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ESET v4 Fixes


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New version 4.0.474 is out for both ESS and EAV. Download it from front page. Anyone tried it with existing fixes post comments here.


NodLogin 10c working fine on WinXP Pro SP3 and ESS 4.0.447

On the first upgrade install (with no reboot) i got an error that "my trial had expired for this version" even though I had been using minodlogin. I reinstalled and restarted and got an error that it couldn't start the web protection component. The second restart everything is working fine...

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Just for keeps. Box, mara- fix v1.3 is workin properly on the latest version.

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New version 4.0.474 is out for both ESS and EAV. Download it from front page. Anyone tried it with existing fixes post comments here.


NodLogin 10c working fine on WinXP Pro SP3 and ESS 4.0.447

On the first upgrade install (with no reboot) i got an error that "my trial had expired for this version" even though I had been using minodlogin. I reinstalled and restarted and got an error that it couldn't start the web protection component. The second restart everything is working fine...

Using EAV(BE) v4.0.474....I just installed over the previous version of EAV using MiNodlogin (v3.7.0.2) and it updates ok.

Reboot pc and all is fine..great.

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate.

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Have version 468 installed with Nodlogin 10c but its expired. Running it says that the trial license works 100% when in fact its not. Its not updating it.

Any feedback?

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Trial Usernames do not receive definition updates on a priority basis.

Did you try removing the 'Username' and 'Password' so that both these fields are blank and then running NodLogin 10C.

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Trial Usernames do not receive definition updates on a priority basis.

Did you try removing the 'Username' and 'Password' so that both these fields are blank and then running NodLogin 10C?

Or, get an username and password from a chinese site and insert on ESET but, if you remove User... and Pass...,new ones will be inserted.

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sorry folks, i know it has been already said in these thread but cannot find: with latest boxmara fix do we need to rebooth the pc sometime? or will work right even without rebooting?

thanks as always!

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Trial Usernames do not receive definition updates on a priority basis.

Did you try removing the 'Username' and 'Password' so that both these fields are blank and then running NodLogin 10C?

Or, get an username and password from a chinese site and insert on ESET but, if you remove User... and Pass...,new ones will be inserted.

Righto, Robinhood. :secret:

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sorry folks, i know it has been already said in these thread but cannot find: with latest boxmara fix do we need to rebooth the pc sometime? or will work right even without rebooting?

thanks as always!

you have to reboot for it to be enabled.

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You will need to reboot only if you check enable self defense. In a way it seems important to enable self defense.

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off topic here . i know that there is a buisiness edition of nod32 antivirus . is there any difference between nod 32 and nod32 buisiness edition and for the buisiness edition do u still have to use fixes like nodlogin ?

thanks and sorry for straying off topic just thought i would get a better response here .

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It's not that offtopic. It's on ESET topic. :P

ANW I believe that there isn't much difference between normal and business edition. That's why I also believe that fixes like nodlogin; box, mara- fix ; etc. should work fine.

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for the buisiness edition do u still have to use fixes like nodlogin ?

Yes, NodLogin 10C works on all flavors of V2, V3 as well as V4.

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friends, someone had problems using the box, mara fix 1.3 in new version 4.0.474, applied normal here, not more updates, someone had the same problem, they would know the solution, or already have a version of the box, mara, thanks:)

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Hello Michel_Arts©, box, mara- fix v1.3 is the latest version. If you have any problems gettin the first update, you should try clickin update button 10-15 times for the first update. Well it doesn't always happen like this, but sometimes it does. Sometimes it takes time for ESET servers to identify you and then provide you the updates. After you get the first update, you will be fine, you will get updates in one click. ;)

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Can anyone comment on the status of NODLOGIN? 10c lately has been sand-bagging logins and before that burnt through them faster that Tiger Woods through a fire hydrant...

Any insight into the most effective fix atm with facts and logic behind it would be appreciated.

Also, if anyone sees nsane tell him to PM me.

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The moment the license I got from NodLogin expired, I tried getting keys from nod32keys.com ^_^

There's no logic behind it really, I just got tired of running NodLogin many times only to get no results.

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There are more options for fixes if you want. See the ESET topic on the frontpage to select one.

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Thanks for the recommendations...as usual it's nice to come here and ask a question and get a quality answer.

Most of what we do is underground -- sorta -- def not mainstream. Peers are many but equals are few and far between.

This is not to suggest someone is better than another -- just different. All require the other to exist. Thanks.

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NodEnabler 3.4 was inserting 'TRIAL' licenses into my NOD32 and forced me to go back to NodLogin 10C which is working just about fine for me. I'm not a NodLogin fanboy, though and always open to try other *fixes.*

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I personally prefer box, mara- fix v1.3. ;)

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