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ESET v4 Fixes


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100% right. You know it troubles more if someone is always there to criticize other fixes. :lol:

As mara- says each of the fixes has it's own positives and negatives. It all depends on what suits you. ;)

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@dcs18 :

All fixes here are working fine:- NodEnabler 3.4 (with some minor poblem) - (Download :-Page 58, Comment 1101 = This Topic), NodLogin 10c, MinodLogin and finally the BoxMara.fix 1.3 .

I prefer the 1st 3.

It`s always the "material" that pays when people don`t know how to make it work..

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for the buisiness edition do u still have to use fixes like nodlogin ?

Yes, NodLogin 10C works on all flavors of V2, V3 as well as V4.

It does not.

Dutch versions past 4.0.424 still don't work.

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As you know latest ESET is 4.0.474.

I don`t see a reason why NodLogin doesn´t work in Dutch Eset version. It`s only the translation but same program...but I see you speak English, so...why you do not install the English version, Bart ?



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Can someone please tell me the build date under for the 474 builds of EAV/ESS? I want to make sure I have the proper setup files. By build date, I mean going to the properties of the setup file, and selecting the "digital signatures tab"--the build date is there.

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You mean this?

Monday, November 23, 2009 3:43:19 PM

Yeah -- which one is that for, though? ESS or EAV? They usually have different build dates, and i need both if possible

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Supremo Phantom

Hashes for Latest Setup Files:


CRC32: E28C0467

MD5: 5AB71309EDF6084AF0B2A7193333D70D

SHA-1: 5D61FF30CFEE7DC982BDB402093D3B62263912A9



MD5: A3825BD7074EE0A9C5B6928A06A8E348

SHA-1: 694BCDDBD405C36A38D9D94C397D7912BEF2AE2E


CRC32: 174CF40B

MD5: 62D6883AD7D041DF0B7D99D12C30D587

SHA-1: B26D252BB1984A7C5497D52E2A2E1B1AE8FDF1E1


CRC32: 4F86AC4E

MD5: 2DF386F7CB12A72AEE6FF59670406989

SHA-1: 2F468D108E3AFC9D8D6129337399D268206C5454



MD5: 8B49E7653A54BFFAD9A952C35E7FC885

SHA-1: 961BFDCD7827C64002EC28E228CBA4E8D7210E0A


CRC32: FD76027F

MD5: 3FF2D7A20DA2D76E0D1296FD9823D021

SHA-1: B8DAD09ADB81286629A4F2AEB8E24B1389783966


CRC32: 9A5683C4

MD5: 866CC6899D244B5082EA48A9E7A45DC7

SHA-1: B6D944AFA29E24EB98CD6D163439A165FE3B5CC5


CRC32: DD70E2D3

MD5: 706BBD342FF070B807F4775D4259185D

SHA-1: BB79A904845BEC652E5E8D352D879B29FF8FFD5B

The digital timestamps will show different for people in different locations, but the hashes will remain constant.

Hope this helps you.

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As you know latest ESET is 4.0.474.

I don`t see a reason why NodLogin doesn´t work in Dutch Eset version. It`s only the translation but same program...but I see you speak English, so...why you do not install the English version, Bart ?



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@Bart Grefte:

It might be a problem with their database or they have run out of valid licenses.

I'm also having the same problem, hence I get licenses at nod32keys.com ^_^

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Hm, it woulid seem that for some reason ESET's site is sending me the old versions, even the ones I grabbed from them via the nsane page for it just last night :/ jofre, do you happen to have links to NOD32/ESS 32&64-bit setup files? Normally I get them myself each time it's updated, but it seems I'm unable to download them on my own this time.

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@Bart Grefte:

It might be a problem with their database or they have run out of valid licenses.

I'm also having the same problem, hence I get licenses at nod32keys.com ^_^

Doubt it, since it says license successfully inserted but nothing has been inserted.

But it's the same every with every version. 4.0.424 or newer in Dutch: that problem. English: works perfect.

Don't know if MiNodLogin uses the same databases, but if it is, than it's NodLogin itself to blame...

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NodEnabler 3.4.1



Site: ziddu.com

Sharecode: /download/7665847/NodEnabler3.4.1.zip.html Change log inside.

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Thanks, Kotaxor ! This time you were faster !...

This is a time for commemorations --» :party: :party: :party: :party: :party:

................... N O D E N A B L E R - v. 3.4.1 ..........................

Hope you don`t mind if I post here some mirrors :

Use the update facility provided in v.3.4 or get it from one of these servers:

NodEnabler v.3.4.1 :-


Site.................. Mediafire.com

ShareCode ............................. /?faamhxy2oae




Site ....................... Filefactory.com

ShareCode ..................................... /file/a1hhgef/n/NodEnabler_3.4.1.zip




Site ............................... Sendspace.com

ShareCode .............................................. /file/673bqi



+Recompiled with a later version of AutoIt (didn't change any code) and now the problem of NodEnabler replacing the license every time it gets run is gone.

Cheers :thumbsup: :cheers:


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Thought maybe you are too busy, so decide to post it. LOL!

Nice to know that you are still very active there....I am just only a backup.

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MiNODLogin v3.7.5.1 Release



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Thanks for the update @shanijee :dance2:

@kotaxor : Yes I have been busy. Now it`s time for Hip-Hop Music for a young good fellow .

Merry Christmas to everyone here !!!


MIRROR for MiNodLogin v. :


Site ......... Mediafire.com

Sharecode ...................... /?zmjymmmjwom


ChangeLog : Added an option to configure Proxy.

Remember : Java must be installed .

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