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This is the Surface Phone we've always wanted


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Microsoft has yet to make a Surface-branded phone, but we know the idea has been passed around the Redmond offices. With the purchase of Nokia’s smartphone unit, it may actually increase the chances of a Surface phone making its way to retail shelves. Why, you say? Well, if Microsoft would have built a Surface phone, then Nokia likely would have built an Android phone and the entire basis for Windows Phone (Nokia) could shift away from the platform and cut the bottom out of Windows Phone growth.

Anyway, this Surface phone concept was released back in October, but we never saw and figured on the day before Christmas, we could share it with our lovely readers.


The phone was mocked up by Phone Designer, and you can check out more shots on his Facebook page.The design keeps inline with the metal and modern look that the Surface utilizes and to be frank, looks pretty damn good.


While we have no idea if Microsoft will push forward with its own Surface branded phone, we would love to see this concept turn into a reality.


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They might have always wanted it, but I don't see what so great about the design. It simply looks like a resized version of the original tablet.

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