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Obama Is The Danger the Constitution Was Designed To Avoid


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Executive Orders: A liberal constitutional scholar warns of the concentration of power not only in the hands of one branch of government but in a single man who ignores the Constitution and acts of Congress on a whim.

As the story goes, Benjamin Franklin emerged from Independence Hall at the close of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on Sept. 18, 1787, when a woman asked, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" Franklin is said to have replied, "A republic, madam — if you can keep it."

The Founders designed a system of checks and balances among three branches of government that was based on the consent of the governed. The power grab that is ObamaCare, nationalizing one-sixth of the economy, is just the latest example of an increasingly imperial presidency that ignores the Constitution, the will of Congress, the laws sworn to be faithfully executed and the will of the people who never wanted it in the first place.

Edited by Ambrocious
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1. I grew up in Iowa, and having only very recently moved, I know that any article that uses a quote from "Representative" Steve King (who doesn't represent even the people who voted for him, let alone those that didn't) as evidence, can be immediately and rightfully considered utter bullshit.

2. This is not World News, in fact, it's not news at all and does not merit front page status.

3. President Obama's only reason for giving an extension was because of the cheating, lying, and greediness of the insurance industry who have pulled the rug out from under their own customers and then pointed the finger at someone else.

4. Please read the Constitution so you know when an article purporting to talk about it is false.

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1. I grew up in Iowa, and having only very recently moved, I know that any article that uses a quote from "Representative" Steve King (who doesn't represent even the people who voted for him, let alone those that didn't) as evidence, can be immediately and rightfully considered utter bullshit.

2. This is not World News, in fact, it's not news at all and does not merit front page status.

3. President Obama's only reason for giving an extension was because of the cheating, lying, and greediness of the insurance industry who have pulled the rug out from under their own customers and then pointed the finger at someone else.

4. Please read the Constitution so you know when an article purporting to talk about it is false.

@Amrocious is one of are conspiracist Theaorist's..Well there you go :rolleyes:

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Almost always Executive (Government) and Legislative powers (Parliament) go hand- by- hand; unless there is a really badly attempt of circumventing the legislation, judiciary will be silent. Nothing surprise in this case, as Executive Branch of the legislation (Government) inherently is president himself in the USA. executive power (Presidency) also has immunity against any check and balance power of the judiciary.

therefore, everything is in line in this above headline...

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I've never understood why Americans think Constitution is something untouchable.
Constitution is created by humans, slave owners to be precise, therefore (everything made by humans) is error-prone.

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I've never understood why Americans think Constitution is something untouchable.

Constitution is created by humans, slave owners to be precise, therefore (everything made by humans) is error-prone.

The constitution was but a stepping stone into liberty, it's not perfect but it was the best we had.No other country on this planet has had as much liberty and freedom and prosperity as the USA and now it's all going bye bye. The constitution wasn't made for slaves, it was designed for our freedom.

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The constitution was but a stepping stone into liberty, it's not perfect but it was the best we had.No other country on this planet has had as much liberty and freedom and prosperity as the USA and now it's all going bye bye. The constitution wasn't made for slaves, it was designed for our freedom.

USA was always ruled by the same people.

You never had freedom, what you had and still have is false sens of freedom which is manifested in freedom to choose marginal and absolutely unimportant things.

You have 100 flavors of ice cream but only two major political subjects, which in the end share the same goal.

You have 10000 TV channels , radio stations and newspapers, ... owned by 3 to 4 corporation.

Sorry to bust your bubble but America Civil War and abolitionism was strategic move in order to destabilize Southern states economy heavily dependent on slave workers. Goal was, as always, centralization of power.

At the end what freedom do you have when US president have right to order execution of any American citizen without any reason/explanation and without ever being legally responsible for his actions. - I call that freedom to be killed :D

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The constitution was but a stepping stone into liberty, it's not perfect but it was the best we had.No other country on this planet has had as much liberty and freedom and prosperity as the USA and now it's all going bye bye. The constitution wasn't made for slaves, it was designed for our freedom.

USA was always ruled by the same people.

You never had freedom, what you had and still have is false sens of freedom which is manifested in freedom to choose marginal and absolutely unimportant things.

You have 100 flavors of ice cream but only two major political subjects, which in the end share the same goal.

You have 10000 TV channels , radio stations and newspapers, ... owned by 3 to 4 corporation.

Sorry to bust your bubble but America Civil War and abolitionism was strategic move in order to destabilize Southern states economy heavily dependent on slave workers. Goal was, as always, centralization of power.

