels. :yes: JLaw's demure and subtle portrayal of Katniss Everdeen is awesome and she deserves all the praise she's getting, even though I thought she was a bit OTT in Hustle for which she's been nominated ironically :) And what's more - finally a film this decade that I can watch with my Mom. :showoff:

"Captain Phillips" was meh even though Hanks was great as usual, but it didn't really tell a story per se. Just gave an account of events. Didn't quite draw you in enough emotionally IMO. Pretty bland overall, I'd say. ;)

"Lone Survivor" was fantastic as well. D/L'ed it without expecting to like it as I don't normally like war movies. But it wasn't a war movie to begin with. Just the true story of survival and death, friendship and brotherhood - in the unlikeliest of places and amongst the unlikeliest of characters. Yes, it's got gunfight - plenty of it, but not an out and out war movie thankfully. At last you can say that the transformation of Wahlberg from his awful Marky Mark days is now well and truly complete. :yes:

I've saved the best for last. "12 years a slave" is quite possibly the best film I've seen in years. If you like upbeat films, with drama, intrigue, mystery and $ex - this isn't your cup of tea. You'll find it dark, drab and sombre. But if you like emotionally charged films, if you like films that inspire hope that there is indeed light at the end of a long and seemingly endless tunnel, if you like to root for the protagonist who's fighting against odds that are stacked heavily against him, if you like seeing justice prevail in the end and if you love happy endings - this is a movie that you'll absolutely love. +1 :thumbsup:

I thoroughly enjoyed Ejiofor's portrayal of Solomon Northrup and how he brought out the angst and pain of a free man being forced into captivity and slavery in the pre-civil war American deep-south. I'm rooting for this one to take the best Picture Oscar and Chiwetel Ejiofor to take home the Best Actor even though I can barely pronounce his name LOL! :P

Gotta watch "Dallas Buyers Club" and "Last Vegas". Love McConaughey and as for the ensemble cast of De Niro, Freeman, Douglas and Kevin Kline; - it's just too much to ignore inspite of the lukewarm reviews :yes:

Edited by calguyhunk
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