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jv16 PowerTools to go open source?


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"It wouldn't feel like the holiday season if we were to keep this information away from you...

Just like Santa's little helpers, everyone at Macecraft Software have been working extra hard to prepare what can only be described as the biggest event in the history of jv16 PowerTools and the company itself.

As you may know, we have been developing jv16 PowerTools for well over 10 years. It started as freeware, was later converted to shareware and now we feel it is the perfect time to make history and take the software to the next level: We want to release jv16 PowerTools as free, open source software!

Open source software means that the software is free to use (yes, by anyone and everyone). But also, the source code, which is the blueprint of how the software is built and how it works, is made public and for everyone to see and improve.

For more details and what you can do to make this possible, please see:


Thank you and happy holidays from all of us to all of you!

Best Regards,

Macecraft Software"

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It's better to go open-source. Maybe then it can be really improved.

Right now, as it is, its registry cleaner is very dangerous for your system. (It almost destroyed mine).

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Well I register ever year as an upgrade, costs me around £3.50.

Worth every penny.

I am not bothered either way, if it does become free make sure it isn't adaware.

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I thought they were being quite generous before I read this:

After our message is heard, we will start the next step which will be crowd funding. Crowd funding is when you set a goal for raising funds in a defined period of time. Everyone who wants to contribute will make a pledge to pay any sum of money they want. It can be as little as one dollar. If enough people join the crowd funding campaign, jv16 PowerTools will be released as open source.

So basically looks like they are tired and want out, but not before getting their hands on a golden parachute. It's got nothing to do with any true commitment to open source philosophy. :thumbsdown:

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Release the source, sign terms of use for it and let it be, that is what most contributors do when they release Open Source.

"Oh noez, we don't make enough money out of our crappy commercial product now so we try to milk the cow using crowdfunding with blackmail attitude."

They don't have any idea why crowdfunding is there, it's not to make a final money grab out of a already finished project, it's there to make projects happen that are only ideas and get the required resources for it to realize completion or to start a new project from scratch. They could easily just delete the whole site and the money is gone, with the source after the funding has ended, there is no guarantee it will be released.

Stay commercial and i use a serial# floating around if i need to. :P

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  • 9 months later...

Is this still going to happen?

Read the FAQ. it is located near the bottom of the page, https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jv16-powertools-as-open-source#home

Thanks for the post, but what has that site got to do with Macecraft Software? And besides I didn't see anything new there.

How old is that page? No date that I can see. I also searched for "FAQ".

Do you think you could just please tell me if you know instead of you send me searching?

And thanks again. ;)

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