At the end what freedom do you have when US president have right to order execution of any American citizen without any reason/explanation and without ever being legally responsible for his actions. - I call that freedom to be killed :D

At the end of this all there will be no freedom like we have today. You are correct for the larger part of what you said, we have been enslaved to larger degree's but by far, the USA has had the most freedom when compared to the rest of the world. This is the end game now and all nations on this planet will conform to tyranny and genocide...if it keeps progressing forward as it has been.

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1. I grew up in Iowa, and having only very recently moved, I know that any article that uses a quote from "Representative" Steve King (who doesn't represent even the people who voted for him, let alone those that didn't) as evidence, can be immediately and rightfully considered utter bullshit.

2. This is not World News, in fact, it's not news at all and does not merit front page status.

3. President Obama's only reason for giving an extension was because of the cheating, lying, and greediness of the insurance industry who have pulled the rug out from under their own customers and then pointed the finger at someone else.

4. Please read the Constitution so you know when an article purporting to talk about it is false.

WRONG! he gave the extensions to help the democrats get elected. PERIOD. end of story.

if the business mandates were active right now you would be seeing a melt-down of our economy...

its just over the horizon past the next election...

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The business extension only effected small business and was because the computer part of the exchange was not ready to be running.....It had nothing to do with elections. The businesses can still get the same tax breaks outside the exchanges.

Edited by Beamslider
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I would say something, but I get toooo, ticked off thinking about that person and his followers to type anything coherent.

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The constitution was but a stepping stone into liberty, it's not perfect but it was the best we had.No other country on this planet has had as much liberty and freedom and prosperity as the USA and now it's all going bye bye. The constitution wasn't made for slaves, it was designed for our freedom.

The poorest people in Brunei has at least two mercedes benz or two sport cars.

Free schooling up to college til post-graduate studies, free hospitalization, free healthcare and free housing and still they are not as prosperous as the US?

Almost zero crime, no theft or robbery, (but have no clue about rape), you can walk all night anywhere without fear of someone killing you.

Then the people of Brunei has less freedom than the US? tsk tsk!

They almost do not need to work there!

Wake up! You're still dreaming. hehehe! :P

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But I don't understand this obamacare, is it good for the poor people and middle income class of America?

I see on CNN or fox news that the woman whom obama mentioned as an example in his speech that she can now afford to have an insurance was later interviewed.

She told them that she was so embarrassed as she still can't afford it. :unsure:

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it'ss probably very bad for the rich people, free healthcare can only mean more taxes. those poor richs will be left with only a few million dollars per year of income.

we all know you can't live decently with that.

apparently there is more people in the USA living on foodstamp than there is people living in spain (which is roughly about 20 times smaller than the USA which have around 6.7 times their population).

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Thanks @flitox very helpful info.

I wonder what people in the US thinks about this obamacare?

depends if you talk to republican or a democrat ....or some one who has shit load of money if they get in dire need of lifesaving medical care and afford to live through it...or someone with no money and has no choice but to die

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The constitution was but a stepping stone into liberty, it's not perfect but it was the best we had.No other country on this planet has had as much liberty and freedom and prosperity as the USA and now it's all going bye bye. The constitution wasn't made for slaves, it was designed for our freedom.


More seriouly, Can you tell what kind of thing americans can do that any other people walking this earth cant do??? i don't think Americans have more freedom than any other citizen of the old western world (UK, western europe, OZ, japan).

and this is surely plenty of other country just as free but plague with poverty so that us westerners have a hard time putting them in the list

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I cannot help but notice that in general, the people making the biggiest fuss about President Obama even breathing, are the ones that never even seem to whimper about Bubba Bush and Bugsey Cheney lying their asses off to get America into the Iraq War. 4,459 American solders dead and 33,000+ injured. For the Iraqi dead the figure is anywhere from (AP)110,600 to (ORB)1,033,000. When I mention these fact people just respond with "that was 5 years ago". They still lied and Americans died. Five years latter, still dead. Bubba & Bugsey, pension for life.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." George W. Bush State of the Union Address January 28, 2003 He new this was a lie and hung Tony Blair out to dry!

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." - Dick Cheney, August 26 2002

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." - George W. Bush, September 12 2002

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

''I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.''
—President George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008 Okay not a lie but a dangerous truth.

Obama is ruining the country and running up hugh debts--------

"One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

"In terms of the economy, look, I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

America is a country of hypocrites. Moral Majority, Prolife, ReKochatards: have a kid, to damn bad. Birth control--OH Hell no, They are too RELIGIOUS. They are not going to do anything to help that child or the family, no food stamps, no WIC, school lunches--no kids can eat dirt or something. It's BIG government and they are really against BIG government. So they misuse their power to give those with money every tax break they can sneak by and even some they cannot. They take every tax decuction away from the average person except the mortgage dedcution because they are making too much money off of mortgage!

