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ESET v4 Fixes


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I put ESS on a netbook(Win xp 32bit) with Nodenabler 3.2.4 For some reason it has caused the computer to act very oddly.

It shows 60% CPU usage when nothing is running. It still works ok until I get on firefox, then everything about stops. I call Acer, they had me uninstall the keyboard and reboot twice, the netbook worked fine again. When I tried running enabler, I got the same symptoms as before. Suggestions?

I had the same problem - if you check event viewer, you'll see nodenabler just runs in infinite loops, does not properly quit, keeps using up your CPU to poll websites for keys, etc. That's why I switched to NodLogin some months ago.

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Is there a fix like NodEnabler for Norton AV 2010? (wondering):s

no there's not,b/w if u need a NAV or NIS licence tell me :)

Not really...thanks anyway. Just wondering aloud.:o

Will let you know when the time comes!:rolleyes:

Still prefer EAV.:rolleyes:

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Is Norton's RAM consumption lower than ESET's?

Norton is more for people who don't *want* to have control over what their AV does to their PC. For that purpose the NIS software itself is sure lightweight enough and useful. They also have that gaming AV thing if you're really paranoid about resource usage.

Norton's a bit like Panda Cloud AV, though that at least gives you *some* amount of control (and doesn't come with any adware/malware/bloatware). Norton just forces things down your throat, starting with their toolbar to it deleting "notable threats" without even asking you (which is an absolute no-no for somebody who might want "unsafe" software like game trainers, cracks, package generators, remote control aps, or even backdoors on their pc (not necessarily running it, of course). I thought being spared a lack of control like that is why we use ESET. Norton is what you'd give to family members with no clue of computers for their own protection, after getting rid of the browser toolbar crap and stuff.

Well, I think that you don't know what you are talking. There is no any "toolbar crap and other stuff!" with latest Norton. I'm currently using NAV 2010 on Windows 7 and I really like it. It uses less resource then Eset, and it has plenty of options allowing you to have full control, maybe even better then Eset. Eset is very good, but I have a feeling that they are falling behind. Maybe I got some conflict on my system, but as soon as I install Eset memory leaks appear on my system. And I'm not the only one, but it seems that Eset does not care for it. Because of that I was forced to switch to NAV 2010 and I'm very happy with it. Thanks to View karachidude I got 1 year license and I'm gone use this product for sure until license expire and after that I'll see what next.

Although, I went off topic, too, I would ask everybody to stray on topic, this is ESET topic not Norton. I don't know why fl0ppyd1scours3 mentioned Norton when it has nothing to do with this topic.

Cheers ;)

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@Mara- : That's plus one for Norton in my view. Last time I used Norton it was in 2005-2006. I don't know how much has it improved. I would like to give it a try when I get time. :)

But yes I'm still happy with ESET AV. :)

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Is Norton's RAM consumption lower than ESET's?

Norton is more for people who don't *want* to have control over what their AV does to their PC. For that purpose the NIS software itself is sure lightweight enough and useful. They also have that gaming AV thing if you're really paranoid about resource usage.

Norton's a bit like Panda Cloud AV, though that at least gives you *some* amount of control (and doesn't come with any adware/malware/bloatware). Norton just forces things down your throat, starting with their toolbar to it deleting "notable threats" without even asking you (which is an absolute no-no for somebody who might want "unsafe" software like game trainers, cracks, package generators, remote control aps, or even backdoors on their pc (not necessarily running it, of course). I thought being spared a lack of control like that is why we use ESET. Norton is what you'd give to family members with no clue of computers for their own protection, after getting rid of the browser toolbar crap and stuff.

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Wow dude, randomly delete? Come one, don't be silly. Norton 2010 has zero "crap", and it does not randomly delete files, it's logically deletes suspicious files, you can always restore it from quarantine. And, like most of AV companies, cracks, keygens, patches are considered as malware, and just because this does not suite to you, it does not mean that it's bad.

