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Driver Genius Professional


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"It is cracked by CanERYVZ :)"

Well, this seems not cracked by you. Crack by xenocoder for the version. Keep the credits!

BTW i can't download some drivers.

XenoCoder Will Eat You For This One :lol: It Should Be If so " Instructions By CanERYVZ Not Cracked

Whether It's Download Function Worked Or Not Not Big Deal

For me I Only Use These Driver Apps To Notify Me If any Driver Updates Are Available Then I grab These Updates Manually By Hand From Their Original Manufacturer Websites

Whatever man! It is worked for me, some drivers not downloaded. It is normal for driver genius use Driver Magician v4.0 for better performance.

Driver Magician v4.0 is the best!!

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tnx for the files etc. it appears to have registered ok but when trying to get driver updates, it's downloading nothing. tells me there are out of date drivers and what they are, which in itself is a big help, but no new stuff down

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Driver Genius Professional - Working Fix + SilenT | 18.72 /18.16 MB

Driver Genius Pro 14 with this program you can easily maintain control of your drivers, for example you can create backup copies of them if there are bad then they instantly restore, update to the newest versions, as well as completely removed from the system, do it all as simple as possible.

Once installed and running, you can right click on the large button scanning, after the required wait a bit and before you is a whole list of drivers and their versions, then you can do with them whatever he wants, and make copies of pretty handy when going to update the system, not after will need to spend time on it, just unpacked them and can work. Driver Genius Professional is a very nice interface, it is easy enough to figure out the menu on the left, where you can copy, delete, download new drivers.

Driver Genius Professional is able to work with more than thirty thousand drivers, no matter from what they motherboard or video card, sound card, network or monitor, printer or video, the program will automatically recognize it and give you the necessary information. also note here on what time base Driver Genius Professional is constantly updated, it can be adjusted in the settings.


Changes in version
New features:
1. Fully support for Windows 8.1 (32bit & 64bit) and Windows Server 2012 R2.
2. Enhanced hardware information inventory.
1. Expanded driver database includes over 100,000 hardware device drivers.
2. Speed ​​up driver update scan by 20%.
3. Improved device detection in Windows 8/Windows 8.1 system.
4. Driver Download Manager: Improved the large size file download speed.
5. Driver Download Manager: Switch to the available mirror server automatically if download fails.
6. Added silent install parameter for driver update installation, one click to install drivers.
7. Speed ​​up driver Backup speed by 50% in 64 bit system.
8. Used LZMA2 compressors to reduce driver file size conspicuously.
Bug Fixed:
1. Fixed program may crash on multi-core CPUs with inactive cores system.
2. Driver Auto-installer can't be loaded in Dutch language system.
3. Backup drivers incompletely in Windows 8/Windows 8.1 system.
4. Fixed some bugs in user interface.
5. Installation program: Driver database download fails may lead to the program can't be loaded successfully.
6. Installation program: The icon displays incorrectly in Start menu.

Activation: Cracked Xenocoder,Silent Fix By Engh3 Based on Same Xenocoder Crack "Thanks go to him"
Language: Ml / English + RUS (Crack)
Size: 18.7 MB
OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7/8 & 8.1 x86/64


Edited by 7h3Pr3d47oR
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this crack is not working properly :thumbsdown: also

The crack works properly for me and updted one of three oudated drivers

In fact, the fault and failure are of that damn software that canot download many drivers

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Same problems selesn777. Some drivers not downloaded and also Driver Genius shows old versions of the Intel software.

Edited by zembla
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tested on xp pro and windows 7 32bit


1. Install Driver Genius

2. run program & Then close program.

3. Copy files in crack folder to installation folder (C:\Program Files\Driver-Soft\DriverGenius)

msvbvm60.dll & Register.reg

seems two work ok

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I've tried every files provided in this thread, uninstalled and manually deleted all files in folder before testing a new one, and followed the installation/crack procedure step by step, what i can say is that none of them works on my Windows 7 x64, even tried getting back to xenocoder's v12.0.0.1306, with no luck.

Most of the time, the app is registred, but you can't download half of your drivers...

The only version that still works (and works pretty good as you can still update database) is "Driver.Genius.Professional.Edition.v11.0.0.1128_CRKEXE-FFF" (you can find this easily in one of FFF's distros)

All you have to do is download the original V11 app, install it, copy crack files in folder, launch app, update app, that will overwrite the drivergenius.exe, so after updating, overwrite drivergenius.exe again with the one provided in the crack.

You're done.


Obviously, everytime you update the database (i do this every time indeed), you have to overwrite drivergenius.exe again with the cracked one.

Edited by Osi
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It was said earlier by another member to test IO Driver Booster. Has anyone tried it?

It works very well. Perhaps it's time to give up on this product, Driver Genius.

I too used to love it but then saw how bad support is for it when purchased.

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