I vote with my mind and not for a party.

THIS is where the real problem is:

The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism -- ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Added quote from FDR

Edited by wkt37211
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france has free medicare..so does canada and great britain and australia...america has big business for profit when you get critically ill

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france has free medicare..so does canada and great britain and australia...america has big business for profit when you get critically ill

Passing through Canada I became ill and had to use "THEIR" horrible medical system. When it was all said and done, Doctor visit, generic antibiotic, gatoraide, thermometer and ibuprofen in total were cheaper than my copay would have been for the antibiotic because it was not available as a generic in the US.

Wow, how terrible.

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I cannot help but notice that in general, the people making the biggiest fuss about President Obama even breathing, are the ones that never even seem to whimper about Bubba Bush and Bugsey Cheney lying their asses off to get America into the Iraq War. 4,459 American solders dead and 33,000+ injured. For the Iraqi dead the figure is anywhere from (AP)110,600 to (ORB)1,033,000. When I mention these fact people just respond with "that was 5 years ago". They still lied and Americans died. Five years latter, still dead. Bubba & Bugsey, pension for life.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." George W. Bush State of the Union Address January 28, 2003 He new this was a lie and hung Tony Blair out to dry!

"Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction." - Dick Cheney, August 26 2002

"Right now, Iraq is expanding and improving facilities that were used for the production of biological weapons." - George W. Bush, September 12 2002

"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --interview with Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006

''I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office.''

—President George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008 Okay not a lie but a dangerous truth.

Obama is ruining the country and running up hugh debts--------

"One of the very difficult parts of the decision I made on the financial crisis was to use hardworking people's money to help prevent there to be a crisis." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

"In terms of the economy, look, I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

America is a country of hypocrites. Moral Majority, Prolife, ReKochatards: have a kid, to damn bad. Birth control--OH Hell no, They are too RELIGIOUS. They are not going to do anything to help that child or the family, no food stamps, no WIC, school lunches--no kids can eat dirt or something. It's BIG government and they are really against BIG government. So they misuse their power to give those with money every tax break they can sneak by and even some they cannot. They take every tax decuction away from the average person except the mortgage dedcution because they are making too much money off of mortgage!

I vote with my mind and not for a party.

THIS is where the real problem is:

The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism -- ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. ~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Added quote from FDR

Very good points. Former President Bush surely wrecked this country and paved the way for legal dictatorial power for future Presidents via the Patriot Act. Where Bush did cause countless attrocities in which I personally feel he should be tried in a court of law for high treason and crimes against humanity, Obama is continuing many same practises as Bush, in some instances for the worse.

The NDAA was updated after Obama was in charge and the laws in there are even more terrifying than the Patriot Act. For example, if the government deems your property needed by National Security, they can sieze it legally now. The law here in the USA now has authority to kill any American citizen or non USA citizen if the President desires it so, without a trial to speak of. We can also be vanished away into indefinate detention camps...that sounds fun.

Where Bush failed this country on so many fronts, Obama has done even more than Bush has to errode freedom and liberty for the United States, empowering banks and corporations while degrading the rights and freedoms of the people. The so called "Affordable Health Care Act" that still isn't working is set to double or more than double costs of your health care. You CAN keep your old doctors supposedly...but you have to pay a lot more for that. What this equels out to is people losing thier choice to pay for the health they want because most people in the USA struggle now days to get by, it's not nearly as bad as some other countries are but we are on the road to that direction.

If you hated Bush, you may like to watch ENDGAME: Blueprint For Global Enslavement. I encourage everyone to do a little bit of digging and research to verify the validity of the documentry as many things in it actually have already happened as it said would happen. It details the history of the world elite and how they came to power today and what they plan for the masses of humanity.

Don't shy away from watching The Obama Deception; it goes on to show how he is continuing many of the same illigal practises that Bush took part in. No one is perfect and I know there must be amazing amounts of problems to deal with but our President is not dealing with these problems, he's doing mostly the opposite of what he promised to do, minus his other promises that have devoloped a more entrenched police state in the USA.

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any ordinary person that would their work just as well as any politicians would be sacked within days or even hours.

yet these guys are able to make a carreer and for some like the Bush a dynasty.

no real talent is needed to be an elected politician, only good relationship and the will to please the one who have financed heavily their campaign, in other words those who have legally bribed them...

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