Cheers ;)

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k guys, this one makes me think ;)

ESET Smart Security/NOD32 v4.0.467 [assuming on fresh or existing setup, untouched by any fixes)

1) If using the conventional id/passwrd (with or without nodenabler/minodlogin/nodlogin), 1st update will be painful because it will download ALL cumulative updates (continuing the def provided by the installer). <-- btw, as of today, it's a 19.5MB updates. Subsequent updates will be fast due to small incremental updates.

2) Usually, i just download the offline-updater (http://jeanvaljean.org/eset-offline-update). I set Update so that it points to the local folder containing the offline-update. <-- this saves my time from redownloading the whole 19.5MB updates on other PCs. <-- as expected, subsequent updates will be small.

3) Since ESET is diligently killing off suspected id/password, i have to resort to using box-mara v1.3 fix :D

Now, the so-called problem using box-mara fix is this: when i am at (1) or (2), then later (3), ESS/EAV need to redownload again the whole 19.5MB updates!

It seems that box-mara fix 'converted' ESS/EAV to Trial version. Therefore the updates are downloaded from Trial server. This makes my current RETAIL version *forget* that it has downloaded the updates before.

this is very troublesome as i uses box-mara on many friends' computer and i always need to find a fast connection to redownload the whole 19.5MB updates. If i can use the offline updater, i only need to download smaller updates (online) later.

any ideas from mara? :)


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Can anyone tell me the difference between the Business edition and Home? Is there an advantage if you are using the Business one or it's the same?

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Edited: as per jofre's wish

Nice...thanks for the news. Have you tried it yet? How is it, in term of u/p inserting?

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Server is down and more things I dont like. So, I am going to erase my post right now.


Good Week-End, @kotaxor!


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Your wish is my command.

Still like to hear your view though.

Anyway...nice weekend to you too.^_^

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NEW = NodEnabler (Version 3.3.1)= for ESET will be presented tomorrow Friday, 13th Nov., so... keep your eyes on this topic.:)



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I think that everybody knows that. People are trying to make a tools/fixes that will automate that task and not to do it manually.

Cheers ;)

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@jofre and ALL

Method to use ESET Smart Security for FREE:

1.Apply 30 days Trial : http://www.eset.eu/download/ess-trial-form

2.Use 10 minutes Mail http://10minutemail.com/ OR http://spambox.us/

to register

3.Re-apply the 30 days Trial on next month

4. Enjoy and use ESS Free


These are old news, posted on this topic a few months ago, but thanks anyway, sense there are a lot of new members and more are coming. Besides, using the method you said, you have to change your email address every month and for some, that`s not a good thing, because they have contacts with a certain mail and your way, those contacts will be lost.

Cheers and Thanks anyway.

Bring more news when possible.


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those sites he posted let you create temp e-mails that last for 1 hour, 24 hours, etc and are then deleted. A lot of people use them for registering for some site where they don't want to get spam into their "real" e-mail, so they create temp accounts. Could also be used for registering nod32, etc...

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These are old news, posted on this topic a few months ago, but thanks anyway, sense there are a lot of new members and more are coming. Besides, using the method you said, you have to change your email address every month and for some, that`s not a good thing, because they have contacts with a certain mail and your way, those contacts will be lost.

Cheers and Thanks anyway.

Bring more news when possible.


10minmail makes e-mails that last for 10 min. After 10 min the e-mail will be deleted. So you aren't using your own e-mail adress and therefor you wont lose contacts etc. ;)

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OK, I was blind and didn`t see the 10 minutes mail :frusty: .

So those who prefer to do it manually every month can do it, but I prefer the automatic way using fixes.

I also have 4 email addresses and no problem to change 3 at anytime when needed, and maintain just 1 for my contacts, but that`s a loss of time. Why bother when you can get indefinite updates for free with NodEnabler, NodLogin, MiNodLogin or Box/Mara.Fix ?? :)

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From matt1553, the author of NodEnabler, just received this message :-

" Nearly done, but it won't be released today. Probably tomorrow instead. Someone raised a good point, so I'm just putting the finishing touches on an update checker that can be accessed from the Enabler itself (tray menu item) and the settings manager. A moot point for the author, but a very useful feature for an average user :). I might end up calling it 3.4 because of the feature addition."




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